"Hello everyone" from a doctor with early Type 2 diabetes


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There is another GP on this board who ran a trial using 18 of his patients. He put them on a diet learned from here and other places. He published his findings and you may/may not be interested in his paper.

Update march 24/03/2014; find the full article free to view here;

http://www.practicaldiabetes.com/SpringboardWebApp/userfiles/espdi/file/March 2014/PP Unwin final proofs revised.pdf

Thank you, Squire,, always interested in everything......especially any staistics and information of weight loss maintained for 5 years since the start of a diet.......not just evidence of individual cases....it is a real nuisance sometimes to have been scientifically trained, as I just love reading about one off cases!
I'll have a look now....

Later...have had a quick look...excellent article and will read in more detail...unfortunately patients only followed up for 8 months but there is a referral to another small study over 44 months which i will now investigate.
Undoubtedly the low carb diet works well and has been around for some time......think it was called the Atkins diet a long while ago, and I tried it then, but it just didn't fit in with my sort of lifestyle, and I began to get some cardiac arrythmia with exercise , so stopped!. ( But I am only me...an experiment of one!!)

Ah the diet used is not the Atkins diet which limited green veges....I usually only have one slice of gluten free bread a day ( Coeliac) and as a rule dont eat potatoes, pasta or rice,,,just protein and veg,even for beakfast when i have time, which is probably why, with strong family history, and BMI of 27 I have not had a higher A1c ( 40)
Thank you very much for all this info...just what I need!
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Thank you, Squire,, always interested in everything......especially any staistics and information of weight loss maintained for 5 years since the start of a diet.......not just evidence of individual cases....it is a real nuisance sometimes to have been scientifically trained, as I just love reading about one off cases!
I'll have a look now....
Oh this is most certainly still a work in progress and a change of lifestyle for the rest of my life! Love the results and feeling of more vitality
And this is really psyching me up to get a bit stricter with what i eat...usually exclude the "white carbs" anyway, but can cut out my one slice of bread per day and continue with my usual egg and vege stir fry for breakfast!
Are you following one of the recent books on low card diets?
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Will have to google the big blue test, thank you Jane...what a fund of knowledge this forum is!


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And this is really psyching me up to get a bit stricter with what i eat...usually exclude the "white carbs" anyway, but can cut out my one slice of bread per day and continue with my usual egg and vege stir fry for breakfast!
Are you following one of the recent books on low card diets?
No books, just from what I have learnt on here and by reading packets before buying !! It really has been so easy, overnight I excluded bread, rice, pasta, potatoes (found I can tolerate a couple of small new potatoes with roast meat and veggies but lately don't even always have those, tastes have really changed) lots of green leafy veg, cauliflower, green beans rock my boat more!!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Thank you, Squire,, always interested in everything......especially any staistics and information of weight loss maintained for 5 years since the start of a diet.......not just evidence of individual cases....it is a real nuisance sometimes to have been scientifically trained, as I just love reading about one off cases!

Some time ago someone on here began the fashion of declaring our results in our signatures. I find it is a further incentive to stay on the wagon. Many of these go well beyond eight months. I suppose that one day someone may collate these. Mine have gone off song a bit recently but have never returned to the original level as you can read for yourself.


Welcome to the forum you are right we all have to find the eating plan that suits us best that we can maintain for life as we are all very different and there is no one plan to suit all
Growing up in the 40/50's I had to eat everything on my plate fat included and that put me off of it for life so I do not do high fat now..I can't stand the taste of fat.. my eating plan is plenty of vegetables and fruit with moderate starchy carbs no sugar stuff.. never had a sugar addition... and I don't eat rice or pasta I have small portions of bread and potatoes but not every day I don't eat red meat but more the lower fat end like chicken turkey and fish and 3 or 4 eggs a week this works for me and is much the way I have always eaten and I have never been overweight in my life. Hope you continue to do well
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Some time ago someone on here began the fashion of declaring our results in our signatures. I find it is a further incentive to stay on the wagon. Many of these go well beyond eight months. I suppose that one day someone may collate these. Mine have gone off song a bit recently but have never returned to the original level as you can read for yourself.

Yes, I must weigh and measure myself for an up to date BMI.......and in a few weeks I'll get another A1c done...at least i can order my own tests!


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Welcome to the forum you are right we all have to find the eating plan that suits us best that we can maintain for life as we are all very different and there is no one plan to suit all
Growing up in the 40/50's I had to eat everything on my plate fat included and that put me off of it for life so I do not do high fat now..I can't stand the taste of fat.. my eating plan is plenty of vegetables and fruit with moderate starchy carbs no sugar stuff.. never had a sugar addition... and I don't eat rice or pasta I have small portions of bread and potatoes but not every day I don't eat red meat but more the lower fat end like chicken turkey and fish and 3 or 4 eggs a week this works for me and is much the way I have always eaten and I have never been overweight in my life. Hope you continue to do well

Hi Annie,
Only one thing I would change in my life and that is to be a natural "thinny" The main difference that I can see between my thin and my heavy childen and me and my thin sister is that the thinnies seem to go off their food when sufficirntly stressed, whereas we who eat more than we need feel hungry when stressed, or bored etc....and that tendency can be genetic, not only the way we were brought up!
My eating plan is much the same as yours and I have never been more than 8KG over my weight watchers goal weight, but I struggle all the time to stay at or below my present weight!....so are you Type 1 or 2 Annie? most of the type 2s I've met are overweight, but I know it can present in the thin, and is then more difficult to manage I imagine?


