BG spikes and eating naked carbs on keto diet


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I'm attending the following conference online it's £59 for the two days lots of great speakers and you can listen to any of them again over the following two weeks. Ive attended a lot of previous conferences in person and last year did virtual which I'm doing this year too. Lots to learn - very motivating I'd recommend.
Terrific! Have had a look and will be going to it 'online' Thank you!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Type 2 is a very individual disorder, but these hacks made absolutely no difference to me.

I've found that reducing carbohydrate intake overall is the strategy that works best. Keeping to 3 square meals a day at near enough the same times, so that no snacks between meals are needed, helps too.
Thank you for replying. Currently doing 2 meals a day but saw Nicholas Norwitz's video on suggestions to try to lower cholesterol levels if on Keto LCHF diet if you are a Lean Mass Hyper Responder and your lipids have skyrocketed and one of them was to do less fasting. So might try going to 3 meals but I typically am very hungry at lunchtime.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I think the thing about protein and fats reducing the impact of carbs is only useful if there is something with highish carbs that you would like to eat without causing too much damage to your blood sugar levels.
I doubt that eating more carbs, no matter what you eat with them, is going to be an effective way to lower you Hba1c.
Using a meter to understand exactly how your food is impacting your blood sugar levels is really the only sensible way forward.
When you have collected enough of your own data it becomes obvious what you personally need to avoid. With the help of your meter you will become the foremost expert on your blood sugar
Thanks for replying and helpful to get your advice. I am looking at the list of meters that Rachox has posted as I agree I think collecting my own data is the way forward.
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