Absolutely terrified..


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)

Sorry for the title but couldn’t think of anything else. I was diagnosed today with type two diabetes, had a blood test 3 months ago were my sugar was high, and my thyroid was slightly over, they said to retest in 12 weeks and its gone from 55 to 85. Ive cut back on a lot of things but I hardly eat sugary foods. Doctor did say type two is usually genetic. Im 35 and I am absolutely terrified of having diabetes, my friend recently passed away from a diabetic coma, so I think that has hit hard.

At the moment all I have seen is bad things about it, I already suffer with depression and its hit me like a ton of bricks being told I have diabetes. Problem also is the keeping your feet clean etc which I do, but I currently have a bone spur (on a waiting list) which could at anytime peirce through the skin, it’s already painful and I cant walk for more then 10 mins. Its just I seen amputation etc

If you have anything positive to say please say it, I even asked the doctor if I was going to die. (I have PNES, anxiety is so bad im on diazepam)

Sorry for such a dull post. I have a testing monitor but that just does there & then. Took my first dose of Metformin (I did read somewhere that sometimes this one isnt recommended) I asked the doctor if he could prescribe Ozempic but theres an NHS shortage at the moment.

Thanks for reading. Looking forward to reading your replies :)

Ps. Should I have been referred anywhere? I feel like hes just rang, told me, gave me tablets and thats it. Just wondering from reading others. And sorry for the long post. :)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
@Kayley22 You might be inadvertently eating things which raise your blood glucose as they are labelled 'healthy' by people who should know better.
I was pressured to eat wholemeal this and low fat that for many years, and blamed for putting on weight and feeling unwell, when all the time it was the food on the diet sheet which caused it - I was hugely over weight without the strength to get the housework done some days.
The problem is carbohydrates, for an ordinary type 2, so foods with starch or sugar raise blood glucose.
I limit my intake to less than 40 gm of carbs a day now. I do not chose low fat options, I avoid seed oils and anything with over 10% carbs, other than the high cocoa chocolate, but I limit myself to one square at a time, and don't eat it every day.
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