Search Results

  1. vanillapie

    Another case of 'what am I doing wrong?'

    Hi all, Sorry for another one of these threads but I could use some advice! I've been doing LCHF for three weeks in combination with IF (usually at least 16:8), and I am not seeing any results. I currently eat between 1000-1200 calories a day, with under 20g carbs, between 50g-80g fat and 60g...
  2. vanillapie

    Blood sugar swings?

    Hi all. When I tested my sugars this morning after waking up, I was pleased to see 5.8 which is the lowest I've had for a week or so. I'm still in the stages of testing out what foods I can and cannot have, so I had my regular breakfast of Weetabix with semi skimmed milk and as expected, two...
  3. vanillapie

    Waiting on diagnosis - feeling scared

    Hi all, newbie here. I have recently been having hyperglycemic symptoms and so bought a blood sugar monitor - the GlucoRx Nexus - to test my sugars, as I am overweight and my father has Type 2 diabetes, so I wanted to rule it out. I was shocked to find that at 2pm today, before I had eaten any...