Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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Tablets (oral)
5.6 this morning. It was 5.3 at 3 a.m. When one of the dogs got me up for the third time. I'll blame her.
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Avocado Sevenfold

Ok random interjection before I get my grumpy head on. What do you lot get at your HbA1c tests? I went to get my bloods done today at what was 6 months after Ist post diagnosis HbA1c- I expected to be weighed, BP taken and full bloods but the nursing assistant took one lot of blood for the HbA1c and said it'll be back next week and the receptionist will let you know if the doctor wants to talk to you. The other stuff I have to wait till May for. I'm a bit peed off as I understood that I should be having more than one review per annum and I'll be making an appointment to see GP as I'm having side effects from the medication I am taking and have discontinued it to see if they diminish. I get the feeling that it's a cost cutting exercise so if you have good control, you're going to be largely ignored which isn't part of what I think constitutes a quality care pathway for diabetics, especially as they also say no need to self-test.
I was on quarterlies to start with then they put me on to annual as my numbers were ok. After last week's ****-up, they will see me again in 6 months. It is usually hba1c, BP, weight, meds review. Feet, eyes, cholesterol are annual at my place.

Edit- ask for a printout from the receptionist obviously.
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cold ethyl

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I was on quarterlies to start with then they put me on to annual as my numbers were ok. After last week's ****-up, they will see me again in 6 months. It is usually hba1c, BP, weight, meds review. Feet, eyes, cholesterol are annual at my place.

I did think that cholesterol might be annual so was ok with that and knew feet and eyes were part of annual review. I was just a bit taken aback that no one weighed me or took BP or even asked how I was doing to pass info onto GP. How can he make any meaningful decisions on my meds or health over phone and without any up to date info. I have lost 5st since he last set eyes on me but that isn't anywhere on my records!! I just think for the first year at least they should be being more thorough and actually be having contact with the patient. I don't think the DN post has been filled at the practice so care is being cobbled together between GP and nursing assistant. I will have to make an appointment with a GP ( might be tricky as now they ring you and assess if they want to see you over phone!!!!!) as I want an opportunity to discuss several aspects of my care.
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cold ethyl

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I got an under-six hat trick this week! 5.9, 5.9, 5.8 It's a first!

No matter what I do I can't seem to get a consistent run under 6 - there is no difference between being on the Metformin or off it or dose - still average over 6 for fasting even though most of day I'm at 4.7.
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Avocado Sevenfold

I did think that cholesterol might be annual so was ok with that and knew feet and eyes were part of annual review. I was just a bit taken aback that no one weighed me or took BP or even asked how I was doing to pass info onto GP. How can he make any meaningful decisions on my meds or health over phone and without any up to date info. I have lost 5st since he last set eyes on me but that isn't anywhere on my records!! I just think for the first year at least they should be being more thorough and actually be having contact with the patient. I don't think the DN post has been filled at the practice so care is being cobbled together between GP and nursing assistant. I will have to make an appointment with a GP ( might be tricky as now they ring you and assess if they want to see you over phone!!!!!) as I want an opportunity to discuss several aspects of my care.
I agree. I reckon if your meds are affecting your other health issues then you should see a doctor. The nurses are not qualified to assess the whole picture. Just my opinion.

Fab weight loss, missus :)
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Avocado Sevenfold

No matter what I do I can't seem to get a consistent run under 6 - there is no difference between being on the Metformin or off it or dose - still average over 6 for fasting even though most of day I'm at 4.7.
I don't understand it myself. The only thing I have done differently this week is I am wearing a vest to work so I am not shivering all day! Sexy! :bag:
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No matter what I do I can't seem to get a consistent run under 6 - there is no difference between being on the Metformin or off it or dose - still average over 6 for fasting even though most of day I'm at 4.7.

I am doing a trial with increased fiber content in my diet [around 30+ grams/day] and its influence on my FBG results. All other factors are kept constant. Results after 9 days are very good and I plan on continuing the trial.
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cold ethyl

Well-Known Member
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I am doing a trial with increased fiber content in my diet [around 30+ grams/day] and its influence on my FBG results. All other factors are kept constant. Results after 9 days are very good and I plan on continuing the trial.

Sounds a good thing whether it helps FBG levels or not. I've bought some flaxseed with additional VIT D today as I need to boost my fibre intake and Omega 3 levels.
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I had some erratic readings with a couple of pots of that batch.

Okey dokey. I've probably less than half a pot left. I know I haven't been diverting from the proven path, so I'll just drive on through. :)
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Retired Moderator
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Ok random interjection before I get my grumpy head on. What do you lot get at your HbA1c tests? I went to get my bloods done today at what was 6 months after Ist post diagnosis HbA1c- I expected to be weighed, BP taken and full bloods but the nursing assistant took one lot of blood for the HbA1c and said it'll be back next week and the receptionist will let you know if the doctor wants to talk to you. The other stuff I have to wait till May for. I'm a bit peed off as I understood that I should be having more than one review per annum and I'll be making an appointment to see GP as I'm having side effects from the medication I am taking and have discontinued it to see if they diminish. I get the feeling that it's a cost cutting exercise so if you have good control, you're going to be largely ignored which isn't part of what I think constitutes a quality care pathway for diabetics, especially as they also say no need to self-test.

