Annual Hospital Appointment


Active Member
Hi everyone. I just wanted to get everyones opinion on what they think of their diabetic consultants and what type of care they get at their annual appointment, or if you get to see him/her more often than annually. I had my annual appointment last week and was totally stunned at the lack of care I received. My HBA1c results were not ready, even though I had my blood taken ten days prior to my appointment, was never asked for my blood testing book, let alone my pump or my tester being downloaded/uploaded. No mention of control, feet, cannula sites etc. However he did up my Metformin and I was weighed and blood pressure taken.
Do you think this is acceptable. I am thinking of chaning hospital. Anyone really happy with their hospital in the London/Surrey area that they could recommend. I have looked on the INPUT site but would like some personal opinions!
Many thanks.


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I no longer am under the care of the hospital, i was for the first few years but the annual review was getting longer and longer and appointments kept getting cancelled so i now see my dsn every 6mnths instead, sorry i cant be of more help


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Sorry I am not in your area but I have read articles online before about the huge variations in levels of diabetic care. I really think it depends on how good a consultant you get at the hospital you are under. I have always been extremely lucky in the 23 years I've been type 1 that I've always had a very thorough and extremely well educated consultant in terms of all the different aspects of diabetes. I am supposed to see my consultant every 6 months but generally I think appointments are hard to get hold of and it usually falls longer but there is always someone available to speak to if I need to get in touch with a DSN in the meantime. The whole diabetic team at my local hospital are great and I can't fault them one bit, sorry to hear your experiences aren't the same :(


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My diabetic hospital appointment has now been cancelled 4 times, I go to the david Mathew's clinic at monklands hospital in airdrie Scotland, to ask anyone to wait 1 hour and 10 minutes to see the consultant is a nightmare


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hello @johnbear2 You're responding to a thread that's over 5 years old so doubt any of the original posters will be on the site still, it would be best to create a new thread for you - let me know if you're happy for me to do this for you ?
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