T2 (apparently) but being treated as T1!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Being cared for by my husband home cooked everything! But we have been struggling with my numbers but since my hubby has treated me like a T1 not T2 my numbers have been at much better levels instead of 15-20's, I'm now staying steady below 10's! Jabbing before I eat atm 24units novorapid and 74 lantus, just came off Trulicity for me it was very bad, blood when trying to pass stools constant constipation bloating, and never suppressed my appetite gave it a Good go for over a year but enough was enough as it messed with my stomach and other meds too much, I hope that my fibro and antidepressants start working as they should. I suppose if I were to give any advice would be too ignore anyone who suggests only test once every other day, you test test test get to know your blood sugars and different food which make them spike, and do not wait over a year if you dont feel right with any meds, remember we're all different which means our meds and ailments might have contra indicators too other meds, do your own homework just because your pharmacist gives you these pills and potions they dont always give enough info on how and when to take them, one D nurse told me I can only jab up too 10 units of novorapid, now yesterday when my hubby spoke to another one and told her he's treating me like a T1 instead of T2 she then admitted to him yes it can happen a T2 can on occasion turn into T1! I just thought I'd share my own experience, diabetes is poo though end of all we can do is educate ourselves as much as poss take care y'all x ✌✌


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ow yesterday when my hubby spoke to another one and told her he's treating me like a T1 instead of T2 she then admitted to him yes it can happen a T2 can on occasion turn into T1!

Your nurse is wrong, T2 cannot turn into T1, just can't happen, they are caused by two entirely different things - T1 is an immune system issue, T2 is a metabolic disorder
Now I know at least some who have diagnosed wrongly as T2 instead of T1, that's the more likely ocurrence if peoples diagnoses change from T2 to T1, also you could theoretically develop have both T1 and T2, though I believe its quiet rare

In Response

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My understanding is treatment of type 2 can include insulin. That does not mean the person now has Type 1. It just means their treatment is insulin.
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Diet only
My understanding is treatment of type 2 can include insulin. That does not mean the person now has Type 1. It just means their treatment is insulin.
Speak to some nurses and their thought is that type 2 is always progressive and you will end up on insulin

That’s wrong but yes, type 2s can end up on insulin. My father did and I was on the path as the drugs weren’t working well enough. Luckily managed to turn that around

some type 2s who may not be detected for a long time I suspect could go straight to insulin too
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Your nurse is wrong, T2 cannot turn into T1, just can't happen, they are caused by two entirely different things - T1 is an immune system issue, T2 is a metabolic disorder
Now I know at least some who have diagnosed wrongly as T2 instead of T1, that's the more likely ocurrence if peoples diagnoses change from T2 to T1, also you could theoretically develop have both T1 and T2, though I believe its quiet rare
yes I think thats what she meant as she did state that it was rare but she thinks I am this....i suppose at the end its how its managed and diagnosis at the beginning? I dont know but how my hubby is 'managing' me is as a T1 and my numbers and health is at the moment much much better, at least im not peeing all night now I'm actually for the First time sleeping !


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Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Hi @Polly1974 ,

When were you first diagnosed diabetic & when did you start insulin.?


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I was diagnosed back in 2016 and started insulin 2017 metformin was useless for me

I feel if insulin is working for you, then that's the way forward..

Did you have a GAD & c-pep test to get an idea in your diagnosis?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
I was diagnosed back in 2016 and started insulin 2017 metformin was useless for me
But having fibro and all the "fun" what comes with that makes managing and retaining information diabetes for me ATM is just not happening its nasty all these health issues, but having hubby home managing and caring for me makes my life a bit more bearable, constant pain wreaks havoc with my numbers, I haven't been living ive been existing just about but now hes with me trying too constantly explain things to me does help me, but its not just all about numbers I think MH, sleep, pain, plays a huge part with health, diabetes needs respect but understanding us as people not just diabectics needs just as much respect, I'm still finding it hard to come to terms with it all, and tbh on many occasions ive been so frustrated with constantly being reminded by being a diabetic that once again I cant do something has made feel so peed off that many times I can safely say ive said **** it ive had enough, but again being a diabetic you cant just say **** it ive had enough, well you can but then whats left? Death? Sometimes I feel like just please somebody put me out of my misery, then that attitude makes me feel even more guilty because of the Covid one has to think of ones feelings of despondancy and thank god that I am alive and be thankful what I do have instead of what I dont, but we all have feelings and we cant help how we feel. I use to be pretty slim and a lifeguard, now I'm morbidly obese in constant agony and cant even do the simplest of tasks let alone swimming (if the pools were open) but heres me moaning and I get fed up with my own self so I apologise for the moaning and groaning just wanted to share my own personal experience and maybe help someone out there who may be feeling the same.

[Mod radio edit.]
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
I feel if insulin is working for you, then that's the way forward..

Did you have a GAD & c-pep test to get an idea in your diagnosis?
I wouldn't know as my memory isn't very good and I dont know what any of it stands for anyway lol


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no and no I haven't but its something I will be bringing up in my next visit to nurse in March thank you for this very informative interesting

By all means do. It's all part of that understanding what we are dealing with regarding the best way forward.. :)


Type of diabetes
Type 1
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
You are insulin dependent but that does not necessarily make you a T1 unless you have the extra tests done that were mentioned. Your GP and sound like hubby treating you as if you are a T1 because you are on insulin.
I’m aT1 for 40 years, with fibro for 10 years, double breast cancer (happy flattie) and a colon that really doesn’t work at any speed.
However, I think that you are existing... and from the longer post you have mentioned despondency.. that is a huge factor in dealing with life.. and what it can throw at you. Taking a positive outlook can help so much.
I have a friend that has no colon, no bowel, can only just about eat a few dollops of purée food. She has no usable legs or hands. Hoisted to bed and out in to her 6 wheel, wheelchair. Has Ben in hospital for sepsis and then got covid in hospital and is deaf in one ear as well. She has an assistance dog and she is the happiest person I have ever met. The laughter we have is endless. My friend can also only open her mouth by 5mm as she doesn’t have working massager muscles in her face, but boy her smile and laughter is beyond anything I have ever seen from anyone.

A lot of life is better with a positive attitude that you can tackle things.. small steps to some but can be big steps for others.
Even like this weekend, just sitting looking at a garden and counting the types of birds in it landing for RSPB will be a feat of achievement and positivity for my friend. Birds land on her wheelchair for her to feed them by hand!!

Grasping enjoyment at any opportunity is so important.

We certainly do have to think of what we do have, not of the things that have gone or that we haven’t got. One thing we all have here writing this, is life... and the ability to laugh... and enjoy. It’s taking those small moments and increasing them..
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
.... another one and told her he's treating me like a T1 instead of T2 she then admitted to him yes it can happen a T2 can on occasion turn into T1! I just thought I'd share my own experience, diabetes is poo though end of all we can do is educate ourselves as much as poss take care y'all x

Could the nurse have meant “turns out to be” instead of “turns into”. ?