Blood sugar spikes


Hi I'm new here and recently gluten free has anybody else had issues with gluten free food eg cereal and pasta causing spikes in there bs levels I have very good control but suddenly find myself needing to have double the insulin any advice out there?


Ahh sorry not really sure what to put I'm a 38 yr old Male who is type 2 diabetic quite healthy but on insulin due to an intolerance to tablets been diabetic for about 6 years and drs are very happy with me


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Ahh sorry not really sure what to put I'm a 38 yr old Male who is type 2 diabetic quite healthy but on insulin due to an intolerance to tablets been diabetic for about 6 years and drs are very happy with me
Uh... Oh my. I feel like a Witness sticking her foot in the door, but "Have you heard about our lord and saviour, LCHF?" I couldn't tolerate metformin, and the gliclazide gave me hypo's, so.... I went low carb, high fat, and never looked back. Been in the normal range ever since, even my cholesterol and fatty liver got fixed. If you're eating pasta you're eating carbs. Carbs turn to glucose. So it's not just sugar but starches too. (You know that, right? You're on insulin. Or is it just a basal, not a bolus?) may provide a little clarity, but may I suggest Dr. jason Fung's the Diabetes Code and the website? Very useful.... You wouldn't be the first to come off of insulin due to a diet change. (Just don't fly in blind eh. I'm surprised your docs are happy with it all, so i don't know whether they'd support a change now... But you really shouldn't change anything without them).

@DCUKMod , weren't you a coeliac too?

In any case... Let us know if there's anything we can do eh.
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There is no Spoon

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gluten free food eg cereal and pasta causing spikes in there bs levels
This sounds like that old joke
"Dr it hurts when I do this"
"Then stop doing that."

You are finding these foods spike you bg then stop eating them. The may be gluten free but there still carbs and carbs raise bg in almost everyone. ;)


Yes I'm aware about carbs and bs levels never had an issue with it before you see because of ibs and various other dislikes I don't like alot of foods and just wondered of there was a link to gluten free food not just pasta causing higher bs levels
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Hi I'm new here and recently gluten free has anybody else had issues with gluten free food eg cereal and pasta causing spikes in there bs levels I have very good control but suddenly find myself needing to have double the insulin any advice out there?

Hi @chris23496 , can I ask if you have an intolerance to gluten or Coeliac disease ?
Also, if you are doubling your insulin because of the foods, then why would your dr think about taking you off of Insulin, as mentioned in your later post and how high are your spikes ?


I've been told it's a gluten intolerance it's a recent thing and as I'm training for great north run I use less insulin I also forgot to add I was told when I was diagnosed my body is resistant to insulin so where I'd normally use 60 to 80 units of insulin it's jumped to over 200 units and drs are hardwork I had to fight to get my 6 monthly appointment the receptionist didn't want me to book one

There is no Spoon

Well-Known Member
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just wondered of there was a link to gluten free food not just pasta causing higher bs levels
Sorry Chris it may be a case of this is how your body responds to them now. Just as I'm sure there was a time you weren't gluten intolerant. It could also be the case you are carb intolerant as many of us are.

This is the reason you are testing your bg levels to see which foods no longer agree with you and stop taking them.:bookworm:

That's great news loosing all that weight and encouraging to hear your Dr is looking at taking you of insulin as the probable next step for you. Don't be disheartened @chris23496 if you need to cut more carbs out of your diet you should find this help you to loose even more weight and completely cut out the need for insulin all together even sooner that you were expecting.

p.s. @Robinredbreast 's post came up as I was typing this and they make a very good point about insulin.


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Diet only
You might well find that eating low carb is going to help - we do not need pasta or breakfast cereals.
Yesterday I went to Sidmouth folk festival - getting up early and driving from Poole, parked and then went around various venues singing and playing for dancing until 11pm, then drove home. Yes I did feel rather weary when it got to the last few minutes of the drive, but I am almost 70 years old - I need to try to remember that these days though.

There is no Spoon

Well-Known Member
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a link to gluten free food not just pasta causing higher bs levels
Hi Chris you know how sometimes you give a great answer then realise it's not answering the question that was asked. :banghead:

Perhaps this can help gluten is relatively hard for your body to break down. :bookworm:
So logically gluten free food should be easier for your body to break down because there is no gluten it should enter your blood stream faster. Your body breaks down cabs faster than any other food type so gluten free carbs should break down even faster still.

This could be why you are experiencing the bg spikes you mentioned.
Same advice though stop eating them.;)
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Hi Chris you know how sometimes you give a great answer then realise it's not answering the question that was asked. :banghead:

Perhaps this can help gluten is relatively hard for your body to break down. :bookworm:
So logically gluten free food should be easier for your body to break down because there is no gluten it should enter your blood stream faster. Your body breaks down cabs faster than any other food type so gluten free carbs should break down even faster still.

This could be why you are experiencing the bg spikes you mentioned.
Same advice though stop eating them.;)

Gluten binds food together and it not easy to digest. I am not Coeliac but eating GF and is great for my metabolism and my BG.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Gluten binds food together and it not easy to digest. I am not Coeliac but eating GF and is great for my metabolism and my BG.

Agree, good advice from:mad:there is no spoon