Carb and sugar levels per 100g vs per serving/day.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Although not Hashimoto's, after being low carb for 5 years my thyroid is less swollen and my need for Thyroxine is reduced, 200 micrograms down to 125 now, over the last year, in 25 microgram steps.
I was only diagnosed with low Thyroid after a constant barrage of low fat diets from the local GP surgery.
These days I have no more than 10 gm of carbs with my first meal, and then no more than 30 in the evening.
I have protein and fat with each meal, either the natural fat which comes with the protein or a little butter or olive oil.


Although not Hashimoto's, after being low carb for 5 years my thyroid is less swollen and my need for Thyroxine is reduced, 200 micrograms down to 125 now, over the last year, in 25 microgram steps.
I was only diagnosed with low Thyroid after a constant barrage of low fat diets from the local GP surgery.
These days I have no more than 10 gm of carbs with my first meal, and then no more than 30 in the evening.
I have protein and fat with each meal, either the natural fat which comes with the protein or a little butter or olive oil.
Sounds a familiar story...
My wife was diagnosed with Hashimotos thyroiditis 18 years ago. But prob was suffering from it for years prior as our original GP seemed unable to deal with her symptoms. Only diagnosed with diabetes 18 months ago, tho again was probably there for a lot longer.
She has managed to lose just over 11 kilos since the diagnosis.


Thanks everyone for the replies. We've decided to drop the 'Newcastle Diet' and look into other options. It seemed a good option at the time, but the effects of these shakes are just too much (not just on blood sugar, she has had abdominal pain for the last two days)

She has a meet with the GP later in the week to discuss replacement for Metformin. (been off it for a month)
Hope eventually to be able to do away with need for meds but struggling without them at present.
Issue is with diabetes, Hashimoto's and no gall bladder she is walking a tightrope trying to balance carbs, fat protein and other restrictions.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Issue is with diabetes, Hashimoto's and no gall bladder she is walking a tightrope trying to balance carbs, fat protein and other restrictions.
If she's reducing the fats because of the gallbladder, it might be worth upping them again to see how it goes.
Usually there's no need for an adjusted diet after a gallbladder removal.