Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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5.4 before dinner
6.2 after dinner
6.0 fasting
Something is not right either the strips or i am fighting infection I dont know
I do have a really sore throat today
I dont know what to take for it as cant take strepsils but its just sore throat no cough no fever
Have been taking hot herbal tea but not getting any better
It was very mild but then just started getting worse in last 2 days
Hope it's soon better
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
5.4 before dinner
6.2 after dinner
6.0 fasting
Something is not right either the strips or i am fighting infection I dont know
I do have a really sore throat today
I dont know what to take for it as cant take strepsils but its just sore throat no cough no fever
Have been taking hot herbal tea but not getting any better
It was very mild but then just started getting worse in last 2 days

Fishermans Friend. Best there is for sore throats, but probably not for BS ;)
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Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
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idiots who will not learn
Yep, they are strong. Used to have them as a kid :)

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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Diabetes and ulcerative colitis.... :) Rude people... Violence.... and the amount of time I spend away from my beautiful family in the UK...
4.3 for me this morning.

Weird, weird, weird, but not in such a wonderful way!

My last few readings have all been elevated for me; around 0.3 – 0.5 above my averages. I appreciate that means, in the bigger picture, that my bloods are still under 5.0, but they are raised for me. And whilst other people’s readings are interesting and informative, it’s my readings and my ranges that impact on me.

If I scrambled around looking for reasons for the rise I could go from an “erratic” tub of strips, to being subtly off colour with the lightest of snuffles, or stress. But, come on, I no longer have anything in my life that comes within a country mile of stress! I have irritations, like everyone else, and I had a few of those yesterday, but nothing that makes me miss a step.

So, I’m just going to get the old mantra out. “Record and move on”.

Have a good day playmates!
Brilliant.. :)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
people who think nothing is wrong with you because they do not see blood or a plaster cast, i suffer with arthritis & use a zimmer & wheelchair but because they cant see anything wrong people assume nothing is wrong with you.
13.1 which is lower than it as been yesterday 25.5,22.8 & hi because of infection in big toe & stress from 1 son. Which dn said can cause sugars to go up. But it is not easy to avoid stress.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
13.1 which is lower than it as been yesterday 25.5,22.8 & hi because of infection in big toe & stress from 1 son. Which dn said can cause sugars to go up. But it is not easy to avoid stress.

Do you have something to tackle the infected toe?

Those readings yesterday were really not good at all. If you see those again, it would be good to talk to your DN or doctor again. I would be exceptionally unhappy with those numbers. I would also be ensuring my diet was kept extremely tight during the rough time; no treats, no naughties, even though I might want to to raise my mood.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Diabetes and ulcerative colitis.... :) Rude people... Violence.... and the amount of time I spend away from my beautiful family in the UK...


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Diabetes and ulcerative colitis.... :) Rude people... Violence.... and the amount of time I spend away from my beautiful family in the UK...
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cold ethyl

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Ok random interjection before I get my grumpy head on. What do you lot get at your HbA1c tests? I went to get my bloods done today at what was 6 months after Ist post diagnosis HbA1c- I expected to be weighed, BP taken and full bloods but the nursing assistant took one lot of blood for the HbA1c and said it'll be back next week and the receptionist will let you know if the doctor wants to talk to you. The other stuff I have to wait till May for. I'm a bit peed off as I understood that I should be having more than one review per annum and I'll be making an appointment to see GP as I'm having side effects from the medication I am taking and have discontinued it to see if they diminish. I get the feeling that it's a cost cutting exercise so if you have good control, you're going to be largely ignored which isn't part of what I think constitutes a quality care pathway for diabetics, especially as they also say no need to self-test.
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