Carnivore diet


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Is anyone following a carnivore diet and how are you finding it for blood sugar control are there any side effects like constipation?
I followed it for a while. My blood sugars were consistently beautiful, between 4 and 5.5 pre- and postprandial. I dropped weight until I was a normal size again, was bursting with energy, and found my allergies to be improving. Constipation was a bit of an issue, but the thing often was, when you're eating animal protein, there isn't all that much waste, so you have fewer bowel movements as it is. Yoghurt'd help with that, and plenty of hydration.

I would still be eating that way if I hadn't turned out to be one of the lucky few who makes ureum kidney stones when on a carnivore diet. I turned into a gravel pit, and my right kidney is still a mess. Not a problem most people end up with, but I did, being the special little snowflake I am. I loved the carni diet though, and in spite of the many, many stones I've passed these past few years, I can't regret having tried it.

So maybe I'm not the best one to answer this, because it wasn't all rainbows and roundabouts for me, but it's better to know there might be some risk in there, somewhere. Not much, and I am a veritable mess anyway, so I'm not surprised I got that particular lottery ticket.... If you want to give it a go, don't mind my pebbles. ;) Just maybe check your urine every now and again with a PH stick, see whether you're more acidic than your body can cope with.

Good luck!


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I'm very nearly on a Carnivore diet at the moment. Every time I think or write the word "diet" though, I'm finding that I'm mentally reacting to it - almost anything just doesn't work if you think (sorry, if I think) about it in terms of it being a diet - I'm not on a diet, I'm looking for a way of living and eating that gives the greatest amount of pleasure and best balance overall, including for blood glucose.

Just to answer your question though - my blood glucose levels are pretty rock solid, though I'm only measuring every morning as I wake up - there isn't any point in measuring my reaction to carbs because I'm just not eating any. I'm really focusing on the levels of ketones, but blood glucose is within the 5's pretty much every day. If that was all I was interested in, I think I would say I'd nailed it now.

To cover the constipation angle head-on, so to speak; I kind of drifted more into Carnivore as I stopped more and more things. As my meat consumption went up and veg went down, as @JoKalsbeek indicates - the amount of poo just totally changed. Also the size, but that has more to do with my prostrate shrinking - maybe too much information....

- I caught a video that talked about how much liquid fat you eat... basically, we are taught that you need fibre (or roughage as we used to be told) to allow for better passage... and that may be a thing, but it isn't essential, as many populations attest through history. So - the more liquid fat you eat with your meat, the more lubricant (was the argument) - and I've found that enormously helpful; you can fine tune your eating (there is no doubt that you need to allow some getting used to - do not assume your body is going to adjust to a significant shift in the kind of food passing through without some consequence, but give it time) - if too runny (this was my initial problem) - then less liquid fat, and if too constipated then add some more, but overall expect to have to go less often.

The wider argument -
Do I feel better eating substantially more meat as a percentage of food ? - hell, yeah!!
Do I only eat meat products ? - no, a fair amount of diary and cheese, and some leafy greens, mainly Rocket to avoid oxalates.
Do I find that I eat less overall ? - I'm not sure, to be honest, I don't really count at all, and it varies, I tend to eat when I need to.
Do I find that I'm hungry all the time ? - not at all, definitely not compared to restricting calories. I also fast, and don't feel hungry then, but I mainly find that I'm hungry when I wake up, so I have a decent breakfast, and that takes me through the day, with a light lunch, or not.
Do I find that I need to snack? - I do have a salami on the go most of the time, and I'll carve a slice of that from time to time, but as I go deeper, I feel less of a need.

Hope that helps.
It can be daunting - there are many evangelical Carnivores these days, and just as many sources of "this will kill you" articles - it's hard to know what you will feel. But don't think about it as all or nothing - if you reduce your carbs (which you have to do by definition on Carnivore - must must must - you cannot think about this as "carry on eating sugar and starch and adding more meat") and find meat alternatives that you enjoy - just pay attention to how you feel and adjust as you go.