I've only ever seen the nurse about my diabetes once, in February 14. I did see a different nurse immediately after being diagnosed, then she retired (probably a good thing for us both) in the meantime. I must admit I have driven for the things I wanted; like feet, eyes and one review and let the things I haven't been offered and feel less enthusiastic about (like diet advice) fade into the background.

Good luck with the bloods. I'm sure you'll be fine.
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cold ethyl

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I've had the eye tests and been on DESMOND. Just feel that they ought to have weighed me at least today and taken BP. And I'm strongly of the opinion that a 3 minute phonecall from your GP isn't an adequate meaningful dialogue about your care. I understand the surgery is under pressure to " see" people within a government target time frame but I don't think a call is the same as a face to face consultation and one ought to be offered choice when you call up. They used to have a triage nurse who fielded emergency appointments which worked well I thought . Now we have a duty GP who takes those calls and the other GPs make calls all morning and see people occasionally. Two senior partners left because of these arrangements in part so I'm not alone in my reservations.
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Ok random interjection before I get my grumpy head on. What do you lot get at your HbA1c tests? I went to get my bloods done today at what was 6 months after Ist post diagnosis HbA1c- I expected to be weighed, BP taken and full bloods but the nursing assistant took one lot of blood for the HbA1c and said it'll be back next week and the receptionist will let you know if the doctor wants to talk to you. The other stuff I have to wait till May for. I'm a bit peed off as I understood that I should be having more than one review per annum and I'll be making an appointment to see GP as I'm having side effects from the medication I am taking and have discontinued it to see if they diminish. I get the feeling that it's a cost cutting exercise so if you have good control, you're going to be largely ignored which isn't part of what I think constitutes a quality care pathway for diabetics, especially as they also say no need to self-test.

6 monthy for me. Though GP won't do HDL, LDL and Tri'. Says just HbA1c and cholesterol is sufficient.
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cold ethyl

Well-Known Member
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6 monthy for me. Though GP won't do HDL, LDL and Tri'. Says just HbA1c and cholesterol is sufficient.

I don't mind them being 6 monthly but just feel that while I was there they should have taken BP and weight as they are also areas that they keep banging on about . I need to lower my meds or stop them as my levels are much lower and I'm suffering from increased muscle pain on them since losing 5st and taking up exercise but he doesn't hear that whenever I ring as he just sees the initial weight I presented with on diagnosis!! Going to have to get a bit more demanding which I hate as I don't do phones or GPs very well because of anxiety issues.
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How do you know when you are ketogenic though... I am guessing I am as I have steadily lost 6 kilos, but now I've stopped - I'm getting too thin so that's good - but am I still ketogenic? I rarely eat carbs, other than what is in the low-carb veg I eat....
Ketone urinalysis reagent strips. I don't know if you are in ketosis. You could by some test strips and check.
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Retired Moderator
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I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
I've had the eye tests and been on DESMOND. Just feel that they ought to have weighed me at least today and taken BP. And I'm strongly of the opinion that a 3 minute phonecall from your GP isn't an adequate meaningful dialogue about your care. I understand the surgery is under pressure to " see" people within a government target time frame but I don't think a call is the same as a face to face consultation and one ought to be offered choice when you call up. They used to have a triage nurse who fielded emergency appointments which worked well I thought . Now we have a duty GP who takes those calls and the other GPs make calls all morning and see people occasionally. Two senior partners left because of these arrangements in part so I'm not alone in my reservations.

Can't you just make an appointment? When asked what it's for, say it's a confidential issue. Or when the Doc calls you suggest you would benefit from a face-to-face meeting as you feel you need WB, weight and meds adjusting. Whilst they can believe the weight you tell them, most people would be unable to tell them their own BP.

I must admit I bought a BP monitor when diagnosed, as that's what actually opened this Pandora's Box. Raised BP was found when it was taken after and extremely unpleasant examination (No s*&% Sherlock, my BP was raised.......) Then white coat syndrome kicked in, then blood test to check kidneys,........................ Bingo!! Diabetes!!
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Pasta, sorry to me it's vile, yeuch lol (and full of nasty carbs)
No fasting result:
Bedtime: 3.8 mmol/l* Hypoglycaemic (ate 3 digestives and butter)
4 am : 5.8 mmol/l
6am: 5.6 mmol/l
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Ok random interjection before I get my grumpy head on. What do you lot get at your HbA1c tests? I went to get my bloods done today at what was 6 months after Ist post diagnosis HbA1c- I expected to be weighed, BP taken and full bloods but the nursing assistant took one lot of blood for the HbA1c and said it'll be back next week and the receptionist will let you know if the doctor wants to talk to you. The other stuff I have to wait till May for. I'm a bit peed off as I understood that I should be having more than one review per annum and I'll be making an appointment to see GP as I'm having side effects from the medication I am taking and have discontinued it to see if they diminish. I get the feeling that it's a cost cutting exercise so if you have good control, you're going to be largely ignored which isn't part of what I think constitutes a quality care pathway for diabetics, especially as they also say no need to self-test.

Now my bloods are stable and not on any meds I get an HbA1c and full blood count, kidneys, liver, cholesterol every 6 months with a review with the nurse and foot and urine check with her. Weight and BP annually, discussed at the normal review with nurse. Initially I had reviews at 3 months, but now on 6 months. I was diagnosed last January and have had 7 HbA1c tests. Two last January for diagnosis, then March where GP threw one in with some other tests, April, June, September (not due but I asked for it and was given it) and December. I have had 5 full blood tests.
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