Swollen legs and feet

Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Im a T2 and have recently been experienced swollen lower legs and feet. When I get home from work they are very tight and painful under my toes. I had a podiatrist visit at the weekend who said she thought I had good blood flow to my feet, and my foot test at my last diabetes review showed good blood flow. They do seem to go down a bit when elevated.

Is this a diabetic symptom ? Does anyone else suffer this ?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Being unwell and seeing BG levels soar
Im a T2 and have recently been experienced swollen lower legs and feet. When I get home from work they are very tight and painful under my toes. I had a podiatrist visit at the weekend who said she thought I had good blood flow to my feet, and my foot test at my last diabetes review showed good blood flow. They do seem to go down a bit when elevated.

Is this a diabetic symptom ? Does anyone else suffer this ?
I've not heard of this before. If it has come on suddenly, I would consult my GP. Swollen legs can be caused by all sorts of things, so best to get it checked out.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I can’t help you directly as I don’t suffer with swollen feet. However it is all too easy to blame our diabetes for anything that happens to us. The best plan is to discuss this with your GP.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
If it is affecting both feet, then it is unlikely to be phlebitis. If the skin is hot to touch and reddish colour, then it might be cellulitis, My wife suffered this and it would flare up from time to time, especially when the hot weather arrived. If the veins look darker than usual then it might be worth being checked out for varicose veins,

Those conditions are treatable. My heart specialist has given me instruction to check my feet for swelling and any puffiness since that could be a sign of heart problems developing. This needs immediate attention from a doctor if you can press the skin, make a dent that does not spring back when pressure is released.

I am not aware of this problem being caused by diabetes per se, but D does increase our susceptibility to these things.


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Treatment type
I have swollen legs and feet due to fluid retention which, I am told is some kind of lymphodaema and an associated rash on both lower legs which has been diagnosed as varicose eczema. My legs used to shrink back to normal size overnight but they don't any more. I have been T2 all the time but don't really think it is due to the diabetes. The rash started as cellulitis and it still flares up occasionally. The doctors don't seem to be particularly concerned either by the swelling or the rash so it is just a matter of putting on Diprobase ointment to stop the skin drying out. It doesn't really work either and the danger is that the skin could crack and become infected and, being T2, may not heal easily. I have recently undergone a whole barrage of tests to see if any cause could be found, but my heart, lungs and kidneys are in reasonable shape although my liver is a bit less good.

I find walking very difficult - partly due to the swelling which affects both the top of my feet and the soles, with pudgy little bulbous toes - and partly due to arthritis. I do believe that it would help if I could exercise, but I can't.

Your GP may be more helpful than mine, so it would be worth having a chat.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
On top of the above, an area of the rash on my right leg has started to weep today so I am going to treat it with and antiseptic cream and forget the Diprobase meantime. Forget the compression hose today as well just to keep it all open to the air.


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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It may be worth you getting back in touch with your gp, even though they've not been bothered before, as your leg might need dressing and bandages applied to aid healing and prevent infection.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Im a T2 and have recently been experienced swollen lower legs and feet. When I get home from work they are very tight and painful under my toes. I had a podiatrist visit at the weekend who said she thought I had good blood flow to my feet, and my foot test at my last diabetes review showed good blood flow. They do seem to go down a bit when elevated.

Is this a diabetic symptom ? Does anyone else suffer this ?
I get this. It does seem to be on the list of diabetic symptoms -


but it is also a symptom caused by a lot of other things. If you've not had it before I'd get it checked out to make sure what's causing it.

I had oedema rather than frequent urination - I didn't really wee much at all, and all the fluid I drank seemed to end up in my lower legs. At its worst I went up two shoe sizes and had fluid leaking out of my legs, plus blistering, reddening, frequent cuts, paper thin skin... this was while I was being told that I definitely wasn't diabetic, as my A1c wasn't high enough.

It has got much better since my BG came under control ( I think therefore mine is definitely diabetes related) but I still get odd touches for a day or two at a time, particularly if I've been on my feet a lot. I have bumetanide for these occasions to push the kidneys into action.


Well-Known Member
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Im a T2 and have recently been experienced swollen lower legs and feet. When I get home from work they are very tight and painful under my toes. I had a podiatrist visit at the weekend who said she thought I had good blood flow to my feet, and my foot test at my last diabetes review showed good blood flow. They do seem to go down a bit when elevated.

Is this a diabetic symptom ? Does anyone else suffer this ?
Sometimes, pills for high blood pressure causes this swelling, it appears to be a little refractory to treatment. Suggest seeing practice nurse/GP for evaluation. May be go in afternoon as it's worse then?


Well-Known Member
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On top of the above, an area of the rash on my right leg has started to weep today so I am going to treat it with and antiseptic cream and forget the Diprobase meantime. Forget the compression hose today as well just to keep it all open to the air.
I think I might do the opposite to you!!
I wouldn’t let antiseptic cream near my legs, it may do well for childhood type scrapes, but that's about it. Diprobase eczema cream has proved very good indeed for accompanying dryness, the surgery likes to use zeroderm as an alternative.
Compression hosiery is a really good mainstay, more swelling with them off = more weeping.
Sorry for the pessimism over your own treatment. Go see a practice nurse, they're very skilled at this sort of thing and run leg ulcer clinics.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Yep! I was told diabetes caused mine well my excess weight which can exacerbate diabetic symptoms for type2s.
I was given a diuretic for a short period to solve the problem which helped get rid of it whilst working full-time and with a toddler in nursery.
I only had it when pregnant or extremely overweight until recently but not only legs and feet but all over. I was quickly put back on Furosemide and was left with just swollen tummy which is being investigated.
For me it has mostly been due to being overweight and diabetes on top.
I found it scary but relieved diabetic Dr resolved most of it. Phew!!!
No joking I looked like a Michelin man. I wasnt suffering from an allergic reaction neither. :wideyed:


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I think I might do the opposite to you!!
I wouldn’t let antiseptic cream near my legs, it may do well for childhood type scrapes, but that's about it. Diprobase eczema cream has proved very good indeed for accompanying dryness, the surgery likes to use zeroderm as an alternative.
Compression hosiery is a really good mainstay, more swelling with them off = more weeping.
Sorry for the pessimism over your own treatment. Go see a practice nurse, they're very skilled at this sort of thing and run leg ulcer clinics.

