
  1. J

    Blood sugars fluctuating all the time

    Hi, I’ve been Type 1 for 20 years but have been having real trouble controlling my blood sugars lately (which normally haven’t been this much of a problem for me in the past) - I take 12u of long acting in the morning and evening, and then 1u:10g of carbohydrates. My blood sugars have been...
  2. J

    Diabetes and Pancreatitis

    In 2014 I was admitted to hospital with Pancreatitis which resulted in me being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, this was managed with Metformin and Gliclazide which worked well. In 2016 my medication was changed to a different Metformin, Gliclazide and Linagliptin with no real explanation. In...
  3. Chartreuse

    HI on monitor??

    I’ve noticed a couple times that my monitor sometimes just reads HI when I test my blood sugars (not very often but it’s happened a couple times) and I was wondering if it’s just a glitch or something?? Does it actually mean anything??
  4. Jillytee


    Hi I'm Jilly and was told I had type 2 diabetes 6 weeks ago after a routine blood test. My blood sugar was 6.8. I have been given zero info from my surgery other than I should try and lose a bit of weight and they'd see me in six months.... So, I Googled it, put myself on a very low carb, high...
  5. wordangel

    A new emotional issue with diabetes

    This is my second day on the forum i think. Was diagnosed in December. I was eating terribly because of poverty and inadequate and fast food restaurant meals. was eating kid meals... august A1C was back to prediabetic levels/ 6.7 i think. have been stressed and down again. in fact i am...