Challenges of low-carb


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Hi. I'd appreciate if people following low-carb/keto share here their struggles and challenges with little carbs in their diet. Thanks.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi. I'd appreciate if people following low-carb/keto share here their struggles and challenges with little carbs in their diet. Thanks.
So far, and I've been at this for a few years now, the main problem is Other People. I can eat in most restaurants, meals at home are fine. But when out and about, family and friends keep trying to feed me things that are problematic. Food = Love. Except that their idea of nice foods, make me ill. So that's been a bit of a thing. Other than that, no real issues... What are you running into?


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I think I'm abnormal because my natural diet is low in carbs. Yeah I have cereal for breakfast every now and then. But my country's dietary guidelines say I should be having 6 serves of cereal a DAY. This is not including carbs from other food groups. I don't think I've ever eaten that many carbs (maybe from beer). I personally don't have trouble eating low carb :( because nothing I eat is particularly high in carbs. Is there specific foods you're having trouble with?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I think I'm abnormal because my natural diet is low in carbs. Yeah I have cereal for breakfast every now and then. But my country's dietary guidelines say I should be having 6 serves of cereal a DAY. This is not including carbs from other food groups. I don't think I've ever eaten that many carbs (maybe from beer). I personally don't have trouble eating low carb :( because nothing I eat is particularly high in carbs. Is there specific foods you're having trouble with?
I'm worried about saturated fats


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
So far, and I've been at this for a few years now, the main problem is Other People. I can eat in most restaurants, meals at home are fine. But when out and about, family and friends keep trying to feed me things that are problematic. Food = Love. Except that their idea of nice foods, make me ill. So that's been a bit of a thing. Other than that, no real issues... What are you running into?
thanks for sharing. that doesnt sound like a problem. like I said my worry is saturated fat


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Don't worry about saturated fats, The object of low carb, is to reduce glucose levels, thereby reducing insulin levels. This allows our bodies whilst in ketosis, to burn our excess body fat. The whole point of this way of eating, is to get EVERYTHING we need from mainly protein and good fats. For far too many years we've been lied to about how low fat is healthy for us. If so how come the obesity and diabetic numbers have raged out of control following this flawed advice. The only fats to avoid are seed oils, margarine, and all the other lab produced rubbish. If it comes from nature without being adulterated, it's what we evolved to eat.

Deleted member 475901

My challenges are other people but also travel. I'm disabled and use public transport so can't carry much and usually trains and stations have little if any suitable food.

Next week I'm off to London for an overnight stay and a full day at a conference. I doubt lunch will be suitable as conference food at the cheaper end often includes protein already mixed with carbs, then on top of that this time they are trying to tempt us with afternoon cakes!
Breakfast is fine, I pick bacon and mushrooms, but at the stations, while I can order a piece of fish and remove the batter or take the bread off a sandwich that leaves me hungry and I can't afford to buy extras. I'll be making up some nut butter balls to take with me to fill up!

I might take a snack with me when going to buffet type events, eg a hardboiled egg or some cheese. And I make a low carb chocolate mousse to share for dessert.


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Diet only
"Other people" can be a problem, so I am firm with them if necessary. I don't mind at all those who ask can I have this or that, because that's reasonable, but I am very crisp with the ones that roll their eyes and say stuff to the effect of "just one won't do you any harm" because that's my decision to make and nobody else's. I find any attempt to be anything other than firm with those sort of people is seen as weakness or ambivalence and they then go into bullying mode and piling on pressure. They would be shocked to be informed that what they are doing is bullying, but that's what it is. Human psychology is the gift that keeps on giving.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
thanks for sharing. that doesnt sound like a problem. like I said my worry is saturated fat
Ah, I see. Well... Before being diagnosed diabetic, I was put on a strict high carb, low to no fat diet... I ballooned to about being as wide as I was tall, my liver became fatty, cholesterol was high, and boom, I was a T2... Cut out the carbs, put in bacon, all's good now. So not something I'd be overly worried about. Just stick with good, natural fats which aren't over processed, basically... Like nuts, cheeses, olives, avocado, eggs... You'll be okay.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi. I'd appreciate if people following low-carb/keto share here their struggles and challenges with little carbs in their diet. Thanks.
I wouldn't describe it as "struggles and challenges". It's usually just a bit of inconvenience. No problems cooking at home, and I can usually find something to eat in restaurants - some are getting better with low-carb options. Food available when travelling tends to be almost exclusively carbs and sugar, so I carry salami, cheese, nuts and olives. Nuts go in a tin: the rest go in a military surplus butterbox (Austrian, I think) which avoids any mess.