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I too am mostly carnivore. My results are only satisfactory but that is due to my damaged pancreas, I’m not type 2. My sugars are controlled BUT not as low as I’d like. I generally hang around 6-6.5 and nothing gets it lower.
I do love eating this way. Constipation is no issue, just eat enough fat.
i do eat some nuts, especially when I travel….they are not carnivore. I do consume dairy, mostly cheese. I have butter in my coffee.
i have kept my A1C in he prediabetic range for two years and my doctor is very happy with that. I am unmedicated.


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over selling.... oh so many things are enthusiastically oversold
Is anyone following a carnivore diet and how are you finding it for blood sugar control are there any side effects like constipation?

I’m mainly carni , strictly speaking I’d call it ketovore. I use the occasional veg , mainly onions and garlic to flavour my meat. I also eat a few nuts and drink coffee

For me it’s been a very long progression from diagnosis around 9 years ago. Each year as my hba1c increases I’ve eliminated more and more carb/ veg / fruit.

I can stay in the pre diabetic range by doing this.

Problems? Constipation is rare. Usually cured by more fluid intake or higher fat intake

Diarrhea? - if I consume high quantities of cream or blue cheeses.

Generally speaking I find I have to be slightly better organized, keeping appropriate foods in the fridge. Plus eating out is a challenge

My take is you have to find what works for you

I’m content to glucose test often to ensure I’m staying on track


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Ketovore - love it.

I was actually coming in to ask - "many of us are using the phrase, almost Carnivore - why is that?"

I caught an interview with Nick Norwitz at the weekend, where he was being asked his opinion on Carnivore, and I thought the answer was hugely instructive.

To paraphrase;
1. Carnivore can demonstrably be helpful to many people as a therapeutic intervention, this is showing as much promise in the mental health space as the nutritional.
2. One of the barriers to general acceptance is the somewhat evangelical way that some people talk about it.
3. There is no sensible description of Human history that doesn't acknowledge that we are omnivorous.
4. It may be that as a population, our gut microbiome has been affected in a way that some people are less tolerant to fibre than others.
5. We simply have to acknowledge that there are strong emotions around animal welfare and climate change (these are complex, and can easily be put in a way that favours extreme positions)

All of that leaves me with a sense of - what you may want to do to reverse T2DM might be different to what you might want to do to better manage T1, or to maintain good health, and there is huge flexibility in figuring out what works for you personally, but there is no real long term benefit to taking an extreme position.


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I followed it for a while. My blood sugars were consistently beautiful, between 4 and 5.5 pre- and postprandial. I dropped weight until I was a normal size again, was bursting with energy, and found my allergies to be improving. Constipation was a bit of an issue, but the thing often was, when you're eating animal protein, there isn't all that much waste, so you have fewer bowel movements as it is. Yoghurt'd help with that, and plenty of hydration.

I would still be eating that way if I hadn't turned out to be one of the lucky few who makes ureum kidney stones when on a carnivore diet. I turned into a gravel pit, and my right kidney is still a mess. Not a problem most people end up with, but I did, being the special little snowflake I am. I loved the carni diet though, and in spite of the many, many stones I've passed these past few years, I can't regret having tried it.

So maybe I'm not the best one to answer this, because it wasn't all rainbows and roundabouts for me, but it's better to know there might be some risk in there, somewhere. Not much, and I am a veritable mess anyway, so I'm not surprised I got that particular lottery ticket.... If you want to give it a go, don't mind my pebbles. ;) Just maybe check your urine every now and again with a PH stick, see whether you're more acidic than your body can cope with.

Good luck!
I follow the “carnivore diet”, or perhaps a better description is low carb. A good starting point is Richard Bernsteins Diabetes Solution book. I’ve had type one for thirty eight years and since changing to a low carb diet I’ve never felt stops you from snacking because of the proteins, you always feel satiated. Anyway your constipation question, I never really have issues with. That’s because you have to adopt a full fat approach really and if you do, it’ll never become an issue. By that I mean avoid lean and if you can do away with processed milks in hot drinks and stick to full fat double cream. Eat cheese, eggs, butter, also include low carb vegetables in your diet, and I eat salad most evenings, with cold meat or tinned fish with it. What a journey you have if you take this diet, you almost feel normal again(apart from the injecting). Full fat natural yogurt is okay, anything else won’t do because it’ll have unhealthy additives in it. Hope it goes well


Active Member
Is anyone following a carnivore diet and how are you finding it for blood sugar control are there any side effects like constipation?
Try taking INULIN powder 1/4 tsp a day and drink more fresh water.. is very good when you are not eating veggies.. found this info by Dr PRADIP (Bandana cardiologist on Utube) make sure to eat the fat.. this helps with shifting constipation, acts as a grease.

