Hospital Visit


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Afternoon all.

So, today I had to go and see a consultant about some screwy hormone test results I had. A lovely lady and a diabetes specialist. She went through my diabetes results over the last few years and checked my meds. When I mentioned that I had stopped the Statins 2 years ago or more she became a tad concerned and said that looking at my cholesterol results I really should re consider. I then mentioned that I seemed to struggle to loose any weight - I fear that was a mistake. There is now a letter going to my GP asking him to prescribe Trulicity - once a week injections because it will " make me feel less hungry and aid weight loss" - now, at no point did I mention I felt hungry a lot and therefore ate a lot/often. I don't, sure I eat biggish meals but sometimes only twice a day and I'm doing my best to follow LCHF now and I've started working out.

I will be making an appt to see my GP to tell him I don't really want Trulicty. Having read some of the side effects it doesn't sound great for a lot of people, and weight loss seems to be minimal. Luckily my GP is ace, so if after discussion he thinks it's viable then I may reluctantly try it. I guess if after a few years I have't managed to loose enough weight to lower BG/Cholesterol then I probably have to think about the best solution. Sigh.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Afternoon all.

So, today I had to go and see a consultant about some screwy hormone test results I had. A lovely lady and a diabetes specialist. She went through my diabetes results over the last few years and checked my meds. When I mentioned that I had stopped the Statins 2 years ago or more she became a tad concerned and said that looking at my cholesterol results I really should re consider. I then mentioned that I seemed to struggle to loose any weight - I fear that was a mistake. There is now a letter going to my GP asking him to prescribe Trulicity - once a week injections because it will " make me feel less hungry and aid weight loss" - now, at no point did I mention I felt hungry a lot and therefore ate a lot/often. I don't, sure I eat biggish meals but sometimes only twice a day and I'm doing my best to follow LCHF now and I've started working out.

I will be making an appt to see my GP to tell him I don't really want Trulicty. Having read some of the side effects it doesn't sound great for a lot of people, and weight loss seems to be minimal. Luckily my GP is ace, so if after discussion he thinks it's viable then I may reluctantly try it. I guess if after a few years I have't managed to loose enough weight to lower BG/Cholesterol then I probably have to think about the best solution. Sigh.
How about upping your Metformin instead? The maximum dose is 2g daily. And/or ask for Glucophage. Dr Bernstein says this can be twice as effective as the generic Metformin.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I have never been able to lose weight easily except on low carb - but so often the assumption is made that anyone in that situation is eating too much - the word they love is 'gorging' I have found - when for most people my diet would cause them problems with hunger and 'what do you mean, you don't eat dinner?' and send them running to find food. I remember the expression on the face of the doctor when I handed him a blank sheet of paper after being asked to record everything I had eaten the previous day. I used to fast on Mondays.
I suggest that you have a serious discussion about the Trulicity and what it can do, what it might do in the way of side effects, pointing out that you do not feel hungry so the main effect suggested is not relevant. If your Dr is on the ball he might be the one to give the better advice.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
How about upping your Metformin instead? The maximum dose is 2g daily. And/or ask for Glucophage. Dr Bernstein says this can be twice as effective as the generic Metformin.

I'm on 2g a day sadly. I think the key is weight loss for me so I have to try and smash that!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Remember that we are free to refuse a treatment if we do not wish to have it. it is our right to do so.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hey @seanj67 I think I can relate a bit to your situation, although I have been 17years on this journey....Lately I have been trying to tweak my carbs to see if I could bump them up a bit - to like around 75g/day.....what a roller coaster of blood sugars - the highest was 13 where I am used to now being in the 5 - 8 range, 8 being post meal....Seems my body really likes the lower low carb levels of 20 - 40 (not often). Perhaps it is time to go back to really watching the amount of carbs that you are actually consuming, not the "I try to eat low carb" thing.....surprising how carbs can sneak in when you least expect them!! I am back in range again but I have to admit it was a little disappointing .....I think the longer you are on this journey the harder it is to get the success of some who are only newbies - about 3 years into the journey....just my opinion....we oldsters got way too much bad information and "guidance":( Hope you get things resolved without further meds!! Blessings/L


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hey @seanj67 I think the longer you are on this journey the harder it is to get the success of some who are only newbies

I think you're right there, I've turned 50 and do find that my motivation & determination are way harder to find - but I am not going to slip too far into the " Oh well, it's too late to change now" mentality. I also think that exercise in some form is important. Last week I started doing DDPYoga ( it's not really yoga as you'd think of it) which is fairly gentle but does jack up your heart rate and I feel great after it. Yesterday my BGs were considerably lower than of late and stayed that way all day.

Time to press the reset button I think and start afresh :)
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Afternoon all.

So, today I had to go and see a consultant about some screwy hormone test results I had. A lovely lady and a diabetes specialist. She went through my diabetes results over the last few years and checked my meds. When I mentioned that I had stopped the Statins 2 years ago or more she became a tad concerned and said that looking at my cholesterol results I really should re consider. I then mentioned that I seemed to struggle to loose any weight - I fear that was a mistake. There is now a letter going to my GP asking him to prescribe Trulicity - once a week injections because it will " make me feel less hungry and aid weight loss" - now, at no point did I mention I felt hungry a lot and therefore ate a lot/often. I don't, sure I eat biggish meals but sometimes only twice a day and I'm doing my best to follow LCHF now and I've started working out.

I will be making an appt to see my GP to tell him I don't really want Trulicty. Having read some of the side effects it doesn't sound great for a lot of people, and weight loss seems to be minimal. Luckily my GP is ace, so if after discussion he thinks it's viable then I may reluctantly try it. I guess if after a few years I have't managed to loose enough weight to lower BG/Cholesterol then I probably have to think about the best solution. Sigh.

While it is important to listen to your consultant it's even more important t o question them. As an adult you choose what meds you take but you can only do that with lots of information. Gone are the days when you just do what the doctor says.