Hi, I’ve been Type 1 for 20 years but have been having real trouble controlling my blood sugars lately (which normally haven’t been this much of a problem for me in the past) - I take 12u of long acting in the morning and evening, and then 1u:10g of carbohydrates.
My blood sugars have been spiking when eating during the day, sometimes when I give my fast acting insulin my body doesn’t respond so I end up giving more (and sometimes hypoing), and honestly I am getting dawn phenomenon everyday now which is new for me. I’ve been having to wake up at 3am and 6am every night to correct my highs, and sometimes the corrections don’t even work/it will just go up again after coming down! I’ve attached a photo of my libre readings, which might not look too bad but the constant fluctuations make me feel awful and sick.
I’ve tried to adjust my long acting however every time I increase this I just end up hypoing more. This is because I find that some weeks during the month I need around 16/17u of long acting morning and evening, and some weeks I only need 11u. Could be due to hormones but it’a really strange as this hasn’t really happened before and I’m not sure how to combat it. Any advice would be appreciated!!
My blood sugars have been spiking when eating during the day, sometimes when I give my fast acting insulin my body doesn’t respond so I end up giving more (and sometimes hypoing), and honestly I am getting dawn phenomenon everyday now which is new for me. I’ve been having to wake up at 3am and 6am every night to correct my highs, and sometimes the corrections don’t even work/it will just go up again after coming down! I’ve attached a photo of my libre readings, which might not look too bad but the constant fluctuations make me feel awful and sick.
I’ve tried to adjust my long acting however every time I increase this I just end up hypoing more. This is because I find that some weeks during the month I need around 16/17u of long acting morning and evening, and some weeks I only need 11u. Could be due to hormones but it’a really strange as this hasn’t really happened before and I’m not sure how to combat it. Any advice would be appreciated!!