advice please, called to doc to discuss results!


Hello everyone,

I have been lowcarbing for about 3 months now, and my self test results have been good, after meals is down form 10ish to 5s , 6, or 7ish. and some results pre lunch were a bit too lw, so I think its looking good, also have lost about half a stone, did speak to diabetic nurse a few weeks nto this new diet as my results were so good and wanted to check in with her about this, she was more concerend that my cholesteral would rise thatn that my blood sugars appeared more controlled. (My last test was 7.4 and I take 2x 1000 metformin a day plus 3 of the glizo thingys. I take 1 40g statin a day, my cholesteral I beleive was around 4 ( not fully sure on that as it was not tested on last review).

Have just had a blood test taken last week and now had a letter to say please see Doctor to discuss results, So I can only summise at this stage that my cholesteral has come back high. ( I doubt if they have called my back for low sugar results!) .

Has anyone else had this happen that cholesteral has gone higher, and did i read on hear somewhere that cholesteral can go higher initially and then fall, just want to have my answers ready in case I have to justfy low carbing any info appreciated


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Would be interested in any replies to this too. I'm also low carbing and had high cholesterol on being diagnosed with diabetes. Haven't had a follow up blood test yet but self testing has showed my BG levels to have gone down quite a bit.


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Sorry Rippers, I didn't realise you have just joined :oops:

Welcome to the forum. Everyone here is very helpful and always has loads of good advice.

I'm sure you will get an answer from an experienced person very soon.


Well-Known Member
Many people here no far more about this hn I do but my Gp assured me that my cholesterol would be bound to rise when my bg did, so you would imagine vice versa?

Maybe the dr wants to change your meds based on your new results?

I don't think they realise the anxiety such a "summons" can create. Hope its all good . unless you are ultral low carbing, don't think you should worry or feeel guilty about it. If you have lost weight then that is good and probably due to the low carbing.
Most of us only mean that we have cut down on starchy carbs- nothing wrong with that. I can't see why any Dr would object to you being careful about carbs if it has resulted in weight loss and improved control.

Let us know how you get on.


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I had high cholesterol when I started low carbing and it is now a healthy:
Cholesterol 3.8 lipid recommended is less than 4.0
HDL = 1.26 recommended is 0.91-2.21
LDL = 1.86 less than 2.0

HDL ratio is 3.0 recommended is 1.0-4.0

I eat a lot of cheese but always low fat.
The cholesterol content of egg yolks used to be a no no but this has been contradicted by ? and it is the so called 'good' cholesterol.
I eat 3 or 4 avocados a week on the same basis.

I think cholesterol and how we process fat is so unique to the individual that each person will be different.

The positive outlook of; go with the idea that you are doing so well they want to reduce your meds seems less stressful than your cholesterol maybe high...

Good Luck.


Thanks all, have been low carbing for 3 months now and discovered that I can tolerate very little carbs not even a slice of bread it raises it over 10, so have been banging the eggs and cheese and cream, so will just hhave to see what they say, so as long as sugar levels have gone down,and reading is less than last time I don't think I will stress too much, but will let you know what the result is!


Well-Known Member
Hi Rippers ,welcome to the forum :D
I did read that when you are losing weight and burning fat, it can temporarily raise Cholesterol levels. you mention you have lost a fair amount of weight so it may be this.

If they mention statins ,just wait a bit ans see if things settle on there own before you next test. I found cutting out all the refined carbs was the only thing that lowered my cholesterol when I was not on medication, I need it I'm afraid.

The increase in fat never raised mine infact it had the opposite effect.

Hope things work out


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I have been called back in twice by GP after my bloods - both time letter said make an non urgent appointment at your convenience to discuss your recent tests - both times it was nothing to do with diabetes but something completely different and minor that the tests had thrown up (one a slight water infection another raised white blood cells - which was worrying - but a quick chat soon gave a very minor reason - I had started a period the day of my test!)

I sometimes think we are lucky to get such a battery of tests every 3/6/12/ months - as my GP said - "We watch you so closely that anything no matter what it is we will catch it early - most only get tested when they are ill - you get tested when you are well"!

It's always easy to say but try not to worry too much and if it was anything urgent they would have had you in right away :)


Just a follow up on this, went to get results from GP and am soooo pleased that my blood sugar has dropped from 7.4 to 6.3 since July this year, so am so grateful I found this site and thanks to all that post on here with advice for us all. the call to discuss results was because my cholesteral has gone up from 4.4 to 4.8. so alot of worry for no ral reason GP said he didn't know why they had called me in but never mind a blinding result on the BG I THINK :D :D


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Your total cholesterol can rise initially if you are eating very low carb. The target figures I use for reference are as follows:

Total cholesterol: below 5.18
HDL: above 1.04, and the higher the better
LDL: 3.3 or lower
Triglycerides: below 1.70 and the lower the better

Total:HDL ratio less than 5

My Total figure is usually in the mid 5s, but everything else is fine, so my GP isn't worried.

The best cholesterol figures I ever had were after 18 months on Atkins Induction the first time around (2005), before I was diagnosed Type 2. Despite all the natural fats included in that diet, my figures then were Total 5.2; HDL 1.65; triglycerides 0.65; I didn't get the others in those days. Now I get a full print-out of all my blood tests, it's useful to get the full breakdown.

I like your doctor's attitude, Rippers - and congratulations on the BG levels :clap:

Viv 8)


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rippers said:
Just a follow up on this, went to get results from GP and am soooo pleased that my blood sugar has dropped from 7.4 to 6.3 since July this year, so am so grateful I found this site and thanks to all that post on here with advice for us all. the call to discuss results was because my cholesteral has gone up from 4.4 to 4.8. so alot of worry for no ral reason GP said he didn't know why they had called me in but never mind a blinding result on the BG I THINK :D :D

Well done rippers on the reduction in hba1c :)

The target cholesterol levels for people with diabetes are:

HDL: 1mmol/l or above for men; 1.2mmol/l or above for women

LDL: below 2mmol/l

Triglycerides: equal to or below 1.7mmol/l

Total cholesterol: below 4mmol/l
