42 Days To Restore The Reversal


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I am a newbie here. Appreciate your sharing this. I, too, have a couple other medical issues which may cause additional problems. In the past I was on steroids for breathing, but haven't needed them for a while - doubt I would have thought that they could impact my Bg, without having read your post. I am still trying to figure out all this stuff - just got diagnosed a couple months ago. You will do well getting back to normal - this seems to be a staunch group - so can't go wrong.
Hello @feniangirl . Thank you for your kind words. I hope you will find the help and support and information you need here. You are right about this being a staunch and supportive forum. There is always someone who will be able to offer the benefit of there experience, or just give moral support if they can't advise. We learn from each other.


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@Pipp I have completely missed this thread having been on another planet for a few weeks. I know what you have been through health wise and those pesky steroids, so am sure this is the only reason for your increased HbA1c but you do seem to be back on track and I really wish you well. I had no idea you had metamorphosed into a gym bunny though! Keep up the good work and you will soon be back to the reversed status. Sending you hugs. x
Thanks @Bluetit1802 I am sure you have been kept busy with your big house move. Hope it will be a happy home for you and your loved ones.
I have been encouraged by the support, and have been seeing lower BG numbers. No 2 hour post prandial higher than 6.8 this week, so nice breakfast of bacon, egg and mushroom awaits Sunday morning. As a reward. Also, having completed 8 weeks VLCD, I will mix up the low carbing, adding extra calories, and in a few days chuck in some days of one meal a day, and 24 hour fasting.


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Cruelty towards animals.

Hello and welcome to the Forum :) Here, in my signature, are links to the Basic Information for new members and to the Low Carb Program. Ask questions if you need to and someone will help.
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Not happy!
3 days off meal replacements. Eating low carb in an 8 hour window. Blood glucose having been in nice steady 6s with a few 5s. Then just now, feeling not particularly wonderful, took BG. 13.flipping 2!!!


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Not happy!
3 days off meal replacements. Eating low carb in an 8 hour window. Blood glucose having been in nice steady 6s with a few 5s. Then just now, feeling not particularly wonderful, took BG. 13.flipping 2!!!

Just think what advise you would give one of us. Don't panic. Have you washed hands? Did you try another strip? I'm sure you will think of more. It does sound like you may be going down with something and illness of any sort can affect blood sugars.
Hope this is only a temporary blip. Best wishes.
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Just think what advise you would give one of us. Don't panic. Have you washed hands? Did you try another strip? I'm sure you will think of more. It does sound like you may be going down with something and illness of any sort can affect blood sugars.
Hope this is only a temporary blip. Best wishes.
Thanks, @Hiitsme .
Second reading with clean hands and new pot of strips, 14.5.
I have been trying to fight a virus last ten days, but bloods been ok. Not been able to exercise, as been having nosebleeds. Trying to avoid doctor as I fear more steroids will be offered. Going to drink lots of water, and have a little nap.


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Today, with heavy heart, I am removing my 'reversed diabetes' banner. I have, for 7 years, been proud of the non-diabetes levels, but yesterday got the news that my latest HbA1c was 52. The nurse was very kind and gentle about it. "That is excellent control", she declared. Yerr what! Not for me it isn't. I really appreciate her not wanting to upset me, but sometimes we need a bit of a jolt.

I wasn't surprised, really. I have several medical conditions, and depending on the severity of symptoms, each takes it turn in being the one needing most effort to control. This last few months the need to breathe has been the priority, and I have needed several courses of steroid meds just so I could. I have seen blood glucose levels rise from average of under 6 to double figures, the highest being 18. I also gained 5 kg, and felt quite lethargic and sleepy.

I like a challenge, but this is a biggy! I did the May fast with several others on here, and that kick started some weight loss. I had been feeling like a Michelin man or Marshmallow man before that, with much water retention, and very swollen ankles. I lost 3kg with that, and a further 7kg since using VLCD. I have visible ankle bones again.

Not all gloom and doom. Nurse agreed that the steroids are the most likely cause, so I am to repeat the HbA1c in 6 weeks. I so want to return to 'reversed' status. That is my intention. Continuing a few more weeks with VLCD, keeping low carb, and of course I have a few more weapons in the armoury. Intermittent fasting, LCHF, one meal a day, 5:2, etc. I have accepted offer of Metformin. (I have never had the problems some report, when I have used it in the past) . I have been exercising but will increase that. Just need to avoid picking up a cold, or having anything trigger asthma, as that starts the downward spiral again and as much as they are a lifesaver, I can do without having steroid meds again.

