Blood Sugar this evening..


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Treat it as a learning experience. I am trying various foods at the moment to see what the response is, I had 2 slices of white bread this morning and went from 6 to 12 and it stayed high for over 2 hours and above 8 for around 3 hours ... so bread on its own is a definate no for me, I will try mix with with some non carb foods to see if it makes a difference. As others have said, you have done well to get your level down into remission, just need to try keep it that way :D


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I absolutely hate this disease it's caused me to loose so much. This year has just sucked massively
A treat like this every now and again is fine. Your bloods didn't go sky high, and they are back down again. Please don't let the fact your bloods barely touched 10 get to you.

The key is being happy with the overall lifestyle that works for you and keeps you in remission over the years. Not what happens on an odd day here and there.


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It's now at 6.4 and going down. 3 hours it's took all together to come down completely
Libre says I'm dropping now...clearly my body doesn't work


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I absolutely hate this disease
it's caused me to loose so much. This year has just sucked massively
But you didn't suffer amputation or blindness did you?
You are keeping yourself healthy and that's a massive achievement .
It's just a matter of learning a few adjustments so this becomes a way of eating for life, that fits your life. Eg extra chicken and only 1 roastie, no mash or stuffing
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But you didn't suffer amputation or blindness did you?
You are keeping yourself healthy and that's a massive achievement .
It's just a matter of learning a few adjustments so this becomes a way of eating for life, that fits your life. Eg extra chicken and only 1 roastie, no mash or stuffing
That is true...I have maculopothy apparently from my last test:(
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Oh my, those are such British foods that I have no idea on the approximate amount of carbs in those, I'm Dutch!
Let me tag someone who actually knows what those foods are! :hilarious:
@KennyA , I see you're online and I expect you know what roasties, yorkshire pudding and stuffing are, help me out!
@Jakeinhd1995 , I suppose mash is potato mash? That one is very likely to raise your BG.
The British roast dinner has a lot of carbs - not from the meat but from eg gravy and the accompaniments.

Roasties - roast potatoes, done in lard or goose fat. The best bits are the caramelised bits that stick to the tin. Potato @60% carb, with lots of fat. Mash usually is potato with butter and maybe cream or milk mashed into it.

Yorkshire puddings - big dollops of batter done in very hot fat. So flour and milk with fat. Normally apple-sized and goes along with roast meat but can be done huge with the rest of the food inside it.

Stuffing - what goes inside the traditional turkey. Many sorts - sage and onion, sausage, chestnut, but generally bulked out with breadcrumb or similar, so more carbs and fat.

I don't have any of these anymore (exception - I do have a couple of small roasties on Christmas day and I'll see considerably higher readings for several hours) because they are far too much carb for me to handle.
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What are some recommendations for eating better?
Cut a bit of the carbs?
So maybe not mash, and roasties, and yorkshire pudding all in one meal?
Instead, have a bit less of those and more meat and veggies.

Your numbers before you ate look perfect, just a small tweak may be enough.


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I get a range of unpleasant diabetic symptoms with an A1c of 43 or 44, and therefore I have very little headroom. So I no longer eat potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, pastry, fruit, sugar, etc. I eat meats and fats instead, with some green veg. That works for me, but other people can achieve similar results with a more relaxed regime.

BGs down to low normal within four months, and in the years since (I was diagnosed exactly four years ago today in 2019) I've lost around 70lbs.


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I get a range of unpleasant diabetic symptoms with an A1c of 43 or 44, and therefore I have very little headroom. So I no longer eat potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, pastry, fruit, sugar, etc. I eat meats and fats instead, with some green veg. That works for me, but other people can achieve similar results with a more relaxed regime.

BGs down to low normal within four months, and in the years since (I was diagnosed exactly four years ago today in 2019) I've lost around 70lbs.
Wow that's amazing.

Yeah maybe it was too many carbs for my body to handle! Just still not accepting I'm diabetic.. and I think that's the problem. My last hba1c was 33...but that was with a bit of a keto diet


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Wow that's amazing.

