Search Results

  1. rayser

    Even if youre sick, dont forget your feet

    I agree with you about "little b****r". We in Australia, use the term all the time, especially as a child you would here "You little b****r" if you did something wrong. The word bu***r on its own means something else. Edited by moderator for language
  2. rayser

    Type 2 Practice nurse said not to test

    My Gp told me I didn't need to test but I still do at least 2/3 times a week. I am type2 and well controlled for 14 years. Last year I started getting neuropathy in my left leg, from the knee down to and including my foot. It is also in my buttocks and left hand. I am really disappointed in this...
  3. rayser

    Blurry eyes

    Any other meds you may be on could also cause blurry eyes. I have stopped Cholesterol medication after reading what it does to you, and guess what? in just 5 weeks my eyes are getting soooo good I can read instruction labels on bottles, albeit slightly blurry still. I could not read a medicine...
  4. rayser

    Reversed T2 in 3 months diet only!

    I can honestly say you have almost exactly done what I did to control my Type2. The only difference is I don't have the Bacon etc, much to my disappointment, I love Bacon. I do have eggs though. I trolled the internet & this site 13 years ago for ideas and formulated a plan, I have been told for...