
  1. T

    Newly Diagnosed T2D, reclassified as LADA

    Hi All Bit of a rollercoaster few months. I had been diagnosed in October 2024 as a T2D (despite being fairly healthy, active and 27 years old) and as such the doctor requested an Antibody test which has shown a 28.4 u/ml level of Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase and me being reclassified as having...
  2. J

    NovaRapid & after meal blood spikes

    Hi I've been Type 1 for 10 years and I'm in NovaRapid & Omnipod Dash. Over the last 6 months it's as if my absorption has slowed down. When I eat a meal (carb counting 1:10), I inject NovaRapid up to 15 minutes before but still get a spike for up to 3-4 hours later (I'm talking like 15-18!)...
  3. Iain Byrne

    Novorapid Penfill

    Anyone else having difficulty obtaining the Novorapid 3ml penfill cartridges. My pharmacist told me yesterday they were having difficulty obtaining these. Fortunately I do keep a standby supply so not desperate but maybe rather worrying for future insulin supplies Iain
  4. I

    Plane travel

    I'm flying to Portugal via Easyjet and flying back by Ryanair. I wear Libre and have an Omnipod pump, I'm away for 12 days, so I'll need to take pods and insulin etc. Will I need a doctor's note for all the medical stuff?
  5. S

    Does insulin contain sugar?

    This is a trend ... after taking insulin I notice that my blood sugar level starts to rise even though I do not eat anything. Here is an example this morning. At 7:24am my BG was 9.9 mmol/L. I took 85 united of basal insulin and 6 units of bolus for a BG correction ... to nudge it downward but...
  6. keithsomerviille

    Insulin in pen keeps crystalising

    Hi started insulin using a pen 2 weeks ago. Already 3 pens have had insulin crystalise. Is it because they are being kept too cold? Latest was kept in insulated container with cool pads but not frozen pads.
  7. P

    How is diabetes managed in hospital while having surgery?

    Hi everyone I've got surgery coming up and I'm newlyish diagnosed and on insulin. I was wondering how they normally manage insulin while you are admitted/fasting pre surgery/in surgery/out of surgery but not eating normally? And also when you are home but not eating normally? I get pretty out...
  8. I

    A Metabolic Advantage from Low Carb ?

    Nick Norwitz "What is a FAST metabolism , Really?!"
  9. Brookemurph

    Needing more and more insulin - reacting constantly

    Hi all, Just looking for advice. I’ve been type 1 for almost 2 years now and when first diagnosed I was on it! Over the last year I’ve really lost control over my blood sugars and have been fighting to get them back. I’m finding that I’m constantly reacting to something, a high or a low. I’ve...
  10. B

    Faulty Insulin Pens

    This is like the 3rd time (in a row) this has happened to me now, I’ve only used half of my Novorapid short acting insulin pen, and it now has particles and threads in the insulin when I shake it. I’ve used it and injected arojmd 13/14 units, for it to have no effect on my glucose (currently...
  11. B

    Young, type 2 and on insulin. Confusion! Please help!

    Hello all! This is my first post and really I’m just wanting to share my story, see if there is anyone on here who has a similar story to mine or has any ideas which might help. It’s a bit of a story but I’ll try and keep it shortish! I’m 37 now but was 32 when I moved across the country and...
  12. Anna2007

    Type 2 Travelling abroad

    I was wondering if it was possible to find out where my insulin and other medication can be prescribed. I travel to France quite often as my family have a house there and often wonder if I can get a prescription for them when I am there, and if I can get the same insulin when I am there. It is...
  13. L

    T2 fasting and metformin SR

    Both myself and my husband are type 2 and very overweight. the last two weeks we have been fasting 16:8 and 18-19:6 and slowly moving towards low carb. I have lost weight and he hasn’t lost as much, the difference being he still takes 2000mg daily and I just stopped. I suggested the failure to...
  14. gradenko80

    Access to supplies in Spain / Europe?

    Hi all, I'm from Australia originally and have been travelling in the UK for the last few months and haven't had any trouble getting insulin through the NHS. I'm off to Spain and potentially some other European/Northern African/Mediterranean countries shortly and I'll definitely stock up before...
  15. Danny98

    Swapping from Lantus solostar (insulin glargine) to Tresiba (insulin degludec)

    Hi all, I have been recently swapped insulin by my doctor to help my control. However, I am extremely anxious of the side effects and possible alergic reaction. I am currently on 25 units of lantus solo star and being swapped to 15 units of tresiba. Can anyone tell me there experiences? Can...
  16. LozzaB

    Trying to keep levels normal!

    Hi.. I was recently diagnosed with Type 1 in Feb. Levels at that time were through the roof, I had all the classic symptoms- thirst, needing the toilet a lot, headaches. Had tests and was sent straight to hospital and put on insulin. I’m currently taking Toujeo and Humalog for meals. Over the...
  17. andrzejLKS

    Generic NovoRapid Insulin

    Hi all, Just came back from the pharmacy and checked my insulin. The packaging looks like this and is bulky, obviously has the right medication inside of it. Anyone else seen this in their lives before? Normally I just get the brand packaging lol. Generic:
  18. S

    Approved Type 1 Diabetes and Exercise Research Study in Swansea

    Hi all, I'm a PhD student at Swansea University where we're conducting a research study looking into the effects of insulin around exercise in people with type 1 diabetes. I've attached to this post our study poster with information about the study. If you, or someone you know in South Wales...
  19. E

    Symptoms similar to diabetes from a non-insulin cause?

    Is it possible to have a good HbA1c test result and also reasonable finger pinprick test results, yet to have symptoms typical of diabetes? Perhaps there are things further along the metabolic pathway (subsequent to the action of insulin) which can go wrong in themselves. I would be interested...
  20. D

    Low HCG levels

    Hi! Does anyone know if diabetes and insulin can cause low levels of hcg in a blood test very early on in the pregnancy? I have heard that type one diabetics who are taking insulin have lower hcg levels in the first trimester than those without T1D. Is this true?