Being Made Homeless, Stress Making Diabetes Unstable, no system to help.


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I do appreciate what is being said, but as you can imagine, I have applied for quite a few things, and then found in spite of what I was told, what I was applying for didn't apply to me/us at all.

If I do this, I will be taking risks of being judged and found very wanting, which is not helpful when I am struggling. And then being told 'this doesn't fit your situation at all, bye bye'. I know that doesn't sound like a big deal to you, but when you are in it, and feeling as I am, it is.

The last couple of days have been grim, but I am a little better today. I don't want to be knocked down that hole again.I've tried so many things.., and really, nothing has helped. So please understand why I might not be sure.Everytime I try something, and I get a kick back, I lose a little more. And unfortunately, I am on my last legs now.


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Hello again, the first thing I thought about this morning on waking was your problems. I don't normally post on this forum but your case (situation) seriously caught my attention.

What I've given you is the fastest route to solving your problems and with the least effort from you as you and your 2 children are not just at imminent risk of homelessness but you in particular are at immediate risk of death from your seriously uncontrolled and unmanageable diabetes.

Onchy with a PhD in housing tenure options in his post here, has informed you that your local council has a duty of care to you and your children under UK legislation as you are all vulnerable. Neglect is a form of abuse and in your case the Council is clearly neglecting it's duty of care to you and your children. The care act 2014 places a lot of duty on the Local Authority in this type of situations hence my earlier advice to you. Councils also have a legal duty to deal with SVA alerts almost immediately and put strategies or structures in place to protect the vulnerable party or parties in your case.

There are various forms of abuse. Get to know what these are.

You have asked for help. It's up to you if you would accept what is clearly a straight forward solution to you problems in yours and your children's interests.

Good luck


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I've written an email to my son's social worker, asking for help. Telling her whats been going on over the weekend and how I can't cope anymore. I have a good relationship with her. I mentioned an assessment for vulnerable adults.

I understand what you are saying about housing. Thank you.

Sorry for worrying you.
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I agree with what you say . As I have said I was a homelessness officer and I would by this time have taken a homeless application and made a decision. My primary reason for taking the application without awaiting a PO and bailiffs warrant would have been that this is a family with complex needs , the health /wellbeing of all of the family would be at risk and by acting quickly I would be alleviating that and improving the family's wellbeing . I know some would not do this possibly because of lack of understanding of a) the appropriate legislation and b) the impact on the family of the situation. There are always exceptions to what the 'normal' route of t/a and then rehousing , what needs to be done is some professional making the point to the homeless person unit and quoting whatever piece of legislation that will achieve this . By the way I have a child who has an autistic spectrum disorder so I do have some idea of what you are going through . Good luck , get ALL of the help you can and approach the L/A again. If the property is still in poor condition you could also ask environmental health to inspect and provide a report this may well be the piece of evidence to cause your situation to improve . At least your landlord can't retaliate by threatening eviction ! Take care and please let us know how you get on.
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Thank you so much everyone for your help. It is the fresh viewpoint I needed. I really hate asking for help but its better than just waiting for nasty things to happen. I'm normally so proactive and never give up, I don't know what's happened to me.
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Being type 1, my health and what really grates me are false people who make themselves out to be something when their not
You need an advocate. Have you informed your MP of all that you are having to endure?

Exactly I was in a similar situation in 1998 and CAB were helping when they said get in touch with your local Mp so we did in fact after we briefly told him he came round next day, he was absolutely amazing he spent an age at our place , I'd like to tell you the mp will be your fairy god person but this one was for us. We were rehoused within 10 days of meeting him I know your circumstance is totally different and I can't say it'll work for you but if everything else is failing what have you got to lose?

Make sure you keep a diary of everything even down to whatever the landlord says or does, this will help.

I do wish you the best, if you can keep positive that's the main thin and it is difficult, I know you probably don't class your sons as having mental issues but play down that route I know you might not want to but use every little thing you can, others would

Kindest thoughts
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Unfortunately the MP has already said he can't interfere. I sent him all the letters etc I have in hope he might do something, including an update on our not so good medical situation. But no reply as yet.


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I've written an email to my son's social worker, asking for help. Telling her whats been going on over the weekend and how I can't cope anymore. I have a good relationship with her. I mentioned an assessment for vulnerable adults.

I understand what you are saying about housing. Thank you.

Sorry for worrying you.
Hi again, don't worry about worrying me. I'm more concerned about your extreme vulnerabilities. Acute Stress is very debilitating especially when caused by various severe underlying factors as in your case. I care deeply for vulnerable people thats why I've been a qualified MHP for a very long time.
Mention in your email to your Social worker that you are asking for emergency help "as a Carer under the Care Act 2014". It may be worth doing another short email to her bearing this request. The Law requires they respond to your request immediately.

If you do not hear from her by 5 pm tomorrow, phone and ask to speak to her Line manager and repeat the same request to her. I must stress the importance of keeping copies of these emails and any letters sent or received regarding your "cry for help".

I shall keep an eye on developments here.

Good luck.
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Thank you, I have done this. Also emailed the support worker from Carers First.

Oh well, she's on leave.
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Sorry to post again. About diabetes care this time. Done some research and it does seem that the high stress levels have my diabetes careering between times of insulin sensitivity and insulin resistance. I have gone from having hypo's with hardly any insulin inside me to two days of needing large doses of insulin (humalog, quick acting) to make my blood sugars move downwards at all. Yesterday my blood sugar spiked at 29 (not seen it that high without something nasty going on) and it took 25 units, then 15 units to make it come down to 8. I did eat a small amount yesterday because I was pretty 'empty'. I'm trying to eat carbs only when hypo. But even though I read the nutritional values of stuff and double check what I'm buying is zero carb, my blood sugar still goes up.

