Diabetics R Us


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Tripe and Onions
Morning :)

Was going to be taking Keiran back to Uni today but think he may be postponing his return for a couple of days hey ho
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Tripe and Onions
Hi @SaskiaKC glad you like it with all the talk of St. Georges day on the radio and telly yesterday I thought I would fly the flag for Saint Edmund the original patron saint of England who unlike Saint George was English and resided here during his life.

The white dragon on a red background was his banner.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Morning all

It's lashing down here this morning, what a difference a week makes.

Have a good day.

H :)
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Retired Moderator
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Whoopwhoop, foster dog Naimah has found herself a home!
She went on a sailing trip with my neighbour last weekend where she made new friends and they decided they want to adopt :)
They will pick her up tomorrow!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Whoopwhoop, foster dog Naimah has found herself a home!
She went on a sailing trip with my neighbour last weekend where she made new friends and they decided they want to adopt :)
They will pick her up tomorrow!

You will miss her. :bigtears:


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Whoopwhoop, foster dog Naimah has found herself a home!
She went on a sailing trip with my neighbour last weekend where she made new friends and they decided they want to adopt :)
They will pick her up tomorrow!
Did you insist on visiting rights? LOL
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
It's a 400 km drive so I don't expect to be visiting her very often! But her new family is the sister's of the captain who also happens to live on my road so I can see her when she comes visiting her sister!

there's always skype/facetime though eh? LOL


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The good news: I just ordered a new pair of glasses. It's been more than 20 years since my last eye exam, more than 20 years since I last sat in an optician's show room trying on frames.

The bad news is that I have cataracts. They are not seriously affecting my vision, so I have no plans to rush into cataract surgery, but for the first time I feel officially "old." I've occasionally wondered at what point I would start to feet "old" -- would it be my first grey hairs? Nope, wasn't that.

Would it be turning 60? Nope, not particularly. I didn't "feel" old.

Getting Social Security? Yep, but not in a bad way. Qualifying for a senior apartment building? Nope, that's been a good thing. I no longer have to worry about paying the heating bill, the water bill, or the electricity bill.
And it wasn't qualifying for Medicare either, because that has meant I can actually see a doctor, regularly, without having to go without other things to pay for it.

So -- cataracts. Now I feel "old." And you know what? It actually feels just fine. Just this morning, on another forum board, a young woman posted that she was distraught because she found a stray hair growing out of her chin and oh! horror of horrors! Now she feels like a 90-year-old and she is terrified her eyebrows will get scraggly.

I wanted to give her a gentle shake and say get a grip. Wait 'til you get told you have cataracts. Of course, you won't be able to see them ...

And of course, at the time I read her post, I didn't know I had them either ...
This one because I can still get down on the floor and get back up again!
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Retired Moderator
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A hearty renewed welcome to the forum, old woman! Happy to have you here, cataracts and all :)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
The good news: I just ordered a new pair of glasses. It's been more than 20 years since my last eye exam, more than 20 years since I last sat in an optician's show room trying on frames.

The bad news is that I have cataracts. They are not seriously affecting my vision, so I have no plans to rush into cataract surgery, but for the first time I feel officially "old." I've occasionally wondered at what point I would start to feet "old" -- would it be my first grey hairs? Nope, wasn't that.

Would it be turning 60? Nope, not particularly. I didn't "feel" old.

Getting Social Security? Yep, but not in a bad way. Qualifying for a senior apartment building? Nope, that's been a good thing. I no longer have to worry about paying the heating bill, the water bill, or the electricity bill.
And it wasn't qualifying for Medicare either, because that has meant I can actually see a doctor, regularly, without having to go without other things to pay for it.

So -- cataracts. Now I feel "old." And you know what? It actually feels just fine. Just this morning, on another forum board, a young woman posted that she was distraught because she found a stray hair growing out of her chin and oh! horror of horrors! Now she feels like a 90-year-old and she is terrified her eyebrows will get scraggly.

I wanted to give her a gentle shake and say get a grip. Wait 'til you get told you have cataracts. Of course, you won't be able to see them ...

And of course, at the time I read her post, I didn't know I had them either ...
This one because I can still get down on the floor and get back up again!

I went grey starting at 22yo! The thing is, I did not equate grey hair with getting old until I noticed the pit hair had turned white! Nobody warned me and I am convinced that someone came in the night and 'did' it to me and if I ever get my hands on the git they'll regret doing it!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
My mother starting going grey at about the same age, @Guzzler . By the time I was about 5-6, when she was 42, her hair was a lovely iron grey color. By the time she was 90 it was like a white cloud. Mine's been going grey for several years now, seems greyer, especially bangs and around the temples, right after a haircut.

Today I noticed that for the first time, the horn-rimmed/tortoiseshell frames I tried on weren't blending as well with my hair as they did 20-odd years ago. I finally found a nice sort of gunmetal color metal frame that the young man said had a sort of green tone. I said, Oh, cool, it will bring out the green in my eyes! :D They are basically hazel, can look green or brown depending on what I'm wearing.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
My mother starting going grey at about the same age, @Guzzler . By the time I was about 5-6, when she was 42, her hair was a lovely iron grey color. By the time she was 90 it was like a white cloud. Mine's been going grey for several years now, seems greyer, especially bangs and around the temples, right after a haircut.

Today I noticed that for the first time, the horn-rimmed/tortoiseshell frames I tried on weren't blending as well with my hair as they did 20-odd years ago. I finally found a nice sort of gunmetal color metal frame that the young man said had a sort of green tone. I said, Oh, cool, it will bring out the green in my eyes! :D They are basically hazel, can look green or brown depending on what I'm wearing.

I too have hazel eyes but I can't wear green, it makes me look like a coffin dodger.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Morning all from a totally grey haired, with the start of cataracts 54 year old.

Lovely & sunny here atm but rotten weather forecast later.

Out for a carby pizza tonight as a work colleague is leaving us, I'm very sad as I've worked with her for years :(

Have a good day.

H :)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
My mother starting going grey at about the same age, @Guzzler . By the time I was about 5-6, when she was 42, her hair was a lovely iron grey color. By the time she was 90 it was like a white cloud. Mine's been going grey for several years now, seems greyer, especially bangs and around the temples, right after a haircut.

Today I noticed that for the first time, the horn-rimmed/tortoiseshell frames I tried on weren't blending as well with my hair as they did 20-odd years ago. I finally found a nice sort of gunmetal color metal frame that the young man said had a sort of green tone. I said, Oh, cool, it will bring out the green in my eyes! :D They are basically hazel, can look green or brown depending on what I'm wearing.

Both my parents had green eyes I have brown eyes that's genetics for you my father had jet black hair mum was strawberry blond I don't know what my gran's hair colour was apart from the grey hair I remember her having from when I was very young.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Good morning all. It's beautifully sunny here too this morning. No plans other than tackling the oven this weekend, Oh Joy!
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Good morning all. It's beautifully sunny here too this morning. No plans other than tackling the oven this weekend, Oh Joy!
I have some coursework to do for a qualification I need to get - but right now cleaning the oven is looking more and more appealing.