ADHD, anyone?


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I already tried that when she thought the dexamfetamine might cause a thyroid storm... Told her I'd rather know, and why, and.... Nothing, as here we are again.
Telling is not always the same as having someone read your thoughts. Worth giving it a try. ;)
(By the way, that first book you suggested the other day is another good one, so far! ;) )
I'll tell Inge, after all I only asked my friend which book you'd want to read and told you her reply. :hilarious:
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Well-Known Member
Different question.
Had anyone here looked into the link between ADHD and bg??
Something pinged up on my phone thr other day and I'm going to try and find some stuff about it. But.... you know..... hive mind and all!!!


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Well, that's that. For now anyway. The practice that diagnosed me doesn't feel comfortable giving me any more meds, due to the extreme reactions I've been having. Right now it looks like after 12 cognitive therapy sessions with them, -three of which under my belt at this point- we'll part ways. They are looking for a shrink at a teaching hospital to take on my case, so they would have access to an endo and whatnot. Also, they'd be able to make the autism diagnosis official, which this practice can't do, and maybe let me try a med I don't actually want to be on, now that I've done some research on it. A friend of mine was on it for years and gained 33 kilo's. I can't have that happen, my sleep apnea returned when I gained 10 kilo's after mom passed and menopause kicked in. I can't have that additional weight, I'd choke. Besides that, it'd up blood sugars, which is a hard no from me. Still.... I don't want to quit now, either. But for the time being it looks like I'll be back on waiting lists... And the med-experiment is on hold, if not permanently over. I never did get to try bupropion, because the lowest dosage was too high to risk my life on, and they won't take on that responsibility. Which I can understand, but I'm still bummed.

Ah well... If anything changes and I get to check bloods, I'll be back on this topic. But for the time being... Yeah. Nope.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
I reckon you're a superstar. It's wise to balance the possible effects of this med. on that med, not to mention keeping all the balls in the air with your total wellbeing. It's so easy for various medics to lean towards their own specialities and not give proper (any?) thought to the whole human being. We can do that for ourselves and weave our individual path through the challenges, though it would be so helpful to have proper guidance. Sometimes it all seems too big a task, especially when outside circumstances barrel in and add a layer of challenge we could do without. I commend your strong and sensible approach, and whatever you decide is YOUR decision. If you end up in a medical cul-de-sac there is no shame in backing out and trying another way. We are all here for you if you want, and if you prefer to be private for a while, we understand.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
@JoKalsbeek , good news you will hopefully get an official ASD diagnosis. A firm diagnosis is an acknowledgment of your neurodivergency. It will give you confidence to use your 'aspie superpowers'. And there are many :) As for weight gain, **** that! I would feel the same way too. Weight gain associated with a drug would be a big no, no for me, unless it was either take the drug or die.

It sounds like you are super sensitive to any weird chemical going into your body. Are you better with natural alternatives?


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Different question.
Had anyone here looked into the link between ADHD and bg??
Something pinged up on my phone thr other day and I'm going to try and find some stuff about it. But.... you know..... hive mind and all!!!
@mouseee , "bg" do you mean blood glucose? If so yes, there is a physcological association between Type 2 and ADHD. Impulsivity and risk behaviour associated with ADHD means that there is a higher proportion of Type 2 diabetes with ADHD. I will try and find you a link. It's hard to say no to things that give you pleasure and an instant dopamine surge, food is right up there. Doing things that you want to do, may mean piloting a small light aircraft or vegging out on the sofa watching your favourite movies over and over. ADHD can either mean tearing around at break neck speed or laying in bed for hours, just because you feel like it.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@JoKalsbeek , good news you will hopefully get an official ASD diagnosis. A firm diagnosis is an acknowledgment of your neurodivergency. It will give you confidence to use your 'aspie superpowers'. And there are many :) As for weight gain, **** that! I would feel the same way too. Weight gain associated with a drug would be a big no, no for me, unless it was either take the drug or die.

It sounds like you are super sensitive to any weird chemical going into your body. Are you better with natural alternatives?
Wholly depends on the alternatives. Some work, some have side effects. (Ashwaganda? NOT a good idea!). Lots of migraine triggers out there, for instance. But I'll be looking into alternatives, GABA and whatever.... I didn't want to start on them while experimenting with actual drugs, because I needed to know what did what, and it would muddle things up. But I do think it's back to the drawing board and see what I can handle. Plus.... Knowing it's perfectly okay to use noise cancelling headphones or earplugs because I do really, REALLY need them not to crawl out of my own skin, well... It helps. I never wanted to because I felt it was rude, or it'd block out everything including my husband, which was not something I wanted, well... I've given myself permission to just be a little odd/"anti-social" (according to people who can bite me, really, if they don't understand) and meet my own needs for a change. After 45 years, I think it may be high time to. Kornelis completely supports me, so that helps.

But yeah. The natural stuff is the next stop. I'll have to get back into research mode for that though, and right now I'm a little too winded: passed a rather large, spiky kidney stone early this morning, and it's been a very long, painful and bloody night, so I'm giving myself a few days grace to heal and veg out in bed some. But after that, yeah.... I'll be trying all sorts.