What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


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I just feel I am doing my best, like we all are, and they should be worrying about fixing the floods not picking on individuals
Hear hear PM...shhhh don't tell anyone but I've just staggered back with 40kilos of coal (not smokeless) several bags of Kiln dried logs & this is the most secretive so shhh several bags of wet logs (the outlawed ones) will be lighting the fire soon...if the evidence has gone there's no case M'Lud...absolutely cream crackered now.

Muddy Cyclist

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Muddy Cycle ride did not happen far to windy and wet. So quick watercolour sketch long A4 25 minutes inspired by a Windswept Heath close to home stunted tree on a prevailing west wind.


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Muddy Cycle ride did not happen far to windy and wet. So quick watercolour sketch long A4 25 minutes inspired by a Windswept Heath close to home stunted tree on a prevailing west wind.
View attachment 38856
Love it MC reminds me of the church yard in the classic scene from Dickens Great Expectations...when the prisoner grabbed Pip by the gravestones (not that there's a church yard in sight)...beautifully evocative but a little scary.
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Those of a pet fixated and minimal sense of humour please read no further. This posting will only offend you.

Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and those eco warriors, remember greenpeace was anti nuclear, then some intelligence was applied to their policies and they became pro nuclear, but with sound reservations.

A young 6.7 this morning it appears my intimidation tactics are working with my meter, but it's still on probation.

Still with me?
Yesterday I went to the Pet Recipe and Road Kill recipe writers convention, held at a secret location in Twickenham close to the famous HQ. Invite only and very hush hush. Many famous chefs with assumed names were in attendance sharing recipes and techniques. Really interesting stuff. The highlight is always the evening meal, usually 4 or 5 courses, unfortunately not a great deal of low carb, but if your careful you can eat sensibly.
Unfortunately the venue made a slight error.......

The main course and highlight was, yep you guesed it VEGAN. The chef had been got at by the animal rights lot.
It’s very nearly road kill season over the moors and this year we are promised a large number of road kill carrots and mangle wurzles. Sad really, I do like a bit of rabbit and pheasant.
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Muddy Cycle ride did not happen far to windy and wet. So quick watercolour sketch long A4 25 minutes inspired by a Windswept Heath close to home stunted tree on a prevailing west wind.
View attachment 38856

Great sky - evocations of chilly cold and bleakness all round. You could capitalise on sky’s for other artists but would need to change your name to Turner.


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Thanks but I am not sure about the fbg. Had a scratch dinner with two pieces of cod loin baked with a jar of Sacla olive & tomato paste, some diced red pepper and extra olives. Bit ready, steady, cook but very tasty. That pic looks like an old tin mine? Take care out in that weather, said it before Dennis is a very clever boy.

It’s just a great big lump of granite, the remains of a hermit’s dwelling are still visible at the top but the rest of it is entirely natural.
Your dinner sounds lovely, and a 4.8 first thing can’t be bad.
Is No 1 son moving back home or just visiting next week? Safe journey to Mr PM by the way.


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Good Morning and a 5.8 today. Windy and wet here I was hoping for a Muddy Bike ride, some sun promised, fingers crossed.

I feel we will be demanised into not burning wood, I burn only Kiln dried but already my neighbours are keen to point out 'you won't be able to have your wood stove lit very soon' A bit like what will happen with diesel and petrol cars. A changing world.

Agree re Tilley Hat but so useful, UV protection, warm and cool, looks better the older it gets and it can be washed. Apparently even guaranteed to be replaced if lost or wears out no matter how old. Love the view from your window.

Sounds good fun, I used to love flipping them, the higher the better. Enjoy!

Wow, another winning piece of art. A dark brooding place of vast heights, or a gentle flow between some small rocks, I can see either depending on how I look at it.
@dunelm Trampoline! I'm impressed with your present aches and pains, take care. :joyful:
@ianpspurs you seem to be cracking on with your garden, when is your first crop going in?

So enjoy today and be adventurous.
Pillar fruit trees will be on order pdq - probably 1 more session removing all trace of previous stupidity. Flying machines galore but also surrounded by forest and vast stacks of tree trunks/logs everywhere. Interesting mix.


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Diet only
It’s just a great big lump of granite, the remains of a hermit’s dwelling are still visible at the top but the rest of it is entirely natural.
Your dinner sounds lovely, and a 4.8 first thing can’t be bad.
Is No 1 son moving back home or just visiting next week? Safe journey to Mr PM by the way.
Thanks it was really nice. I bought the cod loin and wondered what to do with it but looked in the cupboard for inspiration and put the jar to good use. Mr PM approved too. Next time I will do it on a bed of wilted spinach. No 1 son is visiting us Thurs to Sunday to sell his car which has been hardly used since he went and of course he’s off to the footie Thurs night. It will be hard to keep tidy for viewings so much going on. I wonder what the hermit’s life was like there.


