Anyone with Rheumatoid Arthritis - who became T2 - or was already?


Type of diabetes
I’ve been living with pre-diabetes for 2 decades. Lucky not to develop Rheumatoid arthritis, an auto-immune disease, until now!

Awaiting confirmation of diagnosis of RA. Tested for my HBA1c, which has gone up to 50 (like my age ) and GP told me once another test confirmed that HBA1c, they would probably start me on Metformin (as I’m relatively young and in good health).

The curveball is that treatment for RA typically raises blood sugar. Looking for any experience of T2 and RA (2014 is the most recent I can find in the forum)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I’ve been living with pre-diabetes for 2 decades. Lucky not to develop Rheumatoid arthritis, an auto-immune disease, until now!

Awaiting confirmation of diagnosis of RA. Tested for my HBA1c, which has gone up to 50 (like my age ) and GP told me once another test confirmed that HBA1c, they would probably start me on Metformin (as I’m relatively young and in good health).

The curveball is that treatment for RA typically raises blood sugar. Looking for any experience of T2 and RA (2014 is the most recent I can find in the forum)
Hi swissmiss

I have a form of Rheumatoid arthritis. I had been diagnosed with type 2 by the time my arthritis was diagnosed. I also have other autoimmune conditions. My diagnosis was changed to type 1 after this.

The treatment I received for my arthritis initially did cause issues with my diabetes control. My insulin requirements increased significantly. Things are now much more stable as my arthritis has been changed

Hope things settle ok for you
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Type of diabetes
Thanks for responding. It sounds like it’s been quite challenging for you. I’m always mystified when ‘2 becomes 1’.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
T2 and PAF & now Haemochromatosis!
I’ve been living with pre-diabetes for 2 decades. Lucky not to develop Rheumatoid arthritis, an auto-immune disease, until now!

Awaiting confirmation of diagnosis of RA. Tested for my HBA1c, which has gone up to 50 (like my age ) and GP told me once another test confirmed that HBA1c, they would probably start me on Metformin (as I’m relatively young and in good health).

The curveball is that treatment for RA typically raises blood sugar. Looking for any experience of T2 and RA (2014 is the most recent I can find in the forum)
Have you tried dietary adjustments? Acid forming foods can exacerbate arthritis. I got diagnosed T2D 2021, I went low carb. My mum supposedly had RA.
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