

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I’m type 2 and have been diagnosed for years, pretty much got my BS to normal levels by Low Carb and tablet medication, happy.
OK, around 2 months ago my BS jumped up to 11mmol and continued to fluctuate between 18 and 9, first thing in the morning it’s the highest.

I rang my GP surgery and they rang back and told me to double my Gliclazide dose, which I have, this morning my BS was the highest at 18.7 mmol.
My BS has slowly risen and risen over the weeks, I’ve stuck to low carb (less than 30g per day), I feel physically fine, so what’s happening ?

I have little faith in my GP surgery as you never know which locum you’ll get, my registered GP, I have never met and wouldn’t know if they were sat next to me.
My Diabetic Nurse is good but, due to Covid, I can’t get an appointment.

has anyone ever suffered what I am dealing with ?


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
hypos and forum bugs
I’m type 2 and have been diagnosed for years, pretty much got my BS to normal levels by Low Carb and tablet medication, happy.

How many years? Many folk suffering from LADA (late onset T1) manage for years on a low carb T2 diagnosis, but eventually their insulin production becomes too low to cope.

Alternatively over a long period T2s can eventually stop producing insulin (they typically over produce initially), and need to move to insulin. True T2s typically need a lot of insulin (100s of units) Lada much less....

1) have you ever had a c-peptide or GAD test (former measures how much insulin you produce, latter shows whether there are antibodies demonstrating that you are killing your insulin producing cells)
2) how many years T2?
3) Do you have any T2 family history
4) Are you overweight?

A lot of doctors assume that anyone over the age of 30 (sometimes less) who presents with diabetes must be T2 - this is simply not the case.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Never had either test, as far as I can remember, been diagnosed 16 years, was really overweight and on insulin 6 years ago but went on low Carb and was taken off insulin, losing over 6 Stone in weight, I’m overweight by 18lbs according to BMI etc, which I tend to take with a pinch of salt, as using that Mike Tyson would be obese.
My mother was Type 2 as is my Brother but he’s only recently been diagnosed.

my BS have never been this high EVER.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
hypos and forum bugs
my BS have never been this high EVER.

My suggestion would be to contact your DN and tell them your levels. Give the gliclazide a chance to work. It's possible you finally need to move onto insulin. If you're genuinely on only 30g a day then there's not much else you can do carb wise . (But you should describe a typical day's diet because the T2s on here are pretty clued up and will be able to tell you if there are some carbs you can cut.)

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I’m type 2 and have been diagnosed for years, pretty much got my BS to normal levels by Low Carb and tablet medication, happy.
OK, around 2 months ago my BS jumped up to 11mmol and continued to fluctuate between 18 and 9, first thing in the morning it’s the highest.

I rang my GP surgery and they rang back and told me to double my Gliclazide dose, which I have, this morning my BS was the highest at 18.7 mmol.
My BS has slowly risen and risen over the weeks, I’ve stuck to low carb (less than 30g per day), I feel physically fine, so what’s happening ?

I have little faith in my GP surgery as you never know which locum you’ll get, my registered GP, I have never met and wouldn’t know if they were sat next to me.
My Diabetic Nurse is good but, due to Covid, I can’t get an appointment.

has anyone ever suffered what I am dealing with ?

What kind of things are you eating for your 30g ? I now can’t have anything remotely carby and have to stick to 20g or under,?and even then have high days for no apparent reason. You could always try cutting the carbs more and intermittent fasting to see what happens. Good luck.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Weekend eats would be 2 egg omelette for breakfast.
Lunch of Small green salad with cheese, ham, celery, spring onion, radish, 1 cherry tom.
Dinner Chicken Breast or Tuna Steak with Cauli Rice.

weekdays No Breakfast
Lunch 140g tin tuna
Dinner Either Chicken, Fish, Pork or Beef, with veg (Courgette, Cauli, Broccoli)

I’m probably well under 30g Carbs and nearer 10 to 20

As an aside, I missed my morning tablets the other day (don’t ask) and when I finally got around to testing, my BS was the lowest it’s been for a while (9.2 mmol), once back to taking meds again, it’s back up to between 15 and 17.

I would love to speak to my DN but you’d need to be a member of my local GP surgery to understand how totally inept they are.

A patient rating of 1 out of 10 should tell you everything.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
If you continue to get high levels maybe contact 111 - particularly if you start to feel unwell - suspecting a slow onset of lacking insulin bight be going on so you'd be in danger of high ketones from that rather than low carbing. If you get bad symptoms of DKA then A & E would be advisable. Better safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Weekend eats would be 2 egg omelette for breakfast.
Lunch of Small green salad with cheese, ham, celery, spring onion, radish, 1 cherry tom.
Dinner Chicken Breast or Tuna Steak with Cauli Rice.

weekdays No Breakfast
Lunch 140g tin tuna
Dinner Either Chicken, Fish, Pork or Beef, with veg (Courgette, Cauli, Broccoli)

I’m probably well under 30g Carbs and nearer 10 to 20

As an aside, I missed my morning tablets the other day (don’t ask) and when I finally got around to testing, my BS was the lowest it’s been for a while (9.2 mmol), once back to taking meds again, it’s back up to between 15 and 17.

I would love to speak to my DN but you’d need to be a member of my local GP surgery to understand how totally inept they are.

A patient rating of 1 out of 10 should tell you everything.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Yes that is good and very low carb. Have you tried intermittent fasting?