Charging symptoms


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I've had 15 years of type 1 . Over the years mu symptoms for high and lows have changed alot.

I used to get tired, thirsty, headache when my bloods spike high .

I now get a tight chest if my blood sugar spikes.

I take the correct amount of insulin to help bring it down and drink loads of water and the pain slowly goes away.

Anyone get a tight chest when high/low?

This would be after a eating carbs as I'm not the biggest fan of chocolate/sweets

Fyi: I recently went to have my bloods done and everything came back good.

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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hello @RyanRB

Can you contact your Diabetes team for advice on this ? It does sound unusual and any other symptom should be checked out professionally, personally I get more symptoms when running low than high, running high just makes me tired and cross, but going low I can have anything from numb lips, to a dire need to pee, and inability to talk/see/function.

Worth a call.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Don't have diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Intolerance, selfishness, rice pudding
I've had 15 years of type 1 . Over the years mu symptoms for high and lows have changed alot.

I used to get tired, thirsty, headache when my bloods spike high .

I now get a tight chest if my blood sugar spikes.

I take the correct amount of insulin to help bring it down and drink loads of water and the pain slowly goes away.

Anyone get a tight chest when high/low?

This would be after a eating carbs as I'm not the biggest fan of chocolate/sweets

Fyi: I recently went to have my bloods done and everything came back good.

I used to get a tight chest if I had ketoacidosis, i.e. high blood sugar readings. It is quite possible to have a good HbA1c even if you have had the odd very high reading. As @Juicyj says, it still would be worth speaking to your team, especially if this occurs regularly.