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No, not at all surprised! and Yes, I know that diet works well for many people, when often all else has failed......

but it is not one I personally could tolerate, mainly because I love my veges,... and apart from avocados don't particularly like fat....eggs and cheese OK in moderation,,.(.had to eat all the fat on the meat,bacon etc at boarding school...yuck!!) I believe one can be in the state of ketosis, if the diet is followed strictly but am not an expert...happy for others to follow whatever diet they have found to be successful.....and for them to spread the news to others so that they can try it..

Just worried when children are put on some adults food plan's at a young age......but enough said...on a forum like this I expect there will be plenty of members to extol the virtues of their diet! ( prefer the term "eating plan" );)

Did you know that there are at least 25.000 books on diet and the failure rate to maintain loss in weight for more than 3 years is still extremely high...but gastric banding, or suchlike, does have a good success rate for the very overweight.
So the real difficulty is finding an eating plan one can stick to for life, not just a year or three...life style change is probably the best answer.....IF one can stick to that! lol
I love my veggies too. I eat about a kilo of them a day. I'm not on Atkins.

I am actually not following any official fad diet - just removed most carbs. The day I got my blood glucose meter I started reducing carbs. I had bought into the "whole grain" thing, but found out that was not working for as all carbs, except lactose in milk, spiked my blood glucose. I also found the lower my carb intake went the better I felt. I have tried many times in my life to lose weight, always by calorie restriction by reducing fat intake. It works for a 2 or 3 months, then I fall off the wagon. I feel that the way I am eating now is sustainable. No cravings, hunger, tiredness, boredom, etc. Actually, I'm mildly concerned that when I reach my weight goal it will be tricky to stop the weight loss.

Yes, most definitely type 2 diabetics need to figure out what works for them. Lots can tolerate low GI carbs.

But what irks me is that health professionals, especially diabetic specialists, are trained to tell patients they must eat lots of carbs - the same amount as recommended for people without diabetes. I believe this is terrible advice and will make many (most?) type 2 diabetics slowly deteriorate when followed.
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Retired Moderator
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Hi Annie,
Only one thing I would change in my life and that is to be a natural "thinny" The main difference that I can see between my thin and my heavy childen and me and my thin sister is that the thinnies seem to go off their food when sufficirntly stressed, whereas we who eat more than we need feel hungry when stressed, or bored etc....and that tendency can be genetic, not only the way we were brought up!
My eating plan is much the same as yours and I have never been more than 8KG over my weight watchers goal weight, but I struggle all the time to stay at or below my present weight!....so are you Type 1 or 2 Annie? most of the type 2s I've met are overweight, but I know it can present in the thin, and is then more difficult to manage I imagine?

Why do you feel T2 is more difficult for slimmer people to manage?


I have
Hi Annie,
Only one thing I would change in my life and that is to be a natural "thinny" The main difference that I can see between my thin and my heavy childen and me and my thin sister is that the thinnies seem to go off their food when sufficirntly stressed, whereas we who eat more than we need feel hungry when stressed, or bored etc....and that tendency can be genetic, not only the way we were brought up!
My eating plan is much the same as yours and I have never been more than 8KG over my weight watchers goal weight, but I struggle all the time to stay at or below my present weight!....so are you Type 1 or 2 Annie? most of the type 2s I've met are overweight, but I know it can present in the thin, and is then more difficult to manage I imagine?
I have been prediabetic for about 3 years...levels in the 6's....I have just had two consecutive blood tests the first one showed my BG as 7.1 don't know the result of the second one yet but my the doctor wants to see me so that probably means the second test was over 7 as well so I will be T2. I will know for sure next Tuesday.As far as I know there is no family history of it so my doctor said it is a bit of a mystery as I am not typical for it. My problem now is trying to keep my weight up I really don't want to loose more but I tend to if I cut the carbs any lower. There are a few on here who have not been overweight yet are still T2


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I have

I have been prediabetic for about 3 years...levels in the 6's....I have just had two consecutive blood tests the first one showed my BG as 7.1 don't know the result of the second one yet but my the doctor wants to see me so that probably means the second test was over 7 as well so I will be T2. I will know for sure next Tuesday.As far as I know there is no family history of it so my doctor said it is a bit of a mystery as I am not typical for it. My problem now is trying to keep my weight up I really don't want to loose more but I tend to if I cut the carbs any lower. There are a few on here who have not been overweight yet are still T2