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Diet only
Morning...lots of energy here from Charlie & Lola as they stalk one of the many hair grips they've stolen while I tuck into my first Lemsip Max of the day...not sure if I'm feeling better but I'm up & pottering about so that's a bonus...still coughing and blowing my nose on the quarter hour half hour & the hour...my voice sounds like Orson Welles in the sherry advert even the kittens are impressed with it at least they seem to be paying attention for once... a slight improvement waking with a 6.9 and fortunately I didn't have to go out yesterday...may try a little potter down to get some logs once it stops raining.

Sounds like a rotten lurgy, hope you can stay in the warm again today. Maybe you should record your new gruff voice to play back to C&L when they are ignoring you?
Horrified to read about your friend and your car - are you still on speaking terms? I’m not sure how I’d have managed that situation.


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Diet only
Thanks it was really nice. I bought the cod loin and wondered what to do with it but looked in the cupboard for inspiration and put the jar to good use. Mr PM approved too. Next time I will do it on a bed of wilted spinach. No 1 son is visiting us Thurs to Sunday to sell his car which has been hardly used since he went and of course he’s off to the footie Thurs night. It will be hard to keep tidy for viewings so much going on. I wonder what the hermit’s life was like there.

Oh yes, cleaning and tidying for viewings is quite stressful isn’t it? Especially with all the other activity.
Can’t imagine what it would have been like to live alone at the top of the rock. It’s so windy. Some say he was a leper so the village built him the place to keep him separate and they all left food out for him, but nobody really knows.
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It’s very nearly road kill season over the moors and this year we are promised a large number of road kill carrots and mangle wurzles. Sad really, I do like a bit of rabbit and pheasant.
A11 between here and Thetford regularly has deer by the side of the road. Not muntjac these are large. I assume hit by lorries as they would make a mess of most cars. Quite a new hazard for us.


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Sounds like a rotten lurgy, hope you can stay in the warm again today
Just had a call from work told them I was ill and staying at home...I have ventured out for kitten food logs coffee & coal essentials lunch is in the oven no intention of going out again...C&L having a wonderful time charging in & out the garden door open for half an hour...Lola bless her proudly presented me with a small twig with a couple of leaves sprouting from it...she's a generous soul.


Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Hello, everyone. 7.1 this morning. @gennepher and @Muddy Cyclist Thank you for the lovely paintings. :)

I recently took a survey published by a soft drink company asking about their plastic bottles and what I did about recycling them, for the environment. I replied that if they would stop selling their drinks in plastic bottles we customers would not have to do anything but what we did with their glass bottles when I was growing up -- return them to the store (3¢ refund a bottle).
I remember a time years ago when the cost of gasoline was so high people were discouraged from driving ("burning excess fuel") when just down the road a car racetrack and a motorcycle one were doing business as usual to entertain the folks who drove long distances to watch.
Someone really needs to find a way to harness horse emissions to run motor vehicles; personally I would rather step around a little manure in the street than breathe diesel exhaust (which can't be shoveled up and used to fertilize the crops).

I've always preferred waffles to pancakes but since y'all have reminded me I will try to get in something for Tuesday's supper. :) I will try to give up carbs for Lent this year, I think.
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Those of a pet fixated and minimal sense of humour please read no further.
I don't believe any of us here are 'pet fixated' or lack a sense of humour...some of us are animal lovers and some subjects are just not funny...if you know your posts may offend why on earth do you post them?


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I don't believe any of us here are 'pet fixated' or lack a sense of humour...some of us are animal lovers and some subjects are just not funny...if you know your posts may offend why on earth do you post them?
I would just add that owning a pet and having a sense of humour are not mutually exclusive as many forumites regularly prove.

Muddy Cyclist

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Inspired by a windswept dog walk over farmland minutes from home, short walk as poor Moet my Labrador does not see well if at all. Painted the landscape outside ' plein air' dashed off in 25 minutes as it's a bitter wind, A4 in watercolour.. now off to do some gardening as sun is out.
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Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
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Love it MC reminds me of the church yard in the classic scene from Dickens Great Expectations...when the prisoner grabbed Pip by the gravestones (not that there's a church yard in sight)...beautifully evocative but a little scary.
Used to scare me that scene, still have nightmares about it.
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