Can a person suffer from both Reactive Hypoglycaemia and Postprandial hyperglycaemia?


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi you sound like you also have been battling with low carbs, even with low carbs I cannot get my BS down, I have Steroid induced Type 2 so if I wasn’t on them I would not have it at all but after 40 years of Steroids I have it but was never told this could happen, I lost so I h weight and then it was diagnosed, so low weight and always hungry as I do get Hypoglycaemia as well and need to eat but then up go the BS again, fasting I am normal, as normal goes between 5 and 6 the take meds and by lunch time its up to 16to17 then comes back down late evening to around 9 to 11 it does a circle each day, I am always finger pricking but dont know why I bother, I do not know anyone else with Steroid inch Type 2 to chat to.
You might find some answers in here but remember always discuss with your doctor first before you take any action.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I do get Hypoglycaemia as well and need to eat but then up go the BS again, fasting I am normal, as normal goes between 5 and 6 the take meds and by lunch time its up to 16to17 then comes back down late evening to around 9 to 11 it does a circle each day, I am always finger pricking but dont know why I bother, I do not know anyone else with Steroid inch Type 2 to chat to.
I believe that this is what as known as the rebound effect.
This is when you have too much sugar for a perceived or real hypoglycaemic episode.
Your blood sugar levels go down, you treat it to get back up, to feel better.
This is the reason you get the circle of rollercoaster blood levels.
You only need enough to nudge it back up, so that your blood sugar levels don't go high.

The reason why we test our blood sugar levels is to find the bad foods that spike us too high!I
It is the too high spikes that causes the symptoms. And what is known to cause your diabetes.
So the best method is to test pre meal and then two hours after first bite. If your reading is more than 2mmols higher than your pre meal reading. That means that something in that meal or portion too big is causing the higher than normal spike.
If you record your readings in a food diary, you can learn so much about how your body is affected by certain foods and drinks.


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
Update: I've finished my four day stay in hospital being nil by mouth with no hypo. The Doctor was able to rule out adrenal/cortisol issues, pancreatic and pineal gland cancers as well as Adison's disease.

What i have learned is that the six meals a day to keep blood sugar steady is a fallacy, That doing a fast will not hurt me as for some odd reason the blood sugars correct themselves when they go to low.

The next line of action is the mixed meal test.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Wow! That's great news.
And I wish they would take that out of the medical books, you should not have to keep eating all day every day, to try (not succeed) to stop the hypos. It doesn't make sense!
So many questions?
How did you find fasting? I mean day by day? Did you get good energy after a day or two?
How was the whole experience? Did you get hungry at any time?
What was your first meal? How did it taste?
Did you feel as though you have accomplished something important for your future health?
I hope I helped you get through this.
And of course, was it scary on that first day?

Hope the staff treated you with kindness, and you taught them about RH?
Made up for you!

The doctors may forego the mixed meal test. To be honest if nothing comes back from lab blood tests. I will be surprised if that is not diagnostic tests over with.

Welcome to the weird club!

Best wishes.
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
Fasting on day one and two was ok , not hungry. But by day three i was craving sweets and i'm assuming it was due to the depletion of my glycogen levels and this was a way for my body to tell me i needed glucose for replenishment. Energy wise, i was feeling depleted as even though i wasn't having hypos i was still symptomatic. I also learned that vestibular headaches and vertigo can an do play havoc with your body and can sometimes mimic a hypo symptom. My first meal was sandwiches and apple juice so that wasn't exciting by any means and by the time i was released to go home I noticed a blood sugar of 3.5 which tells me that the hypos are definitely diet based.

The mixed meal test is next Wednesday I have to be there for 5 hours and they will draw blood every half hour for 5 hours after the mixed meal ingestion. So far their prognosis is prandially/reactive hypoglycaemia .

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Fasting on day one and two was ok , not hungry. But by day three i was craving sweets and i'm assuming it was due to the depletion of my glycogen levels and this was a way for my body to tell me i needed glucose for replenishment. Energy wise, i was feeling depleted as even though i wasn't having hypos i was still symptomatic. I also learned that vestibular headaches and vertigo can an do play havoc with your body and can sometimes mimic a hypo symptom. My first meal was sandwiches and apple juice so that wasn't exciting by any means and by the time i was released to go home I noticed a blood sugar of 3.5 which tells me that the hypos are definitely diet based.

