
Hi All,

I’m wondering did any of you have to go to an endocrinologist to be diagnosed with diabetes?

I’ve been having symptoms for the past few weeks, i.e excessive thirst, going to the toilet, & tiredness as well as waking at least twice through the night with the same symptoms, often accompanied by cold sweats and shaking, I’ve had 2 lots of bloods taken so far and my BG has came back within normal ranges 5.6 one test and 4.3 the other.

I have now been referred to the hospital but I’m confused as to what they will do that’s any different to GP and wondered if any of you had experienced similar?



Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Not being able to eat as many chocolate digestives as I used to.
Hi All,

I’m wondering did any of you have to go to an endocrinologist to be diagnosed with diabetes?

I’ve been having symptoms for the past few weeks, i.e excessive thirst, going to the toilet, & tiredness as well as waking at least twice through the night with the same symptoms, often accompanied by cold sweats and shaking, I’ve had 2 lots of bloods taken so far and my BG has came back within normal ranges 5.6 one test and 4.3 the other.

I have now been referred to the hospital but I’m confused as to what they will do that’s any different to GP and wondered if any of you had experienced similar?

Welcome to the forums.

One thing you don't have to worry about is referral. GP's are not specialists so they refer you to somebody who can make a proper assessment and yes most of us get sent there. So 1st meeting will probably be simple blood tests and a nice chat.

Your glucose levels are not in the diabetic range so there might be something else going on. Best to get it checked out so don't worry.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
GP's are not specialists so they refer you to somebody who can make a proper assessment and yes most of us get sent there.
Type 1's might, but I think it is very unusual for a Type 2 to see an endocrinologist unless their case is complicated. More likely a GP will refer you to a diabetic nurse, at least initially.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Diagnosis is done by blood glucose levels by a GP. The usual reason to see a specialist is to establish which type of diabetes you have e.g. looking for anti bodies indicating an autoimmune response to your production of insulin or your actual levels of insulin.
For type 2 diabetes look for other clues that would go with this diagnosis e.g. metabolic syndrome (high blood pressure, thickening waist, fatty liver, pcos, high triglycerides and low hdl). However your GP once these other things are ruled out should refer you if those symptoms persist as I assume they could derive from many other conditions.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
GPs don't have the necessary access to tests required for diagnosis if it is not as straightforward as just T2.
Costs come into it of course.

Just be glad you got a referral, some of us had to battle with GPS to get to even see a specialist.
Hope you get one that knows what is happening to you!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi All,

I’m wondering did any of you have to go to an endocrinologist to be diagnosed with diabetes?

I’ve been having symptoms for the past few weeks, i.e excessive thirst, going to the toilet, & tiredness as well as waking at least twice through the night with the same symptoms, often accompanied by cold sweats and shaking, I’ve had 2 lots of bloods taken so far and my BG has came back within normal ranges 5.6 one test and 4.3 the other.

I have now been referred to the hospital but I’m confused as to what they will do that’s any different to GP and wondered if any of you had experienced similar?


Hi and welcome. Yes I was referred to an endocrinologist as a matter of urgency as my case was “very unusual”. I was diagnosed with T2 but my endo is still confused by my case and feels there is more to it.... Who knows.

Low carb/Keto WOE and lots of testing has kept me off meds and my GP happy.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
forum bugs
I’ve had 2 lots of bloods taken so far and my BG has came back within normal ranges 5.6 one test and 4.3 the other.

Do you know if you've had an hba1c test? Single blood tests don't necessarily tell you that much, unless they are sky high....


Do you know if you've had an hba1c test? Single blood tests don't necessarily tell you that much, unless they are sky high....
Hi Ellie,

Yes I’m sure they have did the hba1c on two different days which on the first day returned 5.6 and on the next day retuned 4.3 but to be honest there’s been so much to get my head around in the last week that I may be mistaken.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I’m wondering did any of you have to go to an endocrinologist to be diagnosed with diabetes?

I was aware of being type II because of blood tests that I had with my GP at the time. He referred me because he didn't want the responsibility of prescribing medication expecting the endocrinologist to do that for him. As it turned out I waited 5 months for that appointment and the endocrinologist didn't do anything more than prescribe metformin and atorvastatin which was the common thing to do back in 1997. He also told me not to cut down on carbs. I was later prescribed Rosiglitazone because of the trouble I had with Metformin and the Gliclazide because of the Rosiglitazone affecting my liver.

Since then I have reduced my carb intake to less than 50 gms per day and have been able to throw away the Gliclazide and the atorvastatin.


Well-Known Member
Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Diabetes, not having Jaffa Cake
Hi Ellie,

Yes I’m sure they have did the hba1c on two different days which on the first day returned 5.6 and on the next day retuned 4.3 but to be honest there’s been so much to get my head around in the last week that I may be mistaken.

I’m pretty sure that just regular glucose tests not hba1c they would not give 2 hba1c as this just shows an average of the last 3 months so no need to do multiple

But if 1 was 4.3. Unless you hba1c is unusualy high I would doubt diabetes which is why you may have a referral to see what going on.. still it’s nothing to worry about