I'm eating mainly lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and fish. And not much.

I'm a bit worried of my sensitivity to insulin suddenly rising again and causing me to keel over hypo again. Doing lots and lots of blood sugars in hope I will spot this downward trend before I go hypo.

Have anyone experienced this that might have some advice. There is a diabetic specialist nurse on the walk in clinic in my GP surgery this afternoon but if its a four hour wait, I won't be able to go as will have to take my ASD son with me (older boy is away with his Dad). So I might not be able to go. Hopefully I'll have another day before sensitivity increases as a minimum. But no guarantees.

My GP made a referral to a diabetologist last Monday but not heard anything yet. No GP appts free.


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Acceptance of health treatment claims that are not adequately supported by evidence. I dislike it when people sell ineffective and even harmful alternative health products to exploit the desperation of people with chronic illness.
Do you have a way of testing for ketones? (just thinking of the spike at 29, yikes).
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That is one of the things I was going to ask for. Yes, wasn't happy with that spike.


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Pasta, sorry to me it's vile, yeuch lol (and full of nasty carbs)
I'm sorry I can't offer you much more than the good advice from other members but I do feel for you immensely at this time. You obviously have a lot on your plate to deal with and wish you success in finding suitable alternative accommodation. Take care. :)
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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
In regards to your diabetes management - keep a record of your doses and your insulin, I would suggest doing this for a couple of reasons:

1. to present as evidence to show the effect of stress on your diabetes management

2. to show patterns vs insulin requirements, helpful when taking correction doses and recording ratios for correction doses for future highs

Do you have a smart phone ? if so download diaconnect, this is an excellent tool for recording doses and readings, as well as showing you charts of your daily routines.

I don't have any other advice to offer, just remember to drink lots of fluids when high to help flush your kidneys out.


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I am getting help with Shelter, they've said the only thing I can do is write a letter asking not to be allocated to Shared Lettings (one room accommodation with shared facilities which will be a nightmare with my two). I am just writing to people asking for evidence of this. Don't really have the energy for it but I've got to. Plus it means waiting while evidence comes through.

It looks like both social workers I've contacted are still on leave. No reply at all to my email asking for emergency help etc. I don't want to but I think I'll have to wait til tomorrow, then try and find someone to speak to on the phone.
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<sigh> My son's social worker said I'd need to speak to some other social worker department and ask for help based on one of my health problems. So god knows how many people I'd end up saying how I felt to. I will have to manage.

Blood sugars been ok thank goodness. Looks like my insuin sensitivity has increased. Thank god I'm using a sliding scale. Bit cautious about eating though.., haven't had anything today. Didn't dare sleep last night in case of hypo (as I was using such a lot of insulin). Been busy trying to get the place ship shape so very tired now.


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Acceptance of health treatment claims that are not adequately supported by evidence. I dislike it when people sell ineffective and even harmful alternative health products to exploit the desperation of people with chronic illness.
<sigh> My son's social worker said I'd need to speak to some other social worker department and ask for help based on one of my health problems. So god knows how many people I'd end up saying how I felt to. I will have to manage.

Blood sugars been ok thank goodness. Looks like my insuin sensitivity has increased. Thank god I'm using a sliding scale. Bit cautious about eating though.., haven't had anything today. Didn't dare sleep last night in case of hypo (as I was using such a lot of insulin). Been busy trying to get the place ship shape so very tired now.
I'm not on insulin but used to manage it for someone who couldn't do it for themselves, and one thing I learned was not to give it if they weren't eating. So my question is, if you are not eating at all, should you hold off on using insulin?

Just my two cents worth, but I don't think it's sustainable to go without food or sleep for very long. Can you set an alarm for say 2 hours so you can check for a hypo?
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Normally not eating while giving insulin can cause hypo's. I am not eating unless my blood sugar is below 8 because it was making my diabetes even more unstable, giving it another reason to go off. Because of the resistance to insulin, and instability, it was difficult to predict how it would react to food, even (I found) food with little or no carbohydrates in it. So I haven't been eating and it has helped. But it does mean one has to be careful of ketones. And it does mean the sliding scale solution can only be a temporary solution. But I'm still waiting to see a diabetologist.

I didn't sleep because two hourly blood sugars is not enough.., hence the bad hypo last week which frightened the life out of my children.

Also received a copy of a letter from an Assistant Housing Director written to my MP which basically just repeats what I have already been told. I have been offered the option of going out of borough to 'cheaper' private rental, but have 'decided' I prefer to wait for social housing.

Didn't touch on my reasons why i.e. will lose social service stuff for my older son, referrals made for my older son etc. with year long waits to set these things up again.

So that did a lot of good!

I've told social services to forget the referrals. They said yesterday there was little they could do about Housing anyway.

We are just a number that has costs. I don't think its possible to make it seem any other way.
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Well-Known Member
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Acceptance of health treatment claims that are not adequately supported by evidence. I dislike it when people sell ineffective and even harmful alternative health products to exploit the desperation of people with chronic illness.
Have you considered approaching the media? I don't know if that works in the UK but it usually does in NZ. Perhaps because we are smaller.
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