It's been said that slim type 2's could well have visceral fat around their organs. Until 'they' decide to scan all slim type 2's at diagnosis though we won't know if this is true. I wish they would do this, because it would be valuable research and could give a better insight into the disease.
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That's an excellent idea Zand and it would also help demonstrate whether a slim persons type 2 is perhaps caused by such fat or maybe something else. I think the MRI scan done at Newcastle to measure visceral/ ectopic fat is specialist/expensive though . It's a far cry from measuring waists http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TOFI
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Hi Kat..I'm working in community medicine in a hospital now, not in general practice...but yes, have always had plenty of energy thanks to my genes, being born the happy type and having lots of interests is also a help, cat, dog and a vege garden, piano and art lessons etc...exercise and a reasonable diet apart from my previous sugar addicton ! );)
Hi , thanks for sharing ....do you think you had a sugar addiction first or the diabetic gene first, you know a bit like the which came first chicken or egg..
Nice to meet people from our global community ...
NZ must be a great place to live ...great chatting , kat ...


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Hi , thanks for sharing ....do you think you had a sugar addiction first or the diabetic gene first, you know a bit like the which came first chicken or egg..
Nice to meet people from our global community ...
NZ must be a great place to live ...great chatting , kat ...

Good question Kat! I really am only going by the fact that My Mum had me, her first child, weighing 10.5 llb at birth, and my first child weighed the same ( both natural births!! )She would not have had her BS tested during pregnancy, but mine were OK, as least the urine was ( not the same thing! )...she had a stroke in early 70s ( family clotting factors) and lost weight++ in residential care, living till 84... was never diagnosed as diabetic..
I was a child of the war and limited to 2oz of sweets per week wwith rationing for years..as was my sister...she limited her"dolly mix" to just a few per day, but I couldn't resist eating all mine as soon as I got them! so by the age of 8 I was already addicted...very different personalities...I'm a sanguine and happy basically, she is a perfectionist....takes a long time to chew each mouthful..whereas I, if I don't concentrate, eat mindlessly!
So I actually see most T2s as being a weight problem rather than a carb/sugar consumption problem! Neither are easily curable on a long term basis for most of us!!! Plenty of wonderful weight losses on ANY restricted diet, but long term maintanence of that weight loss is very difficult for most....and plenty of statistics to back that up scientifically.
And now I would love to know more about you Kat? What is your avatar photo?my guess is a cat? How long have you been diagnosed.?
We emigrated to NZ in 1972....so I love communicating with those in UK...visit my sister once every 2-3 years as she does not like long flights...


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Here's the link, http://bigbluetest.org/
They collated the reported results of the 14min exercise a few years back and published the results in Diabetes Care.
Hi Phoenix Thank you for sending this, I have only just located replies/activity via the little flag above! Difficulties with adjusting to a new forum lay out...probably will get it eventually, but I'm not very IT literate!
Yes When it came out thought 14 mins a great idea, but now have to watch cruciate probs in both knees and a cardiac arrythmia...excuses, excuses!


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I have

I have been prediabetic for about 3 years...levels in the 6's....I have just had two consecutive blood tests the first one showed my BG as 7.1 don't know the result of the second one yet but my the doctor wants to see me so that probably means the second test was over 7 as well so I will be T2. I will know for sure next Tuesday.As far as I know there is no family history of it so my doctor said it is a bit of a mystery as I am not typical for it. My problem now is trying to keep my weight up I really don't want to loose more but I tend to if I cut the carbs any lower. There are a few on here who have not been overweight yet are still T2
Thank you for your reply, Annie, Thank you for sending this, I have only just located replies/activity via the little flag above! Difficulties with adjusting to a new forum lay out...probably will get it eventually, but I'm not very IT literate!
Yes I can imagine your situation is much more difficult to control and manage, but am not an expert...yet lol.....so presumably the eventual long term answer may be insulin? As your sugar levels may be due to failure of the pancreas to produce insulin rather than insulin resistance alone...only a guess! Do please let me know how things go......best wishes, Hilary


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Thank you for your reply, Annie, Thank you for sending this, I have only just located replies/activity via the little flag above! Difficulties with adjusting to a new forum lay out...probably will get it eventually, but I'm not very IT literate!
Yes I can imagine your situation is much more difficult to control and manage, but am not an expert...yet lol.....so presumably the eventual long term answer may be insulin? As your sugar levels may be due to failure of the pancreas to produce insulin rather than insulin resistance alone...only a guess! Do please let me know how things go......best wishes, Hilary

I'm one of those "thinnies", at 160cm tall, weighing 49kg and a matching BMI of 19.1. At diagnosis I carried a few more pounds, but I wasn't outrageously overweight. OK, at the outset I did lose weight and it took some application to stop the weight loss. I would have been content to have levelled a couple of kilos more than I am now, but, that's life.

We all have our challenges with this thing, and we just have to apply ourselves to it. Diabetes per se requires active management. If a diabetic wants an easy ride, with a definite, fail-safe way of managing it, they'll be disappointed or searching for a long time. If anything, those who are carrying weight may be more likely to have trickier insulin resistance, which can take a lot of shifting. I would say we thinnies have it easier.

Fat, thin or in between, we all have to work at it, but I don't think it's a fat/thin thing, that's for sure.
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