100 years old


Type of diabetes
Type 1
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Just read details from a Dr Atlins book.. Ref diabetes.. His book says "that very few centenarians are diabetics"....

I'm hoping that somebody on this forum can one day come back here and say they got to a century.

I so hope its not me.. But thats a personal thing and way of thinking..
Just think its tough on diabetics to hear their lives will be shorter than other non diabetics.

I so hope that some of us will prove staticians wrong. I had the fear of god put in me at 20.. Never expected to get to 50. I just hope that one day somebody can post that centurian diabetics are in abundance.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Just read details from a Dr Atlins book.. Ref diabetes.. His book says "that very few centenarians are diabetics"....

I'm hoping that somebody on this forum can one day come back here and say they got to a century.

I so hope its not me.. But thats a personal thing and way of thinking..
Just think its tough on diabetics to hear their lives will be shorter than other non diabetics.

I so hope that some of us will prove staticians wrong. I had the fear of god put in me at 20.. Never expected to get to 50. I just hope that one day somebody can post that centurian diabetics are in abundance.

To be fair, Donnellydogs, 30 years ago they didn't seem to know a lot about diabetes, certainly now they know more, but the medical establishment is still not helping in particular regards diet.

Well done to you for coming thus far and trust your going to go on a lot longer.

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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
I'm cautiously optimistic. A centenarian today could have been diagnosed aged 40 which was of course 60 years ago. There wasn't the wealth of info nor knowledge we have today. I think in years to come there will be centenarian diabetics coming through :D
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Just read details from a Dr Atlins book.. Ref diabetes.. His book says "that very few centenarians are diabetics"....

I'm hoping that somebody on this forum can one day come back here and say they got to a century.

I so hope its not me.. But thats a personal thing and way of thinking..
Just think its tough on diabetics to hear their lives will be shorter than other non diabetics.

I so hope that some of us will prove staticians wrong. I had the fear of god put in me at 20.. Never expected to get to 50. I just hope that one day somebody can post that centurian diabetics are in abundance.
Seventeen years ago I was given 5 years by an endocrinologist who assumed that it was my life style that caused my excess weight and therefore becoming diabetic, not that he could be bothered to ask what I ate or what exercise I did.
There was a time when I wanted to reach a 100, but I'm worried that my brain will go, long before my body, and I don't really want to be like my poor old mum. Although to be fair, she's well looked after, happy most of the time and physically quite a fighter, but there's been some very low moments over the last 2 years.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
No way do I want to get to a 100yrs old...didn't thonk I'd get to 50. Eveyday since 50 been a bonus!!
(Only because of the fear of god put in to me 30+ years ago). No way did I expect 50.just would like someone, one day to do it though!!
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Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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pasta ice cream and chocolate
Just read details from a Dr Atlins book.. Ref diabetes.. His book says "that very few centenarians are diabetics"....

I'm hoping that somebody on this forum can one day come back here and say they got to a century.

I so hope its not me.. But thats a personal thing and way of thinking..
Just think its tough on diabetics to hear their lives will be shorter than other non diabetics.

I so hope that some of us will prove staticians wrong. I had the fear of god put in me at 20.. Never expected to get to 50. I just hope that one day somebody can post that centurian diabetics are in abundance.

Like you I do not want to live to 100.
Just do a google search though and you will find 100 year old diabetics :)
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
It's one thing actually that causes me concern. I cannot imagine anybody else managing my diabetes how I do.
I cannot see how anybody else would manage my pump etc

I dread getting dementia or just getting old. To me its a horrible scary thought.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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pasta ice cream and chocolate
It's one thing actually that causes me concern. I cannot imagine anybody else managing my diabetes how I do.
I cannot see how anybody else would manage my pump etc

I dread getting dementia or just getting old. To me its a horrible scary thought.
After watching the suffering my father went through with his dementia (lewi bodies) I wouldn't wish it on anyone or their families. It was horrendous, Dad nearly took my Mother, brother and I to the grave with him. When he passed away a couple of months ago it was a release for him and a relief for the family.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
After watching the suffering my father went through with his dementia (lewi bodies) I wouldn't wish it on anyone or their families. It was horrendous, Dad nearly took my Mother, brother and I to the grave with him. When he passed away a couple of months ago it was a release for him and a relief for the family.

Aaww Carbsrok, it's tough isn't it? Very sad for family when you actually feel relief.....
Having worked with persons with dementia it is something that seriously worries me. It is tough on families, but I fear what would happen to me or my hubby when we have no family.

Going to have to google now 100 year old diabetics.....


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
The odds are stacked against us :)

In 2012 it was reported that half a million people aged 90+ living in England and Wales. They might only represent about 1% of the total population, but given that the number has increased 33% since 2002, they're likely to become a bigger part of Britain.

But a lot of people pass away between their 90th and 100th birthdays - the totals plummet from 453,000 people aged 90-99 to just 12,320 aged 100+. That's still an awful lot of Christmas cards - on average 14 cards need to be written every day which sounds like a dreadfully dull duty for one Queen.

610 people who have lived for more than 105 years

The 105+ age bracket is a tiny one and it's one for the women - less than 1 in 10 people in this demographic are men.

Those numbers have almost doubled in a decade - from 320 people in 2002 to 610 in 2012. Back then, there were only 20 men who lived past 105 compared to 60 now.

Source :Guardian newspaper 27th September
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Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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I'm type 1 / f*****d pancreas after an episode of acute severe pancreatitis. I'm 40 and do a lot of sport, keep weight down, have quite good control, but really have no idea of how diabetes will affect my lifespan.


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
It's a morbid subject lets just live life and stop worrying, you will never know once you have gone...............

Better to go while your reasonably fit than linger.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I'm just gonna get as much life quality in while i still can.. If i do a ton fair play...
I always thought I'd be an ailing fat middle aged guy.. Here i am & I still feel like a teen! :p
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Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
It's a morbid subject lets just live life and stop worrying, you will never know once you have gone...............

Better to go while your reasonably fit than linger.
Couldn't have said it better. Perfectly summarised Neil :)


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Disrespectful people
If you do a Google search you will find that a few people have reached the age of 100 after living with diabetes most of their lives. the Joslin Institute recently awarded their first 80 year medal so there's hope yet.

tbh DD, I wouldn't want to see my 100th birthday, especially if it meant being in poor health, there comes a time where its time to bow out of this world.
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