Cholesterol Statin tablet


Well-Known Member
Had my diabetic review today and was told that I may have to take a statin tablet for cholesterol as it’s now government guideline for all diabetics. My last cholesterol check was 4.7 and it should be under 5.
Will discuss with doctor, when I get next HB1AC result, really want to come off all medication as currently just taking one 500mg metformin tablet daily, would rather not take anymore tablets they necessary
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Had my diabetic review today and was told that I may have to take a statin tablet for cholesterol as it’s now government guideline for all diabetics. My last cholesterol check was 4.7 and it should be under 5.
Will discuss with doctor, when I get next HB1AC result, really want to come off all medication as currently just taking one 500mg metformin tablet daily, would rather not take anymore tablets they necessary
Statins have some potential side effects that are undesirable for a T2. Like higher blood glucose levels. You do have a say in whether or not you take them. If there's been a cardiac event, sure. If there's familial high cholesterol, fine... But with numbers like yours? Personally, I wouldn't. (But then, there's only one kind I can take, it gave me extreme joint pain and I don't care what my cholesterol does from here on in: never, ever again!). Go with your gut, basically.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Had my diabetic review today and was told that I may have to take a statin tablet for cholesterol as it’s now government guideline for all diabetics. My last cholesterol check was 4.7 and it should be under 5.
Will discuss with doctor, when I get next HB1AC result, really want to come off all medication as currently just taking one 500mg metformin tablet daily, would rather not take anymore tablets they necessary
Where do you live?
If any doctor of mine told me I "had" to take a tablet they would hopefully be investigated for malpractice.
Odd too that they are looking at "total cholesterol" which is a number and not the lipid breakdown.
Also of course your total figure is below the "number" they believe you should be statinated at so what's the logic for that?


Well-Known Member
I live in London, this was the nurse who recommended I take the Statin I’m yet to discuss it with doctor...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I live in London, this was the nurse who recommended I take the Statin I’m yet to discuss it with doctor...
Then you decide what goes into your body. No -one can "make" you take any pill if you don't want to... well not yet anyway.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi I’m someone whose cholesterol went up a bit on low carb diet (total cholesterol maybe around 7). Without discussing with me, they added statin on my repeat prescription which I just ignored. Recently I received text messages from Gp office saying why am I not taking statins and I needed to discuss this with a doctor. I had a telephone appointment with a GP recently. He actually agreed very quickly he’d remove the statin from my prescription after I told him I did not want to take them and pointed out my HDL and triglycerides are exceptionally good. I’m relieved the doctor agreed with me without any fuss.


Well-Known Member
Interesting I’ve now been told by doctor that ideally cholesterol should be below 4 not 5 as I was first told, still would rather not take it


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The term “new normal “
Interesting I’ve now been told by doctor that ideally cholesterol should be below 4 not 5 as I was first told, still would rather not take it
There should be a guide on your results, in Singapore it’s < 5.2


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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mean people, corrupt politicians, poverty, happy pharmaceutical ads;
Statins have some potential side effects that are undesirable for a T2. Like higher blood glucose levels. You do have a say in whether or not you take them. If there's been a cardiac event, sure. If there's familial high cholesterol, fine... But with numbers like yours? Personally, I wouldn't. (But then, there's only one kind I can take, it gave me extreme joint pain and I don't care what my cholesterol does from here on in: never, ever again!). Go with your gut, basically.

I am not fond with the first initiation of a statin, on account of muscle pains, higher blood sugar, and worse for me, urinary tract infection. The latter has been a dangerous try in the past, depending on the doctor, one them landed me in the hospital for 3 days from post statin bladder infection. As the cause for giving this drug to prevent cardiac, stroke etc. as you get older, I would consider the possibility of getting a heart attack and kidney failure before you get old, and I do have chronic kidney disease.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Interesting I’ve now been told by doctor that ideally cholesterol should be below 4 not 5 as I was first told, still would rather not take it
@Laconic ultimately it is your decision. When first diagnosed I, stupidly in hindsight, accepted my DNs advice that all diabetics should take statins which increased my hba1c from 48 to 54. I came off them due to other side effects and my hba1c returned to normal levels. My GP has now put ‘statin intolerant’ on my notes as neither of us want to take the risk of the same thing happening. Do your research and make an informed decision as, at the end of the day, it is you taking them and living with the possible consequences not your GP or DN.