

Well-Known Member
I'm pre-diabetic,
I've been drinking daily a cholesterol lower drink for years initially the Asda very, then Benecol and that got too expensive went to Asda again and for the last three years the Tesco own brand and last 2 weeks Benecol

Benecol states its scientifically proven. The others don't.
Benecol has 3% plant sterols esters.
The others have Plant Sterols Esters as well

I'm confused, so are they the same, please?

I go for the lower sugar versions

Massive price difference.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
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I do not have diabetes
I'm pre-diabetic,
I've been drinking daily a cholesterol lower drink for years initially the Asda very, then Benecol and that got too expensive went to Asda again and for the last three years the Tesco own brand and last 2 weeks Benecol

Benecol states its scientifically proven. The others don't.
Benecol has 3% plant sterols esters.
The others have Plant Sterols Esters as well

I'm confused, so are they the same, please?

I go for the lower sugar versions

Massive price difference.
personally, I wouldn't touch these types of products with a barge pole!
it's not the plant sterol esters. It's all the manufacturer sugars with sugar on top and sugary flavourings, corn starch, corn syrup, bad oils, and so on. Really nasty!
I would not recommend it at all for prediabetes or T2 or anyone! Or a way of getting your cholesterol down.
Otherwise they would be termed as a medicine not a food!
To lower cholesterol levels, like I did, fresh food, veg and good natural fats.
A low carb diet, and if your struggling for spread, butter is way better for your health, than any processed rubbish!
A decade ago, my cholesterol levels were really high, now really low!
Have a look at our low carb forum!


Retired Moderator
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Tablets (oral)
it's not the plant sterol esters. It's all the manufacturer sugars with sugar on top and sugary flavourings, corn starch, corn syrup, bad oils, and so on. Really nasty!
Benecol natural original, no added sugar variety has very few of these ingredients that you list, just thought I would provide the correct info.



Well-Known Member
Benecol natural original, no added sugar variety has very few of these ingredients that you list, just thought I would provide the correct info.

View attachment 60145
Greetings, and thank you.
Are you or anyone else aware about an own brand, supermarket brand or a different brand coming close to Benecols no added sugar drink that claims to have the same benefits? I am retired, not on benefits as i have a small pension but worse off than most as I have an old house that takes up a lot of money to heat/repairs etc and looking at cheap alternatives that possibly work.
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In Response

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@rt567 you mentioned that you have been drinking these drinks for several years.
If that is the case, I would ignore the naysayers and the “scientists” and judge for yourself. Have you found it has reduced your cholesterol? If it hasn’t, I would not bother. If you feel it has and you want to continue taking it, look at other ways to reduce your carb intake. I am sure Benecol is not the only food stuff you have with carbs.
The thing with diabetes is that we are all different. I disagree with the concept of good and bad food. I look at what food my body can tolerate. If it struggles, then I look to see if other benefits (including enjoyment) are worth it.
It is useful to get other people’s input but ultimately, it is your body(and mind) which you know best.


Well-Known Member
Hiya. Thanks to all that have tried to help.
If anyone can tell me as per my first post in the thread, that would be even better.


Type of diabetes
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Plant sterols are not the same as stanols. esters are byproducts from stanols and are chemiclly different.
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Plant sterols are not the same as stanols. esters are byproducts from stanols and are chemiclly different.
Cheers. So which yoghurt drink is better? From my research, it looks like that benecol is the only drink with Stanols, Am I right, please?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Cheers. So which yoghurt drink is better? From my research, it looks like that benecol is the only drink with Stanols, Am I right, please?
You will need approx 2 g per day of either stanol or sterol to lower LDL effectively. This is only possible with extracts or using fortified products like Benecol. If you can move away from yoghurt then these are available in capsule form (possibly swallowed with a standard yohurt)

I cannot advise as I find yoghurt disgusting (IMO) Even worse if doctored.
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My Doctor plus a Dietician both were quick to say don’t waste your money, I did and a few months later blood work showed no difference but that doesn’t mean they don’t work for anyone


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
My Doctor plus a Dietician both were quick to say don’t waste your money, I did and a few months later blood work showed no difference but that doesn’t mean they don’t work for anyone
As they say, Caveat Emptor (buyer beware). I would have thought a dietician would have access to study reports if the claims were valid and substantiated. The report I found was not very good, but it did show that a huge amount of plant matter phytochemicals is needed to move the scales anywhere.

There is a drug that gives LDL reduction of 50% and is six monthly injection. it is called Incliseran. My GP wants me to take it, but I pointed out that a 50% reduction on my LDL will put my figures into the danger zone, and it is overkill in my case. The drug is for those unfortunate people with the genetic disorder (hyperfamilialipidemia?) who have levels above 10mmol/l. at least with a daily pill one can stop it anytime but a jab that lasts 6 months - no thanks.


Well-Known Member
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As they say, Caveat Emptor (buyer beware). I would have thought a dietician would have access to study reports if the claims were valid and substantiated. The report I found was not very good, but it did show that a huge amount of plant matter phytochemicals is needed to move the scales anywhere.

There is a drug that gives LDL reduction of 50% and is six monthly injection. it is called Incliseran. My GP wants me to take it, but I pointed out that a 50% reduction on my LDL will put my figures into the danger zone, and it is overkill in my case. The drug is for those unfortunate people with the genetic disorder (hyperfamilialipidemia?) who have levels above 10mmol/l. at least with a daily pill one can stop it anytime but a jab that lasts 6 months - no thanks.

That’s what she said you’d have to eat so much of it that it wouldn’t be viable
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Diet only
The term "big boned" lol repeatedly told this growing up!
Well I have knocked the Benecol on the head as I think its been spiking my levels - hubby has it now instead.
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