Good stuff, I take this as it helps lower my Blood sugars, through making me regular ..


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T2 and PAF & now Haemochromatosis!
Is anyone following a carnivore diet and how are you finding it for blood sugar control are there any side effects like constipation?
My diet is Low Carb, high protein. Taken this route 3 1/2 yrs ago when suddenly developed T2, no symptoms or indications. I have my theories why and how.
It’s a daily struggle to keep numbers as low as I can and still live an ok life.
Find I’d almost impossible to eat out as tbh no one caters for diabetics or low carb diets, many do called chefs gave no idea .
Yes I know, some tell me to adjust the menu to what I need, doesn’t often work in practice when many food outlets only supply ‘fast high carb’ food - CHEAP
But he ho I still fight the good fight.
Meat on its own - never


Is anyone following a carnivore diet and how are you finding it for blood sugar control are there any side effects like constipation?
My own story is different. I am T2 for 30 yrs on novamix30 and liraglitude. Very heavy with BMI upto 35+. So after moderate fluctuating success I cut out most wheat and sugar, stopping eating AS SOON AS I felt full. I tried Rybelsus, when Victoza was no longer available, to regulate my blood sugars. Awful constipation, but better that than ......
I was put off the Atkins diet because it is a diet and eating habits have to become sustainable. In the last 18 months I have lost 105 pounds which helps. My sugars are pretty good. My Hba1c is 37 but always threatening to climb. I wish I could eat more meat but it fills me so quickly I'm worried I'll get no nutrition. I eat within a 6 hour window and really have to avoid anything that puts pressure on my kidneys which are 3b.
So my view is .....
Don't call anything a diet.
Don't go for fads and fixes.
Don't cut out veg.
Don't be afraid to stray for a day.
Make everything sustainable.


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Greetings all. What’s the big deal about veggies (besides starchy veg)?

Since starting my low carb high fat diet about a 7 weeks ago, which consists mainly of meat, animal fats, full-cream diary products and veggies (I love my greens), and almost zero seed oil, my weight loss, blood sugar and all vitals, has been truly great. However, upon reading all the above comments, there appears to be some reservations around veggies. Why?


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The term "big boned" lol repeatedly told this growing up!
Try taking INULIN powder 1/4 tsp a day and drink more fresh water.. is very good when you are not eating veggies.. found this info by Dr PRADIP (Bandana cardiologist on Utube) make sure to eat the fat.. this helps with shifting constipation, acts as a grease.

Good stuff, I take this as it helps lower my Blood sugars, through making me regular ..
I take inulin powder and I haven't been eating many salads recently and it helps. Inulin is supposed to help get rid of visceral body fat too.


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Greetings all. What’s the big deal about veggies (besides starchy veg)?

Since starting my low carb high fat diet about a 7 weeks ago, which consists mainly of meat, animal fats, full-cream diary products and veggies (I love my greens), and almost zero seed oil, my weight loss, blood sugar and all vitals, has been truly great. However, upon reading all the above comments, there appears to be some reservations around veggies. Why?

This is another way of probing at the question I was interested in. On the one hand, on a post titled "Carnivore" - one shouldn't be surprised that veggies are not eaten. On the other, I found it interesting how many people (including me) use phrases such as "almost" and "nearly" carnivore.

One of the most popular social media millennial carnivore influencers very definitely refers to herself as "carnivore" yet her channel and brand is "Steak and Butter Gal" - how many carnivorous animals have access to butter? and if it's not a question of relating to the natural diet of carnivorous animals, then what is it, because there is no sensible argument that homo sapiens is a carnivore.

