
Well-Known Member
I've been like this for so so long now, I just sit and cry my eyes out if you asked me why I couldn't tell you, I just need to cry because I'm upset. Tonight I was watching films with my boyfriend and I've came up to bed on my own (I said I was tired) and just sat and cried my eyes out, my mam has an idea of what I'm going thought and she knows how im feeling but I never ever talk about it, I rang her and I just cried and cried down the phone and she said to me, WHATS UP? I said I just need to cry and she just talked and talked to me, and made me realise it's time I need to get some help, I do need it because it's just getting worse. She was saying to me, do you just feel like your alone? Like you need to be shut off from everyone? Like you need to be by yourself? And I cried and said yes, that is exactly how I feel. I hate feeling like this, please message me I need someone to talk to about this x


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I've been like this for so so long now, I just sit and cry my eyes out if you asked me why I couldn't tell you, I just need to cry because I'm upset. Tonight I was watching films with my boyfriend and I've came up to bed on my own (I said I was tired) and just sat and cried my eyes out, my mam has an idea of what I'm going thought and she knows how im feeling but I never ever talk about it, I rang her and I just cried and cried down the phone and she said to me, WHATS UP? I said I just need to cry and she just talked and talked to me, and made me realise it's time I need to get some help, I do need it because it's just getting worse. She was saying to me, do you just feel like your alone? Like you need to be shut off from everyone? Like you need to be by yourself? And I cried and said yes, that is exactly how I feel. I hate feeling like this, please message me I need someone to talk to about this x

Jessica, you have made a start by posting this message, and by ringing your mam. That's 2 big hurdles in one evening. Do you think that your boyfriend has any idea that you are feeling so low.?
You mentioned at the start of your message that this has been going on for so long - are these feelings ones that you have had when you were younger as well?
I'm new to diabetes (3 weeks) so I am not sure of links between the sort of feelings you are having, but I'm sure others will be along who may have more knowledge.
Above all, keep talking. It will help.

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Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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I know your feeling, can I ask.. Does the feeling come and go or do you feel like this all the time?

It's great to talk about it, you should also book an appointment with your gp too x
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Looks like I'm not the only one having a bit of a ****** start to the year =/.

I 'admit' to being depressed all the time, I've 'known' I've been depressed for years, and years...I've been depressed due to diabetes and a few other factors for so long that I genuinely can't remember the last time I didn't feel depressed.

But I've never really sought out help for it, I've never rang a friend for a chat...well that's not true, I have, but I drove that friend away almost completely recently by snapping at them and taking all my general frustrations out on them at a time when they were going through some all in all, my depression has cost me quite a few things over the years...that had I had the guts and sense to do what you're doing and ask for some proper help, I probably didn't have to suffer through. I'd probe...actually no I definitely reckon I'd have taken far greater care of my diabetes than I have done for quite some time if I'd taken advantage of the support that was available to me for all the things that were concerning me, not just diabetes related, instead of just nodding my way through clinics and appointments and thinking I was already beyond help. I wasn't, and I'm still not.

We all have a chronic condition, depression/low-mood/low-self-esteem and all the feelings linked to them don't mean we're weak, they don't even mean we're strong when we don't let them affect us - they're just another symptom, the same as your bloods running high after a healthy dose of carbs is. Have a large intake of 'sugar' your BG rises...have diabetes for any length of time, it will lower and affect your mood at times. This doesn't mean it's all doom and gloom though, you're feeling like you feel right now as nobodies taught you any skills to deal with all those feelings yet, same as when we're little we throw tantrums when we don't get what we want, until we learn to control those emotions and deal with them in a better way we stamp our feet and hold our feeling sad/upset/like you want to be alone when you really don't want to feel that way, is just the natural way we human beings have of dealing with those emotions, which is fine if we only feel that way for a day or so, but any longer and it starts making you feel how you're feeling now. It's ok not to know how to deal with it, it's better to learn how to deal with it well though =)

The difference as I said, is you've made the best possible step you can by being strong enough to admit that how you feel doesn't make you happy, and asking for help =) That's a huge positive step to take. And it sounds like you already have some really supportive and great people close by in your mum and other half, so combined with everyone here, you are definitely not going to have to deal with this all by yourself =)