Diprobase ointment (which is the one I have) spreads a layer of grease over the problem areas but doesn't do much to prevent the skin underneath from drying out. The whole thing with my legs has become much worse since my GP surgery stopped supplying Diprobase, replacing it with prescriptions for Zeroderm. I put it on and within the same day my legs came up in blisters. I tried it for a 2nd day and the blisters got worse as did the burning soreness that accompanied it. So I requested Diprobase again (GP said they prescribe Zeroderm to save costs).

I did ask the GP to look at my legs, which he did but then said that the doctors don't deal with skin issues and made an appointment for me to see one of the nurses. She didn't think there was an issue but recommended new compression hose so I went to another nurse to be measured for those. They arrived yesterday and I was going to put them on this morning but, seeing the state of my legs, decided not to make matters worse by forcing tight socks over the weeping area.

Might try to get a telephone consultation with a nurse tomorrow - no car available tomorrow, so I am stuck at home.


Type of diabetes
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Yep! I was told diabetes caused mine well my excess weight which can exacerbate diabetic symptoms for type2s.
I was given a diuretic for a short period to solve the problem which helped get rid of it whilst working full-time and with a toddler in nursery.
I only had it when pregnant or extremely overweight until recently but not only legs and feet but all over. I was quickly put back on Furosemide and was left with just swollen tummy which is being investigated.
For me it has mostly been due to being overweight and diabetes on top.
I found it scary but relieved diabetic Dr resolved most of it. Phew!!!
No joking I looked like a Michelin man. I wasnt suffering from an allergic reaction neither. :wideyed:

I look like that big fat slug of a character in Star Wars - can't remember the name of it. Hate the way I look. Spots and blotches all over my face, red, raw eyes (dry eye that won't clear makes them sore and itchy), itchy spots and skin tags, all over my top half, and the huge stomach! I take 2 diuretics a day and have done so for years now; I was on a higher dose but my kidneys started playing up and the dose was reduced; they don't make any difference to my legs swelling nor my stomach.

I didn't use the compression hose on Thursday because part of my rash started weeping. I actually put a dressing over it to stop it dripping on my foot! The dressing soaked it up and it was dry by yesterday morning so I used the Diprobase and put on compression hose. They were burning and itchy, as they are today. The worst part was the pain caused by the tight bands under my knees and the pressure on my toes. They are open toed but they still cover my toes until I fold them back over my feet. Didn't get them on so early today so the pain hasn't started up yet (already folded the toes back).

Doctors seem to be nonplussed about why this all happens. And give up after a few attempts, until I ask them about something else connected, then they have another go.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Jabba the Hutt!
Sorry just realised I ticked the 'agree' box to your post. it was to agree with the identification of the character, and not an agreement that you resemble same. Sorry if I appear to have insulted you.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Sorry just realised I ticked the 'agree' box to your post. it was to agree with the identification of the character, and not an agreement that you resemble same. Sorry if I appear to have insulted you.

No problem. It's me who identifies as Jabba. In my eyes when (if) I see myself in a mirror - that's exactly what I see. I insult myself every time I catch a glimpse, so even if you did see me and agree, I wouldn't be insulted.


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Œdema is a ✻red flag✻ for a serious underlying condition ..for someone with diabetes ..it can set off a chain reaction of problems.


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I'm not surprised that doctors (mine amongst them) seem very little concerned about fluid retention. They don't seem to have an answer, so it seems that they just shrug their shoulders and accept that it just is.

Many people are taking tablets to control high blood pressure - I am, and have done for about 40 years. My son also, since he has had to take steroids for sarcoidosis, has had to take Ramipril to get his blood pressure down to a reasonable level. From being very slim (too slim really) he has put on lots of weight and has quite a "pot belly". In fact, he had to reduce the amount of Ramipril he was taking and now his blood pressure is just a bit above where the doctor would like it to be (and quite a long way above where it used to be).

Perhaps the doctors are just accepting that a balance has to be made and so, they accept the effect of increased weight and increased blood pressure medication. Not that any doctor has ever said this - just my assumptions really.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
I've not heard of this before. If it has come on suddenly, I would consult my GP. Swollen legs can be caused by all sorts of things, so best to get it checked out.
I agree with chasing the GP, but have you had your thyroid checked recently (a full panel) I had a rare overactive one a few years ago, My body was making to much T4, but converting the correct amount to T3, my only symptom. very swollen feet (looked like 2 water balloons had been stapled to the top of my feet, and could only wear flip flop type shoes and they got worse during the day


I have swollen ankles and feet but over night they shrink back, I can only wear sandles mostly now. This I was told was mild osteoarthritis. I take supplements turmeric and ginger and they have helped in the past. I don't get just anyone's I get particular ones, best to consult a nutritionist or doctor before taking anything if you take medicine already. I'm not saying it's this because I'm not professional but it maybe worth a try I tend to do herbal and natural remedies before any medication, because that works for me. Hope you find out what it is.