Type 2 BG slowly but steadily on the rise, but why?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
I really wish I knew what's going on inside that pesky body of mine. It would seem that me and my body are having a bit of a stand off. My BGs have been on the rise for no reason that I know of. Still eating LC, and till Tuesday last week my BG was a steady estimated A1C of 5.0% where they've been for months. Then I had an off day, then more off days and last weeks A1C is 5.6%.

Yesterday I decided that enough is enough and hoping to get my FBGs back down in their 4s and 5s where they used to be, I had my last bite to eat late afternoon at around 4pm. Pork, kale and a few pork scratchings. This mornings FBG was 6.2 mmol/L. Still higher than normal, so I decided to take the advice of a couple of the esteemed members of this forum and have a few carbs to stop a potential liver dumb. Had about 100g of sugar sweetened full fat youghurt (my husband's) 12g of carbs per 100 g. one hour later I read a whopping 10.0 mmol/L, so that didn't work out for me, to put it mildly. Not to be repeated!

I know that none of the figures I've mentioned are catastrophic, apart from the 10.0 mmol/L, but only one week ago they were so much better. What worries me is the upwards tendency in spite of my very Low Carb life style. There's no way I can improve on that. I will try IF and eat in a 6 hour window only every day, which was what I attempted to do till desperation made me eat that small amount of youghurt.

Who knows, I might be having some sort of a nondescript infection, but certainly nothing serious, and nothing that I've noticed. As you can imagine I've been doing some fridge/freezer searching. I've added kale to my menu, but it's only 2.6 g. of carbs.

Oh, changes in meds. Went from 1.8mg of victoza, 10mg of Jardiance and 2 x 500mg of metformin to 1.2mg victoza, no jardiance and 3 x 500 mg of metformin, but that was on November 6th. Could that be the explanation for the rise that began 2 weeks after?

To be honest I don't really know what my question is, but I'd love to hear your inputs. Meanwhile I don't even dare to have some of my yummy morning chai with whipped cream :arghh:

Well, the good news is that my podiatrist says my neuropathy hasn't deteriorated in the last year :) I want her to repeat herself next year - or better, if possible.


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hypos and forum bugs
Oh, changes in meds. Went from 1.8mg of victoza, 10mg of Jardiance and 2 x 500mg of metformin to 1.2mg victoza, no jardiance and 3 x 500 mg of metformin, but that was on November 6th. Could that be the explanation for the rise that began 2 weeks after?

Is there a reason for the change in meds? It does seem like an obvious culprit though I agree 2 weeks seems like a long reaction period.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Is there a reason for the change in meds? It does seem like an obvious culprit though I agree 2 weeks seems like a long reaction period.

Certainly. My endo doc changed the dose because my BGs looked so good, and he like my LCHF approach.


Staff Member
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Type 1
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hypos and forum bugs
Certainly. My endo doc changed the dose because my BGs looked so good, and he like my LCHF approach.
Well, maybe go back to your endo with the new figures. Honestly, they 're still in non diabetic range so I wouldn't worry if the rise is just caused by reduced meds. Congrats on your awesome results.
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Diet only
I'm not sure that 12g of carbs constitutes a small amount of carbs to stop a liver dump. The few carbs in cream in a coffee might have been a better idea. 12g would have sent me sky rocketing. I am far better on zero grams (a boiled egg) in the morning. The fat and protein seem to work.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Well, maybe go back to your endo with the new figures. Honestly, they 're still in non diabetic range so I wouldn't worry if the rise is just caused by reduced meds. Congrats on your awesome results.
I'll give it a few more weeks just in case the rise is caused by some infection I'm not aware of. Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
I'm not sure that 12g of carbs constitutes a small amount of carbs to stop a liver dump. The few carbs in cream in a coffee might have been a better idea. 12g would have sent me sky rocketing. I am far better on zero grams (a boiled egg) in the morning. The fat and protein seem to work.

Thanks Bluetit. I wasn't sure how many carbs to eat, but I certainly learned that the approx. 12 g. sent me rocketing too. I normally have 3-4 mugs of chai with whipping cream in the morning, and they don't seem to make much of a difference. I guestimate a total of about 3g of carbs in my morning whipping cream.
3-4 days ago I had 3 boiled eggs for lunch, but they didn't satiate me. Maybe I should go for some bacon too, even if I'm getting fed up with it. I've even had 3 packages of bacon sit in my fridge till about 3 months after best by date. I know. I'm a heretic.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks Bluetit. I wasn't sure how many carbs to eat, but I certainly learned that the approx. 12 g. sent me rocketing too. I normally have 3-4 mugs of chai with whipping cream in the morning, and they don't seem to make much of a difference. I guestimate a total of about 3g of carbs in my morning whipping cream.
3-4 days ago I had 3 boiled eggs for lunch, but they didn't satiate me. Maybe I should go for some bacon too, even if I'm getting fed up with it. I've even had 3 packages of bacon sit in my fridge till about 3 months after best by date. I know. I'm a heretic.

