Search Results

  1. T

    Libre NHS criteria

    Was that 44 for 3. Or was that per sensor?
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  3. T

    Should t1s be advised not to have children?

    That wouldn't have been such good for me! I have 4 children. Eldest 10 youngest 4. I was diagnosed type 1 two weeks ago.
  4. T

    Type 1 Feeling low

    I know exactly how you feel. I was also diagnosed with type 1 2 weeks ago. I think for me, and perhaps you, it's the fear of the unknown that's worse. You will have been bombarded with info that your not sure you've taken in properly due to being ill on diagnosis. Yes some changes to the...
  5. T

    Type 1: What are your HbA1c test results?

    Thankyou. I will definitely come back once I've adapted. Right now my logic is that although this condition is completely rubbish, it is manageable and I'm grateful that it's nothing more sinister.
  6. T

    Dissertation about Type 1 Diabetes

    Done. Not sure if it will help. Only diagnosed last week.
  7. T

    Type 1: What are your HbA1c test results?

    I was diagnosed last Friday t1. Had no idea. Had blood taken Thursday at gp surgery. Was told to ring Monday for results but got a phone call asking me to go straight back at tea time on Friday with urine sample. Sent straight to a and e. Hba1c was 143. Finger prick test just said hi. Was put...