In terms of immediate options you have a few though;
  • You can talk to folk on here, I'm pretty much an insomniac so available to answer messages until most ungodly hours lol And I know there are plenty of others on here who I'm sure are much smarter and better at dealing with this than I am, who would love to help you as much as they can =)
  • Keep on top of your sugars - it's a catch-22, but high sugars = low mood, but low mood also = high sugars, I'm never sure which comes first - but it is true to say if you can keep control of your sugars, keeping them in your lower target ranges where possible, some of the smaller things that are bothering you and seem insurmountable at the moment may become a bit clearer with a few days of lower BG's - I know mine always do when I can manage to control it that long =)
  • Talk to your clinic/DSN/GP - I know my clinic has a psychiatrist/psychiatric nurse on call as part of the clinic who can offer counselling and other therapies to help with low mood and depression and the like - I only started taking advantage of that offer recently, I wish, WISH, I had done so sooner. If that's not available at your clinic, your GP can refer you to someone who'll offer the same support
  • the purpose of the psychiatrist/nurse/therapy/'counselling' isn't to 'cure' the low-mood issues, they're linked to you having a chronic condition & the 'bad' news is it'll always be possible to feel that way at times...but like I said that's because they're another symptom of diabetes. You can't expect the feelings to disappear any more than you can expect your glucose levels to magically start behaving themselves without any help from you - but they WILL, and I promise this one, absolutely will, let you develop skills and tools to cope with the things you are feeling now so you can decide when you want to have a wee cry and let these feelings out, and when you want to use those feelings more productively =)
  • Hobbies/Routine - one of the things I lack in my life is hobbies/routines outside of work. I've started coming on here a bit more the last week or so because a) seeing everyone's support on here makes me feel less alone, and like I can keep the testing up this time and b) it gives me something to do, albeit with minimum social interaction, not as good as face-to-face, but enough that it cheers me up a wee bit - so having things to do, especially with other people if you can, and that you can do regularly, will help increase your mood a bit too =)
  • Read some helpful stuff - there are tonnes of books/sites/papers out there on diabetes/low-mood/depression and all the different things how you're feeling gets called - some are just interesting, others let you know you're not alone, others seem like they're trying to sell you miracle cures to everything and some are really practical and give you things to try/do to improve things yourself. One of the ones I was suggested to read was a book called: "How to be your own best friend" by Dr. Paul Hauck. There were some bits of it I found useful, others not so much, but it had some things to try doing, ways to try and think about things...and at the time I searched online for it there was a free trial of that audible thing through amazon that let me listen to it in full for absolutely nothing...if anything it helped me get a little bit extra sleep for a few more days! lol!
Main thing, you're not alone, so long as you keep coming here =) Hope you're feeling more like you soon =D
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Well-Known Member
Jessica, you have made a start by posting this message, and by ringing your mam. That's 2 big hurdles in one evening. Do you think that your boyfriend has any idea that you are feeling so low.?
You mentioned at the start of your message that this has been going on for so long - are these feelings ones that you have had when you were younger as well?
I'm new to diabetes (3 weeks) so I am not sure of links between the sort of feelings you are having, but I'm sure others will be along who may have more knowledge.
Above all, keep talking. It will help.


Hi Margarer,

No my boyfriend doesn't know, I've been type 1 for 2 years and a few months now, it's only ever since I have been diagnosed and I say to my mam, if I didn't have this I wouldn't feel this this x


Hi @jessica16,

There are many people who can relate to how you are feeling. ((((hugs))))

Have a read through this article and you will see that a diagnosis affects everyone and sometimes things do not get easier. It is the emotional toll that brings us down.

It could even be that you still have not come to terms with your diagnosis and are going through the five stages of grief, grieving for the life you had before diabetes. Depression is tied up with this and you may benefit from reading this article.

Please let your DSN know how you are feeling and your boyfriend as trying to keep something like this to yourself makes it even harder. There is help out there and your health team will be able to point you in the right direction. Emotional and psychological issues does not mean that you are weak, you are having a normal reaction to an abnormal situation.

Keep in touch with the forum as you will benefit from talking here with like minded people who have been where you are now.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I've been like this for so so long now, I just sit and cry my eyes out if you asked me why I couldn't tell you, I just need to cry because I'm upset. Tonight I was watching films with my boyfriend and I've came up to bed on my own (I said I was tired) and just sat and cried my eyes out, my mam has an idea of what I'm going thought and she knows how im feeling but I never ever talk about it, I rang her and I just cried and cried down the phone and she said to me, WHATS UP? I said I just need to cry and she just talked and talked to me, and made me realise it's time I need to get some help, I do need it because it's just getting worse. She was saying to me, do you just feel like your alone? Like you need to be shut off from everyone? Like you need to be by yourself? And I cried and said yes, that is exactly how I feel. I hate feeling like this, please message me I need someone to talk to about this x
I have been depressed several times since my teens and am now past fifty. This is my advice:
Get professional help. Pills can work magic but are best combined with counselling. Counselling is actually the first step and the tablets will take a few weeks to take effect anyway.

