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  1. P

    Low sugar vegan recipes

    Thanks guys, I really appreciate your replies. Badcat - I'll deffo look into silken tofu recipes. Sounds like a winner! Lee - How funny! I used to live on Elstree Road on Woodhall Farm, grew up there in fact! I hope Cornwall is good? Yup, low carbing can be hard on a veggie/vegan diet and a...
  2. P

    Low sugar vegan recipes

    Hi everyone, I hope this isn't too random! I am a type 1 diabetic and decided to go on a vegan diet to help me become healthier and lose some weight. I have been vegan for 2 months now. I *adore* the diet and have never felt better - I can recommend it to anyone out there! My only problem is I...
  3. P

    "Proper" Hypo followed by "Phantom" Hypos ?

    Have you changed insulin recently? I changed my short acting a few years ago and found I could feel hypos well ahead of actually dropping into hypo, I take this as a good thing as it helps me to know well ahead of time and prepare for it. I don't always hypo though so I do wait to find out...
  4. P


    Re: Festivals Hi Heather, I've been to loads of festivals as a Type 1 and Glasto four times without trouble, so really don't worry! Just be conscious of not letting your insulin over heat (but you have that sorted, I must check out those cool wallets, not heard of them before) and make sure...
  5. P

    diabetes treatment - weight issues

    I did weight watchers a few years ago and lost 3 stone but slowly put it back on again. I'm now on a vegan diet as I can do this with the diabetes and I find it's much easier than counting points or calories. It's basically super healthy, low fat, low cholestorol and there are a lot of yummy...
  6. P

    Losing the will!!!!

    Don't eat fruit or fruit juice for breakfast, they contain fast sugars so will increase your BG swiftly but also drop shortly after. I was told by my nurse that drinking fruit juuice is like drinking full fat coke! You want something with long-acting carbs, like wholemeal toast but avoid sugary...
  7. P

    Extra Injection

    Stu, don't ask us! - everyone is different and it depends upon the type of insulin you use and your weight/activeness. Speak to your diabetes nurse who will be able to really help! I will say that it is possible as my fast-acting insulin allows me to have extra injections. Ambersilver, I...
  8. P

    Got Insulin Pump! It is so awesome!

    Hi John, Thanks for posting this - I've been thining about a pump for a while now. Do you have to have a regulated diet or will a pump suit someone with an irregular lifestyle?! thanks
  9. P


    Hi Martin, This is entirely subjective as you will drink what you like to drink, right?! Obviously you can't drink anything with high sugar mixers and cider is extremely sugary - so avoid that. Alco-pops (not that you sound like an alco-pop person) are also off the list. It will take some...
  10. P

    What type of diabetes do you have, and do you work?

    I'm Type 1 and a marketing manager for a large entertainment company. I've been diagnosed since age 12 and am now 31. I've always worked in entertainment including film, television and music. I've never found my diabetes to be a problem when finding work and rarely whilst in work - although I...
  11. P

    applying for jobs and Type 1

    Interesting question and I'm sad to see some people have been possibly let down by ignorance. You absolutley MUST declare that you have diabetes. I have found the question to be along the lines of 'Do you have any medical conditions you feel we should know about?' this is perfect for answering...