Search Results

  1. H

    very sad mummy

    Hello sad mummy, I was diagnosed type 1, 20 years ago when I was 9 years old. Diabetes is a very emotional disease because hormones can affect sugar levels, you have to get used to injecting multiple times a day, see specialists and worry about complications later in life. I am currently on a...
  2. H

    24 and newly diagnosed

    Hi I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes 2o years ago. I'm 29 years old and started with combinations of insulin injections to using a MiniMed pump. Then I switched to the OmniPod pump. My elder sister is also a Type 1 D. I have had times where my levels were really great to times where they...
  3. H

    Type 1 - Is it genetic?

    I was diagnosed type 1 20 years ago at age 10. My elder sister was diagnosed 25 years ago at age 7. And I have an uncle on my fathers side diagnosed type 1. It is supposedly very rare to have siblings diagnosed because type1 is an auto-immune disease. So there definitely are genetics involved...