Get a thorough physical check up and blood tests for anaemia, thyroid, B12 and vitamin D. Depression is a very common symptom of hypothyroidism for example and low vitamin D is said to cause depression in some cases too. Hypothyroidism and B12 deficiency are common autoimmune conditions and as you already have one you at risk to get more. Vitamin D deficiency is common in autoimmunity and in northern countries in general.

What you can do on your own is to talk about it to the ones close to you but not too much. Try to focus on something else. When I was at my worst, constantly crying and only could think about sad things I focused on a colour if I couldn't find anything else non-depressing to think about.

Go for walks. Exercise. It helps a lot. Listen to music, happy music or at least not depressing music.
But get an appointment with your GP soonest.
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Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
I have been depressed several times since my teens and am now past fifty. This is my advice:
Get professional help. Pills can work magic but are best combined with counselling. Counselling is actually the first step and the tablets will take a few weeks to take effect anyway.

Get a thorough physical check up and blood tests for anaemia, thyroid, B12 and vitamin D. Depression is a very common symptom of hypothyroidism for example and low vitamin D is said to cause depression in some cases too. Hypothyroidism and B12 deficiency are common autoimmune conditions and as you already have one you at risk to get more. Vitamin D deficiency is common in autoimmunity and in northern countries in general.

What you can do on your own is to talk about it to the ones close to you but not too much. Try to focus on something else. When I was at my worst, constantly crying and only could think about sad things I focused on a colour if I couldn't find anything else non-depressing to think about.

Go for walks. Exercise. It helps a lot. Listen to music, happy music or at least not depressing music.
But get an appointment with your GP soonest.

Could not agree more. Take yourself outside of yourself, look back at you as you were pre diagnosis and compare that to what you're now experiencing. Compare the two and then attain a goal of getting back to that state given your condition. Not saying it's easy ... it isn't.

No-one likes a tougher reality against a past when all might have been good. Share it with professionals. As Totto said, in so many words, think of what you CAN do rather than what you cannot.

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simon hand

Hi there, I've been reading your posts about depression and can relate to it. I've been a type 1 diabetic since 1991, hereditary from my dad. When I was diagnosed I was devastated as I knew at the time what was involved due to seeing my dad boiling his glass syringes since a young age and dealing with scary hypos.
At the time I was with my wife to be and I got through life being with her and have two fantastic daughters to her.
Just over 12 months ago she left the family home due to a 10 month affair and one of the reasons is " I would leave you if your diabetes got worse". There were other reasons but it has hit me so hard.
At the time I did let my diabetes control slip but since then I've lost weight at the gym 3 times a week and I'm starting boxing and I look and feel physically better.

I don't like being alone and I've been diagnosed as clinically depressed due to my diabetes and the loss of my dad due to diabetes and almost losing my niece.
A complication also is after one week of finding out about the affair my wife and the man she is with had a house ready to move my daughters into. My daughters want to stay with me.
I don't want to be alone but I honestly don't think anyone will want to be with a diabetic. I never really thought about it before my wife left but now it hangs over me. I'm physically fit apart from some complications with my eyes
Since my wife left I have had a hypo with just my youngest daughter with me but it was due to having a really bad chest infection and a wrong reading on my gluco Meter.
There are days where I don't want to carry on. There are positives in my life, my daughters and a successful business but diabetes seems to over shadow everything. I have cried so many times and seen psychologists but it isn't helping as no matter what they say they can't change my view.

Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
I don't want to be alone but I honestly don't think anyone will want to be with a diabetic

You sound like a nice bloke so I wouldn't be that certain about a future living alone. The right person's out there. Good luck

Mike :)


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hi there, I've been reading your posts about depression and can relate to it. I've been a type 1 diabetic since 1991, hereditary from my dad. When I was diagnosed I was devastated as I knew at the time what was involved due to seeing my dad boiling his glass syringes since a young age and dealing with scary hypos.
At the time I was with my wife to be and I got through life being with her and have two fantastic daughters to her.
Just over 12 months ago she left the family home due to a 10 month affair and one of the reasons is " I would leave you if your diabetes got worse". There were other reasons but it has hit me so hard.
At the time I did let my diabetes control slip but since then I've lost weight at the gym 3 times a week and I'm starting boxing and I look and feel physically better.