At lunch time I often have 2 boiled eggs mashed with mayo or a small tin of salmon with half a dozen cherry tomatoes plus half a slice of Burgen linseed and soya bread (5g carbs in the bread). That sees me through the next 6 or 7 hours till tea time.

I think your problem is just a blip that you can ride out. It could even be a touch of physiological insulin resistance. If that is the case it will only affect your base line numbers, mainly fasting. Post meal actual rises shouldn't be affected.


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I reversed my Type 2
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You have made great strides over a short period of time.

Don't beat yourself up over small fluctuations. Stay the course and things should be fine.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I always put bacon, butter, lard etc in the freezer as it keeps for ages in there.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I really wish I knew what's going on inside that pesky body of mine. It would seem that me and my body are having a bit of a stand off. My BGs have been on the rise for no reason that I know of. Still eating LC, and till Tuesday last week my BG was a steady estimated A1C of 5.0% where they've been for months. Then I had an off day, then more off days and last weeks A1C is 5.6%.

Yesterday I decided that enough is enough and hoping to get my FBGs back down in their 4s and 5s where they used to be, I had my last bite to eat late afternoon at around 4pm. Pork, kale and a few pork scratchings. This mornings FBG was 6.2 mmol/L. Still higher than normal, so I decided to take the advice of a couple of the esteemed members of this forum and have a few carbs to stop a potential liver dumb. Had about 100g of sugar sweetened full fat youghurt (my husband's) 12g of carbs per 100 g. one hour later I read a whopping 10.0 mmol/L, so that didn't work out for me, to put it mildly. Not to be repeated!

I know that none of the figures I've mentioned are catastrophic, apart from the 10.0 mmol/L, but only one week ago they were so much better. What worries me is the upwards tendency in spite of my very Low Carb life style. There's no way I can improve on that. I will try IF and eat in a 6 hour window only every day, which was what I attempted to do till desperation made me eat that small amount of youghurt.

Who knows, I might be having some sort of a nondescript infection, but certainly nothing serious, and nothing that I've noticed. As you can imagine I've been doing some fridge/freezer searching. I've added kale to my menu, but it's only 2.6 g. of carbs.

Oh, changes in meds. Went from 1.8mg of victoza, 10mg of Jardiance and 2 x 500mg of metformin to 1.2mg victoza, no jardiance and 3 x 500 mg of metformin, but that was on November 6th. Could that be the explanation for the rise that began 2 weeks after?

To be honest I don't really know what my question is, but I'd love to hear your inputs. Meanwhile I don't even dare to have some of my yummy morning chai with whipped cream :arghh:

Well, the good news is that my podiatrist says my neuropathy hasn't deteriorated in the last year :) I want her to repeat herself next year - or better, if possible.

I Think the all in all number of calories also play a role in higher morning blood glucose and that a stop Warning at calories higher than ones used daily.
Calories are also essential when we eat more calories than we need then the excess proteins are also transformer into blood glucose ... many type 2 diabetics also have an overactive liver transforming proteins into blood glucose much faster than non-diabetics and that shows especially in the mornings where we have not eaten anything.

The Newcastle diet also has the assumption that a liver too fatty is part of the diabetes type 2 syndrome ..

Så maybe keep a track of how much energy you burn in a day and stay under this level of calories as well as counting carbs and proteins. People that don't do muscle building use around 0.7-0.8 grams of protein Pro kg Lean body weight
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
We eat our bacon, butter, lard etc well before it is likely to go off. They never make it to the freezer. :rolleyes:
Actually that's probably why my bacon etc. never make it to the freezer. I think that I'll eat it, but then I'll look in the fridge and go :yuck:. If this happens day after day it'll end up in the bin instead.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
I Think the all in all number of calories also play a role in higher morning blood glucose and that a stop Warming at calories higher than ones used daily calories is also essential when we eat more calories than we need then the eccess proteins are also transformer into blood glucose ...

You could have a point, and maybe I can relate, but ... This is a big but. For ages I've been eating very little. Let's say I need approx. 1500 cals a day to lose weight, but I've been eating something in the vicinity of 11-1200 cals at the most. I have lost weight very slowly, and have felt hungry most of the time, so my metabolism might be blown to smithereens. What happens if suddenly I do eat a more reasonable 1500 cals/day over 2-3 days? Still low carb (kale and chicken, for example)? I gained 3 kgs over 2-3 days, and thought naah, edema. Will go away, and indeed my feet and lower legs did look slightly puffed up. But it was roughly around that time that my BGs went up too. So wonder if I confused my body by eating slightly more for a few days.

Anyway, this morning my FBG was 5.9, which was sort of ok, but 1½ hour and a glass of plain water later it was 7.2 :mad:
T2 is so weird.