Aiming for previously below prediabetes levels that I have held for 7 years. Realistically, having had T2 for almost 14 years, with no apparent complications, I will take anything below 48 when I have next test.
Hi Pipp, I second @Guzzler and I’m sure we are all wishing you well. I don’t need to give you advice, you know what needs to be done and how to do it, I just wanted to offer my support as I remember you being one of the first people to reply to an early post of mine so hopefully now you read this in the spirit in which it has been sent, I’m repaying the kindness and support you gave to me. I wish you lots of luck and a summer without cough, cold or any other cloud on your horizon so that you can achieve your current dream. In 6 weeks time we will be cheering with you when you change your banner back again.
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The smell of cigars
What a pain. Hope all is improved after a nice nap.


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Thanks folks. I checked Mr Pipp from same batch of strips. His reading was 4.2. Maybe I should emulate his diet. He has had porridge, toast, pork pies and cheese butties, today. I had full fat Greek yogurt, 5 strawberries, 4 walnut halves, and 3 cups of black coffee. My high readings were just before evening meal of chicken thighs (skin on fried in coconut oil) green beans and cauliflower. I had my nap, sat in garden either meditating or sulking, whichever way you want to look at it. Watched clouds, listened to birdsong, and told my blood glucose to behave. Then had a massive nosebleed. Something worked because BG was 5.1 an hour after eating. Perhaps not enough blood left to register. o_O
Tomorrow is a new day.


Retired Moderator
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The smell of cigars
Perhaps not enough blood left to register. o_O
Tomorrow is a new day.

Leeches! Diakat goes into medieval medic mode.

On a serious note does coffee raise your levels? It does mine.
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Leeches! Diakat goes into medieval medic mode.

On a serious note does coffee raise your levels? It does mine.
Yes, I haven't noticed that before, but the only thing I have left to eliminate from my diet. I have the decaff ready to start.
Already have given up and miss toast, craft beer, rum. Given up, but don't miss, spuds, rice, pasta, oatcakes. Might as well add caffine to the list.

(I will indulge in a crafty craft beer occasionally when I get back control).


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Have a humdinger of a headache, so drinking water and heading off to see if I can sleep it off.


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Well, that went well. Not! The headache lasted several days, with nosebleeds for good measure.
22 days to go until the blood test. I have fasted a lot, as I have been sleeping a lot. Suddenly felt better two days ago. Buuuut fasting BG is back in 8s and 9s, though I am seeing 5s and 6s 2 hours after meals. Carbs are under 60g most days, often less. Having decaff coffee doesn't seem to be making a difference, though it is early days. I don't mind the taste so will stick with it.

Have resumed swimming pool exercise, and gym. Will add in resistance band daily exercise ar home. Trying to walk more, but difficult, particularly in the heat, and I am more mobile in water than on land.

Considering a weekly 24 hour fast. Unless any other bright ideas?

Oh, and weight has remained same. Static.


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Wishing you well, @Pipp and sending hugs and positive vibes.

How's the blood pressure? That can be a cause of nose bleeds.
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Hi @Pipp
It just doesn't seem fair. You seem to be doing everything possible and still not the results you were hoping for. Lets hope that you continue to feel better and hopefully your bloods and weight will also improve. Please don't beat yourself up as you can only do so much and you seem to be trying very hard. Best Wishes.
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Wishing you well, @Pipp and sending hugs and positive vibes.

How's the blood pressure? That can be a cause of nose bleeds.
That is one thing that is working well. Best it has been for years. I have been on meds since high BP with first pregnancy many many years ago.
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Hi @Pipp
It just doesn't seem fair. You seem to be doing everything possible and still not the results you were hoping for. Lets hope that you continue to feel better and hopefully your bloods and weight will also improve. Please don't beat yourself up as you can only do so much and you seem to be trying very hard. Best Wishes.
Thank you, @Hiitsme. I really appreciate the support in here.
I never expect life to be fair. Sometimes you just have to accept that you are the exeption to the rule. After having T2 for over 13 years, this is the first time numbers have been as erratic, and as high. I don't think that is such a bad run of fairness, or luck or whatever we want to call it. If I need more medication to control BG, then that's how it is, and I will just have to get on with it. Just have to keep plodding on, but I am thinking I am pethaps being a bit chaotic looking for a solution, and just need to calm down, and have a think, then come up with a workable plan. The encouraging thing is that I have no problems with retinopathy or neuropathy, and aim to keep it that way, even if (and it will be a last resort,) I have to go down the meds route.
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I'm sorry you're having such a struggle after all that hard work. Could it be the heat?. Good luck anyway.
Thank you, @Tannith. It could be the heat, and a combination of lots of things.
I am plodding on.