Accepting diabetes and contentment

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Well-Known Member
NewdestinyX said:
I haven't missed anything. I tell what works about my choices all the time here and I never denegrate another person's choice. I DO however, and will continue, to challenge 'ideas' about regimens and what science says about the different regimens. A forum is a place for exchange and 'comparison' of ideas. Ideas are fair game. Judging 'people' for their choices and telling them they are 'hurting themselves' for choosing a certain way is wrong. Terms like 'addicted to carbs' and characterizing carbs themselves as 'inherently addictive' abound all over this and other forums. That's a totally judgmental statement (and scientifically inaccurate to boot) and is 'liberally used' at this and other D forums. Just search for the words 'carb' and 'addict' or 'addictive' and you'll read post after post of this 'judging tone' I refer to.
So you draw a distinction between attacking an idea (OK) vs attacking a person (wrong) and then give as an example of what not to do as the use of the term "carb addict"... is someone being personally accused of being a carb addict? Where?? because I would also report that post as wrong. Or are you talking about folks discussing the idea of carbs being addictive... because surely that falls under your "OK to do" heading?

For myself I am able to promote what works for me without constantly comparing it to other approaches or categorizing people by using divisive terms like "low carbers".


If you must insist on categories you might refer to Diabetes UK own guidelines...
Charity Diabetes UK provides the following brackets for daily carbohydrate intakes. A research study in 2008[7] used the following brackets to categorise daily carbohydrate intake:

Moderate carbohydrate: 130 to 225g of carbs
Low carbohydrate: under 130g of carbs
Very low carbohydrate: under 30g of carbs
I believe they are calling you a "low carber"


Well-Known Member
pianoman said:
So you draw a distinction between attacking an idea (OK) vs attacking a person (wrong) and then give as an example of what not to do as the use of the term "carb addict"... is someone being personally accused of being a carb addict? Where?? because I would also report that post as wrong. Or are you talking about folks discussing the idea of carbs being addictive... because surely that falls under your "OK to do" heading?
No. Incorrect conclusion and not a logical equivalency either, pianoman. The term 'addictive' is an adjective. Adjectives can only describe a person, place or thing. But a 'thing' can't be an 'addict'. 'Addictive' always implies a 'failure' in behavior. Carbs are only as 'addictive' as a 'person' lets them be. I know people who could be described as 'addicted to fat'. The 'creamy texture' is something they 'must have'. The terms I listed don't just attack 'ideas' they 'judge people and their choices'. I do give a lot of room for discussing the complications of 'refined carbs' for which you could scientifically make the case that they wreak havoc with our metabolism. But most of the time the debates don't center around 'refined carbs' only. They extend to complex carbs (starches) and grain based products - grains still being the highest source of B Vitamins God gave mankind.

For myself I am able to promote what works for me without constantly comparing it to other approaches or categorizing people by using divisive terms like "low carbers".
That term 'only divides' for the purpose of describing a 'chosen' approach. It's not inherently judgmental or 'divisive' in a pejorative way as I see it. It just helps us describe larger approach issues, don't you think?


If you must insist on categories you might refer to Diabetes UK own guidelines...
Charity Diabetes UK provides the following brackets for daily carbohydrate intakes. A research study in 2008[7] used the following brackets to categorise daily carbohydrate intake:

Moderate carbohydrate: 130 to 225g of carbs
Low carbohydrate: under 130g of carbs
Very low carbohydrate: under 30g of carbs
I believe they are calling you a "low carber"
There are many such divisions out there. The medical sources I've read refer to 'any ketosis producing regimen' as 'extreme/very low carbing'. And that can happen for people from 0 - 60g of carbs as a general rule from what I've read. I don't live in ketosis unless wanting to go to a lower weight plateau - and only then for short periods of time (2-5 weeks). I think most people here who self describe as 'low carbers' live a lot of their life in Ketosis. That's not possible at over 60g of carbs. I refer to myself as low to moderate in carbing. And I always make the distinction that most people who call themselves 'low' are really 'very low', in ketosis, most of the time.
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