Advice on getting Doctor / Nurse to listen


I have been diagnosed type 2 for 18 months and I am on 2 * 500 mg Metformin SR . I train in a gym hard to keep my hba1c down and for the first 12 month this worked well 6.3 last october ~I went to my Nurse and explained that I was going to be in USA for 2 months Nov Dec and that controlling my BS would be difficult and that although I was training hard I was noticing my morning reading going up gradually. (I have to buy my own strips) They did a hba1c which came out at 6.7. With this in mind I explained that my training had been increased from 1hr 6 days a week to 1.5 hrs a day and yet my figures were still rising so could they help prescribe something to help me reduce my numbers down as my time to train was getting silly. There answer was that the figures were in limits and they would test in 6 months. I went to USA and subsequently my numbers rose to an average of 8.1 every morning. I got back into the UK Jan 1st and started the gym work again in order to get my numbers down and thankfully they are down to an average of 6.5 in the morning and reducing. The only problem is by the time they do an hba1c again they will see no problem. This feels like I am trapped because the only way I can get help help is if I do not train and allow my figures to increase. The Nurse / Doctor do not seem interested in listening as I have raised this with them twice now and all they say is lets see what your next test is. :evil:

Extremely frustrated, all advice appreciated



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Exercise & diet work together in control of diabetes. What do you eat? Reducing carbs & increasing veg & protein should help. If you can get improved BS without extra medication, it will be good.


Sorry I should have said that I eat a high proportion of protein in my diet and although not low carb I rarely eat over 100g a day and never more than 40 in one serving and mostly adhere to low GI


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
You need to eat LESS protein, my man. Excess protein in your system gets converted to glucose - which would explain your high readings.

If you haven't already, try lo-carbing. If you already eat lots of protein you're probably half way there already. Believe it or not - if you replace the carbs you are eating with fat (that's right, fat!) not only will your BG levels improve, you could lose weight. Although - with that amount of training (weights, I presume) you may build muscle and not notice weight loss...


Well-Known Member

Have to agree with Patch. Cut the carbs go easy on the protein and increase your fat intake. You should see a difference relatively quickly.

Caitycakes x


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I thought low carb meant eating more protein not less??? :?:



Well-Known Member
Try doing this for a while to help you fine tune your diet against your exertion

It can be very frustrating, many authorities especially in the States will be much more proactive and use comparatively high levels of medication at first to get your BG in range, which can be backed off or discontinued later when you have gained control.

Others still will not provide treatment, or increase treatment, until your A1c has gone over 8. Some are using the current guideline which I believe is 6.5 or 7.

They make absolutely no distinction between proactive patients who want to do better and are capable of putting the work in, and the rest.

The carb level in your diet is all important. As to whether it is better to replace it with fat (even the ADA suggests monounsaturated fats aren't as bad as they previously believed) or protein probably depends on your individual response, my LDL and HDL improved with more saturated fats but this doesn;t happen for others. Meantime try eating more of these

low carb and lots of micronutrients

Also check out the Eat The Rainbow sticky in the food forum