Yeah maybe it was too many carbs for my body to handle! Just still not accepting I'm diabetic.. and I think that's the problem. My last hba1c was 33...but that was with a bit of a keto diet
I've been on around 20g carb/day since diagnosis - it induces ketosis, so it's a keto diet. As far as I'm concerned that's the future, too. I do very occasionally have substantially more carbs in a meal - about every six months or so - but even then it's still not close to a daily "standard" carb intake.

Your figures show you clearly can make the reductions through what you've done - it's a question of maintaining it.
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I've been on around 20g carb/day since diagnosis - it induces ketosis, so it's a keto diet. As far as I'm concerned that's the future, too. I do very occasionally have substantially more carbs in a meal - about every six months or so - but even then it's still not close to a daily "standard" carb intake.

Your figures show you clearly can make the reductions through what you've done - it's a question of maintaining it.
My cholestrol and LDL raised when I did keto though....


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My cholestrol and LDL raised when I did keto though....
There is a huge gap between eating keto and eating mash, and roasties, and yorkshire pudding all in one meal.
Why go from one extreme to the other?

How long have you eating low carb to keto levels? I think sometimes it can increase cholesterol for a while before dropping again.


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Hello @Jakeinhd1995

Your words really struck a chord with me. When I first joined here I was throwing myself a real pity party after just being diagnosed. I found it really hard to accept that diagnosis. Thankfully for me a number of amazing people here give me a lot of advice, support and opportunities to vent. They helped me make the necessary changes to my diet that has allowed me to put my diabetes into remission.

I love carbs- I just do. I could not imagine a life without them as a staple. What helped me (though it's counter intuative) was to go very very low carb. I found that I craved them less if I ate them less- not going to say it was easy at the start but now, most of the time, it's fine. I knew that if I set a level of 100 grams of carbs I would be spending a lot of emotional energy trying to 'play the system' to get the most value out of the 100 grams. Having it much less means I eat only things that are very low carb. I do have a roast potato once a week (my husband is the cook and likes a roast every Sunday) but fortunately in Australia there are some low arb potatoes with about 30 percent less carbs :)

There are some people with much more expertise on cholesterol than I but there is more to it than just the overall figure.


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My cholestrol and LDL raised when I did keto though....
The total cholesterol figure isn't measured, it's calculated. I don't pay it any attention. It raised slightly when I started keto, and then fell significantly to the bafflement of my practice... you might want to have a read around on more recent research, which struggles to find an association between all-cause mortality and cholesterol levels.

Mine has always been somewhere between six and eight - I can alter it by 2 depending on whether or not I've fasted before the test. As most of your cholesterol is made by your own body I'm dubious of the benefits of trying to lower something that your body is doing its best to manufacture.

As others have said, it's not a choice between 500g and 20g carb/day. You just need to find what your optimum level is.


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There is a huge gap between eating keto and eating mash, and roasties, and yorkshire pudding all in one meal.
Why go from one extreme to the other?

How long have you eating low carb to keto levels? I think sometimes it can increase cholesterol for a while before dropping again.
I was slowly upping my carbs to see if my body had "repaired" itself...however clearly its evident it hasn't...
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I was slowly upping my carbs to see if my body had "repaired" itself...however clearly its evident it hasn't...
I don't think it works that way.

Being T2 diabetic (in one sense) means a) you have a problem handling carb, and b) the resulting high blood glucose gives you a further set of issues. So you reduce the carb intake, and the associated BG problems go away.

You've reduced the damage from problem b), but still got problem a), though. Up the carbs, and problem b) will probably be back.
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I don't think it works that way.

Being T2 diabetic (in one sense) means a) you have a problem handling carb, and b) the resulting high blood glucose gives you a further set of issues. So you reduce the carb intake, and the associated BG problems go away.

You've reduced the damage from problem b), but still got problem a), though. Up the carbs, and problem b) will probably be back.
Here is my graph from yesterday. You can see the significant spike between 6 and 9. It remained for 3 hours!