I started out being polite but firm with people who offered me carbs and pushed: it has been the right thing to do. You can drop the "polite" bit if required.

I have friends who are astonished that eating (comparatively) as much as I want of food containing high proportions of saturated fat and meat has put my diabetes into remission, lowered my cholesterol (for what that's worth) to its lowest ever level, and helped me to shed more than 60lbs. According to them I should be grossly overweight and sick. One of them has T2 himself.


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My struggle is to stop weight loss/ regain weight. I went low carb [not keto] to get my triglycerides from a very high 8.99. The GP said I needed to go on a statin straight away but I said I would try diet first, After 8 weeks my triglycerides are down to 2,3 {still too high according to my GP} and has a result of swapping carbs for good fat {mostly nuts/ olive oil} my LDL/ Total Cholesterol has gone up - so GP still saying need statins. Can't seem to win. However, going low carb I have lost 16Lbs which to be frank I didn't want to shed and now look and feel too thin [with sagging skin on arms and belly}. I am at a loss to know how to increase weight without increasing carbs and raising triglycerides or increasing fats and raising LDL/ Total Cholesterol.. I have started lifting kettlebells to try and bulk up a bit but seen no results yet and still shedding the pounds.

In Response

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@serebor I am not sure if your motivation for the question was a concern for yourself (e.g. saturated fats as you mentioned) or whether it was a general conversation starter.
So, I apologise if my answer as someone with Type 1 is inappropriate.

As someone who treats their diabetes with insulin, I found gluconeogenesis a big challenge with low carb.
In the absence of "enough" carbs, my body broke down protein into glucose at a complex rate which made insulin dosing very challenging. I found the insulin to protein ratio varied for different types of protein and the timing varied greatly too.
I have found it easier to eat a higher (but not high) carb diet with regard to insulin dosing.
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I'm type 1 and follow a low-carb diet because the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages in my case. I'm very thin living in a chubby world so I politely listen to other's advice and don't argue. I am sticking to low carb. I never eat in restaurants or have take-out anyway. I feel great.


Well-Known Member
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I’ve been low carb for a long time and the only issue for me is international travel. I’m very good at knowing good from bad but sometimes it’s all bad…..
I eat high fat and don’t worry about it. From all my research there is no known mechanism that turns saturated fat into cholesterol. Newest research is showing that our all consuming fear of cholesterol is unfounded and driven by big pharma. Google Dr Paul Mason, Dr Anthony Chaffee and Dr Ken Berry. They have some great YouTube videos that are worth watching.
I carry packs of unflavoured protein powder, nuts (although I limit these), low carb granola when I travel. If I can’t find food to eat I’ll find some high fat yogurt and mix it all up…..
I almost feel lucky to be highly allergic to wheat and gluten so it never tempts me. All grains are off limits for me. Zero sugar and only an occasional sweet bite (so rare).
my doctor, she’s amazing and lets me go wild with my diet, never says a thing.
Food is something to keep us alive and thriving, it’s not meant to be front and centre of every waking minute. I eat and get on with my life and only occasionally have a little cry when I can t have the ice cream….I’m only human.
my blood numbers are good….all but the LDL, it’s high. BUT…HDLis high (a good thing), triglycerides are low, kidney function has greatly improved, thyroid numbers are stable and I feel great. 15,000 steps a day, weight lifting and yoga…at 66 I’m so proud to be in control of my own life!