Desmond - worthwhile - or bite lip for 6 1/6 hrs?



Note also poor peripheral circulation makes wound healing very difficult.In my short 1 year stint as a home health nurse I was really surprised at all the diabetic foot uclers I saw.Care of feet,and checking footware for pebbles ,etc ,and your feet constantly would be very very high on my list for folks with neuropathy and impaired sensation in feet.

I had a couple of foot ulcers during the peak phase of my diabetes career. Coupled with unimaginable neuropathy pain, from time-to-time, a nasty blister/ulcer would pop-up out of nowhere and fester. Not pleasant.

You know, sometimes I look back and wonder if my recovery from all this was an actual miracle :angelic:

@Brunneria might get the private joke there ;)
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