The mixed meal test is next Wednesday I have to be there for 5 hours and they will draw blood every half hour for 5 hours after the mixed meal ingestion. So far their prognosis is prandially/reactive hypoglycaemia .
Sandwiches! What? Apple juice? Eeek! Lol!!!
See, that is what happens when you think you need food for your body!
Carbs you know about, but concentrated or a concentration of almost every food increases glucose. Even those blended concoctions will be too much!
It's a learning curve!
So that's bread, fruit juice. You continue from there!
Just think that, now you know that it is food that is dictating your health issues. Normal people can eat healthy carbs and fruit. But we can't!
We are different!
Healthy foods are not healthy for us!
If I've gone on a bit, sorry!
I'm trying to help.
Let us know how you get on.
Best wishes.
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
Sandwiches! What? Apple juice? Eeek! Lol!!!
See, that is what happens when you think you need food for your body!
Carbs you know about, but concentrated or a concentration of almost every food increases glucose. Even those blended concoctions will be too much!
It's a learning curve!
So that's bread, fruit juice. You continue from there!
Just think that, now you know that it is food that is dictating your health issues. Normal people can eat healthy carbs and fruit. But we can't!
We are different!
Healthy foods are not healthy for us!
If I've gone on a bit, sorry!
I'm trying to help.
Let us know how you get on.
Best wishes.
I don't think sandwiches and apple juice where something they wisely thought about when they offered them as a meal. Most hospital staff are not even versed on hypoglycaemia and or what it does to the body on ingesting carbs. More often than not i had to educate the nursing staff that reactive hypoglycaemia isn't diabetes. And that our diets were not the same. But it was a one off.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I don't think sandwiches and apple juice where something they wisely thought about when they offered them as a meal. Most hospital staff are not even versed on hypoglycaemia and or what it does to the body on ingesting carbs. More often than not i had to educate the nursing staff that reactive hypoglycaemia isn't diabetes. And that our diets were not the same. But it was a one off.
Every time you have an experience with medical staff or even worse some of those who work for them. You will have to repeat that. Every function, every hotel, and what is worse is your friends, colleagues and everyone else!!!
Explaining that you are not diabetic, on a strict diet and most places have by now woken up to the fact that there is a lot of people who have an intolerance.

In my old job, I was told by many colleagues to be less free with my rambling on about it! But I was always treated to a ham and mushroom omelette from our chef.
It can be quite comical tho!

If you are ever in a place, always ask whoever is cooking, and get freshly cooked food. In my experience they are usually so helpful.

How are you with fruit?
Keep asking, let us know how you get on.

Best wishes
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
Every time you have an experience with medical staff or even worse some of those who work for them. You will have to repeat that. Every function, every hotel, and what is worse is your friends, colleagues and everyone else!!!
Explaining that you are not diabetic, on a strict diet and most places have by now woken up to the fact that there is a lot of people who have an intolerance.

In my old job, I was told by many colleagues to be less free with my rambling on about it! But I was always treated to a ham and mushroom omelette from our chef.
It can be quite comical tho!

If you are ever in a place, always ask whoever is cooking, and get freshly cooked food. In my experience they are usually so helpful.

How are you with fruit?
Keep asking, let us know how you get on.

Best wishes
Fruit is funny as i cannot eat most of them as they will spike me. The only things that i can consume is strawberries, blueberries. Apples with peanut buttter or cheese or with nuts and the same goes for oranges. Everything else is off bounds to spiking.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Fruit is funny as i cannot eat most of them as they will spike me. The only things that i can consume is strawberries, blueberries. Apples with peanut buttter or cheese or with nuts and the same goes for oranges. Everything else is off bounds to spiking.
I like my fruit but it does spike, but I ration it throughout the afternoon and evening, a small apple, and berries etc. I can do this for I get frozen have and portion them. Just like some home made meals that I batch cook and freeze. But keep experimenting, as I can eat half a pear or a few pieces of satsuma. Tropical fruits are the worst!
Best wishes.
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
Did the mixed meal test today, there was nothing mixed about it as it was all carbs. The meal consisted of cornflakes, banana cake, crackers, white bread. appointment time was 9am where they drew my first set of baseline bloods as a base point then every half hour there after. My meal was at 930am. One hour after meal ingestion my blood sugars went up to 12.7 and i was reacting but fell a sleet real quick after such a high carb load. at the 1247mark I felt severe symptoms and asked the nurse to check my blood sugars, my reading was 3.2 they phoned the Dr and she told them to draw the blood and to abort the test. They gave me more carbs and now i'm playing the control and balance act of getting my sugars back to normal. Should find the results out in a couple of days.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Did the mixed meal test today, there was nothing mixed about it as it was all carbs. The meal consisted of cornflakes, banana cake, crackers, white bread. appointment time was 9am where they drew my first set of baseline bloods as a base point then every half hour there after. My meal was at 930am. One hour after meal ingestion my blood sugars went up to 12.7 and i was reacting but fell a sleet real quick after such a high carb load. at the 1247mark I felt severe symptoms and asked the nurse to check my blood sugars, my reading was 3.2 they phoned the Dr and she told them to draw the blood and to abort the test. They gave me more carbs and now i'm playing the control and balance act of getting my sugars back to normal. Should find the results out in a couple of days.
Don't you get the feeling that the people who are supervising these tests are numpties and have no knowledge of the harm that they are causing?. To treat a hypo that way?
If your mixed meal causes the reaction, why put more carbs in you that will cause the rebound effect? And you have to suffer the consequences of not only the test but the treatment for the hypo, in this circumstance?
No logic whatsoever!
If you go hypo, nudging up your BG levels slowly, is the best way, just up to normal range.
Hope you feel better soon.
Take it easy!

I think you more than probably, have the condition of - Non Diabetic Late Reactive Hypoglycaemia.

Keep asking, let us know how you are doing.
Best wishes
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