I don't like being alone and I've been diagnosed as clinically depressed due to my diabetes and the loss of my dad due to diabetes and almost losing my niece.
A complication also is after one week of finding out about the affair my wife and the man she is with had a house ready to move my daughters into. My daughters want to stay with me.
I don't want to be alone but I honestly don't think anyone will want to be with a diabetic. I never really thought about it before my wife left but now it hangs over me. I'm physically fit apart from some complications with my eyes
Since my wife left I have had a hypo with just my youngest daughter with me but it was due to having a really bad chest infection and a wrong reading on my gluco Meter.
There are days where I don't want to carry on. There are positives in my life, my daughters and a successful business but diabetes seems to over shadow everything. I have cried so many times and seen psychologists but it isn't helping as no matter what they say they can't change my view.

Please don't feel alone, you are amongst friends here so try to talk and unburden your thoughts.

There is a lot to take in with being dependent on insulin and managing fluctuating blood sugars on a continuous basis. I was also depressed 2 years after diagnosis, felt like running away couldn't cope, by at least talking to my GP helped as I knew it was linked to type 1 and I was in a grieving process. I am still aware of it now, but don't let myself slip, so now low carb to stop fluctuating levels as much as I can, exercise and medititation also helps.

Try downloading some apps on your phone so headspace is one, guardian has a happy for life app, these offer simple exercises to practise every day and to try and help you focus on the positives and not let the negatives rule your life.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi Jessica

It's great that you are talking about how you are feeling so you're ready to get help. I've suffered with depression/anxiety and stress on and off for years and my most recent bout was triggered by something specific. Depression doesn't have to be about something "big" though and it can be a whole load of things that accumulate to make us feel low.

I hid my depression for a long time as I felt embarrassed to mention it as unlike a physical health condition you often look fine on the outside. Medication can help but it takes a couple of weeks to kick in.

Until last year I didn't really believe in talking therapy but I have attended and completed 2 CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) courses and I have to say they've worked. They've changed the way I think and how I deal with stress and anxiety and have helped me to cope. Even my Boss has remarked how much I've changed and how much stronger I've become.

Check with your GP or surgery what's available in your area. For the area I live in we have something called "LIFT Psychology" and you can self refer and book on to courses. You don't always have to have a referral from your GP. And, your GP may have an a counselling service operating from the surgery (mine does and I've used it).



Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thanks mikeD but it's a massive worry to me now. It never used to be when my wife was with me but I do feel that no one would want the burden of being with someone who is insulin dependent and the complications that go along with it.
The reason I asked is that other diabetics understand more.
My sisters a nurse and like me grown up with diabetes although she's not a diabetic and thinks I'm worrying too much. My opinion is that unless you have diabetes, people mean well, but you don't fully understand and realise how it impacts on your life and your mental state.
I'm not fully alone with my daughters but in my heart I'm alone and I'dike to find love again.
God this has set me off with tears in my eyes

Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
Hi Simon

I'm a T2. There is enough in life to deal with and luckily for me, I'm married to one strong woman. Can't ever say I couldn't have done it solo, (I''m one tough obstinate SOB) but yes, it would have been REALLY hard.

You are right ... most people do NOT get it and yes, it can get you miserable especially with your associated issues. One issue at a time my friend. I can't (won't) give advice on your grief and it'll take time but I DO know someone in the UK who has been thru EXACTLY the same issues. Grief, loss, bewilderment ..... wondering what's next ... and he's come thru the other side tougher, stronger and better than ever

Love your children and please seek help if you need it.



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Carbs and Blue Meanies
If your diabetic you will probably more than likely in some way be depressed, the two unfortunately go hand in hand, it screws up your serotonin levels, realising your hormones will be effected is part of solving your problems, if its bad and you feel like you need help you need to see the doc but i personally never got on with the anti depressant route i tried them but they made me more lethargic and i don't want to mask my emotions, i want to understand and deal with them, they are our bodys way of telling us about ourselves, so i prefer good healthy foods that help lift my mood, also mindfulness and exercise work, they are better than drugs for me. having a good cry is a good release of inner pressures. hope you feel better soon.
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