So, I'm curious if there is a term that works better. I think technically that low-carb high-fat ketogenic eating is probably about right, but it's a bit of a mouthful, whereas - I don't like "low carb" because it's really the balance of low-carb and more good quality fats that make the difference (saturated, animal, fruit, but not seed PUFA) - and a big chunk of that is that we have been taught to demonise an entire part of the diet that is essential for good health and brain function, in exchange for a whole chunk that we don't actually seem to need ourselves (though some of it is good food for our gut bacteria).

In the early days, when people asked me what kind of diet I was on to be making such a difference - I would often reply, "mainly I eat more fat" - because it's true, but you just get this look every time ... does not compute..

and I don't mean to be argumentative or judgemental. I've stopped saying it, simply because there is almost no way to continue a conversation where there is good-faith sharing of information. It would almost be like saying "Fairies come and magically rework my body in the night" - all sense of what is real just stops.

So, I'm interested in - is there a way we can talk about this that doesn't carry any baggage?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
This is another way of probing at the question I was interested in. On the one hand, on a post titled "Carnivore" - one shouldn't be surprised that veggies are not eaten. On the other, I found it interesting how many people (including me) use phrases such as "almost" and "nearly" carnivore.

One of the most popular social media millennial carnivore influencers very definitely refers to herself as "carnivore" yet her channel and brand is "Steak and Butter Gal" - how many carnivorous animals have access to butter? and if it's not a question of relating to the natural diet of carnivorous animals, then what is it, because there is no sensible argument that homo sapiens is a carnivore.

So, I'm curious if there is a term that works better. I think technically that low-carb high-fat ketogenic eating is probably about right, but it's a bit of a mouthful, whereas - I don't like "low carb" because it's really the balance of low-carb and more good quality fats that make the difference (saturated, animal, fruit, but not seed PUFA) - and a big chunk of that is that we have been taught to demonise an entire part of the diet that is essential for good health and brain function, in exchange for a whole chunk that we don't actually seem to need ourselves (though some of it is good food for our gut bacteria).

In the early days, when people asked me what kind of diet I was on to be making such a difference - I would often reply, "mainly I eat more fat" - because it's true, but you just get this look every time ... does not compute..

and I don't mean to be argumentative or judgemental. I've stopped saying it, simply because there is almost no way to continue a conversation where there is good-faith sharing of information. It would almost be like saying "Fairies come and magically rework my body in the night" - all sense of what is real just stops.

So, I'm interested in - is there a way we can talk about this that doesn't carry any baggage?
Maybe my question shouldn’t have been on the avoidance of veg, but rather, why would everyone wish or need to go purely carnivore and to do away with other important nutrients (or take nutritional supplements as substitutes).

When I first read this thread, my first impression was - ‘this is crazy, why would anyone choose to only eat meat, fish, eggs, etc.’. My impression was that this couldn’t be healthy, especially in the long term. So my message was seeking an understanding on the topic.

And my question remains, without offence to fellow carnivore lovers (as am I), - why would anyone want or need to go fully carnivore?

I truly appreciate the taste factor, because I too love meat and seafood, I just cannot justify in my mind the removal of veg, fruits, etc., from my meals.


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Not that many months ago I would have been saying the same, and about a year ago I would have said I was very nearly vegitarian, so understand that I'm not taking a dogmatic position, but the question put the other way around is also valid...

Why - if you are improving your health with protein and fats from animal products, and understanding that you get totally everything you need nutritionally from them, why do you need or want any veg in your diet at all?

(I made myself some spicy mince with onion and peppers the last couple of nights, and it was delicious, so take that for what it's worth) - so I think the answer revolves around taste and variety, vs the very real "stability" that I certainly experience with my digestion the closer I get to fully animal and diary.

I'm coming personally to the opinion that there are several reasons why someone may want or need to be very close to fully carnivore, but I would consider that a remedial treatment (to keep insulin very low, or to replace polyunsaturated fatty acid stores for better mitochondrial efficiency) but in the long term, there really isn't any benefit from being quite so restrictive, and that enjoyment of food is more important than strict adherence to a regime.
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