Book Corner.

jay hay-char

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Currently reading "Amnesia" by Peter Carey. I've enjoyed most of his books - particularly "The True History of the Kelly Gang" and "Oscar and Lucinda" but I'm not sure this one knows where it's going. I've also recently read and enjoyed "The Sparsholt Affair" by Alan Hollinghurst and would recommend it to people with the caveat that - like all his books - it contains quite a lot of graphic descriptions of gay sex.

Although he was a couple of years ahead of me, I was at school with Alan, so I always read his books with interest.

Finally, for a good, but easy read, "I've recently greatly enjoyed "Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine" by Gail Honeyman.
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As an aside yesterday I read " 50 sheds of Grey " a parody on 50 shades of grey.

jay hay-char

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I've just finished reading The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley.
It was a fantastic read and i would recommend it to anyone wanting to read something different :)
I agree; an excellent and different read. If you enjoyed that, you might like "The Night Circus" by Erin Morgenstern, as well.
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I'm just about to start reading Driving over Lemons by Chris Stewart


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I've nearly finished a book called Omens by Kelley Armstrong.

I'm not sure why I am still reading it but I guess I want to see what the ravens reference is.

I wouldnt recommend it to anyone unless you're a glutton for punishment.


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I've nearly finished a book called Omens by Kelley Armstrong.

I'm not sure why I am still reading it but I guess I want to see what the ravens reference is.

I wouldnt recommend it to anyone unless you're a glutton for punishment.

Well I struggled but finished it. What an anti climax. Yawn.

Wont be reading any more of hers


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Now reading

As the Crow Flies by Jeffrey Archer. It centres around 3 main characters and overlaps parts of the story to give a different viewpoint.

I do have another couple of Jeffrey Archers to read - book 2 in the Clifton saga and Kane and Abel (which again I'm sure I read in my early 20's) who knows


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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
I’ve dived into the fifth of the Millenium series, begun Steig Larsson and continued after his death by David Lagercrantz. It’s The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye. Set in Sweden, Swedish writers, a bit more than Nordic noir. Politics, corruption, the lasting effect of mistreatment, justice, the series has the lot. It’s exciting and the investigative journalist at the centre’s great.
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Reading Kane and Abel - so far, so good.

Who knows might get chance later to read some more after I've done my chores
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Lamont D

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Kane and able is a great book, pity about the author! Am on to book six in the Clifton series.

Angela Marsden new book is out, not started yet, been getting up to date with Jodi Taylor's new book and short story, then Denise Grover Swanks, New one.
Not enough time, to keep up with the authors I like.


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Kane and able is a great book, pity about the author! Am on to book six in the Clifton series.

Angela Marsden new book is out, not started yet, been getting up to date with Jodi Taylor's new book and short story, then Denise Grover Swanks, New one.
Not enough time, to keep up with the authors I like.

I'm on book 2 of Clifton saga.

Stupid me put it on the side of the bath last night to pick up a toilet roll holder the stepson had used and not binned. The book fell in the bath and so it get a good old soaking as I couldnt fish it out with it all being hot water.

Problem was it was a library book so I'm £8 lighter and have a ruined book for my troubles.

There must be a moral here somewhere


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I thought I would try to start a dedicated book corner as I know that there are many book addicts out there. I would like that there should be a no holds barred approach so fiction or non fiction covering any and all subjects. From history to hagiography, from gardening to Greek mythology or from medicine to magazines.
I have spent the last ten years reading mediaeval British history but recently read Sebastian Barry's 'Secret Scriptures' a complete change for me but I was rapt with this novel and will return to it time and again to immerse myself in Barry's almost poetic use of the English language, a book worthy of any collection.

Hi, what a great idea! I absolutely loved The Secret Scriptures, I agree with you that the prose was of poetic beauty... at times I had to reread the phrases because they were of such sublime poetry. I would recommend this book to everyone. I couldn’t put it down. My mum was Irish (from the South West) so perhaps it held extra poignancy for me.
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I read for entertainment or put it another way escapism, my main reads are Terry Pratcett interspersed with anything that takes my fancy. At the moment the main read is Making Money and the secondary read is a physics book bit heavy but entertaining.


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Now onto The Prodigal Daughter by Jeffrey Archer. (stupidly bought this and the follow up in a charity shop and I'm still reading the library book hee hee)

Also in my collection, up the corner, I have the follow up to the Nancy Bilyeau book called The Chalice. And another Jeffrey Archer - title eludes me at mo and I'm too lazy to go have a look.

2 books awaiting collection at the library - all good
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Read the Nancy Bilyeau book. I enjoyed that. I think there is a third one so will go online and check that out.

The other was a Jeffrey Archer called First Among Equals. I'm about a third the way through and I have to say I'm a bit bored.

I might just go onto reading the next book in the Archer Clifton saga

Our library didnt have the next one in the Barbara Taylor Bradford series but luckily I found it in a charity shop for £1.50 (bargain for hardback book).

And then I guess I'll be trawling the virtual library to see what else comes up