Diabetics R Us


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
My little Kareltje is just the best cat in the world! I came home today after the funeral of a 90 year old aunt, a bit worried about the baby guinea-pigs, as Kareltje regularly visits their pen. When I came he was basking in the sun in the guinea-pig pen right next to the spot the babies usually are, so I was preparing myself to cleaning up a nasty family drama. But the baby guinea-piggies were right next to the cat, with their mother. Funny, wonderful cat! It catches mice, rats and moles (is that right in English? I mean the short-sighted animals living underground) regularly but seems to like my guinea-pigs as company :)

Yes, Mole is the right term. My old cat, sadly not with us any more, dispatched my middle son's gerbils one at a time. He then 'presented' them to me. Of course I told him that the gerbils had gone to live on the river bank, he is 26 now and still hasn't clicked.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
Here's to the wee gentleman in the black velvet waistcoat.

A Jacobite toast alluding to the mole who's mole hill caused William of Orange's horse to stumble and fall bringing about the kings early demise.

Thought you might like the Dutch connection.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
Yes, Mole is the right term. My old cat, sadly not with us any more, dispatched my middle son's gerbils one at a time. He then 'presented' them to me. Of course I told him that the gerbils had gone to live on the river bank, he is 26 now and still hasn't clicked.

Bless him


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Well, it's happened.

United Utilities who provide our water have announced a hose pipe ban from 5th August. Ironic really as the North West suffered severe flooding last winter.

This will be a case of 'One out, all out'. I expect Yorkshire Water will follow suit imminently.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
My little Kareltje is just the best cat in the world! I came home today after the funeral of a 90 year old aunt, a bit worried about the baby guinea-pigs, as Kareltje regularly visits their pen. When I came home he was basking in the sun in the guinea-pig pen right next to the spot the babies usually are, so I was preparing myself to cleaning up a nasty family drama. But the baby guinea-piggies were right next to the cat, with their mother. Funny, wonderful cat! It catches mice, rats and moles (is that right in English? I mean the short-sighted animals living underground) regularly but seems to like my guinea-pigs as company :)
Thanks for all the likes, folks! Not sure what went wrong, Kareltje, a rat, birds, the other guinea-pigs or the great escape, but the last newborns were nowhere to be found this morning. Luckily there are still the two-week old babies, who are thriving, but after losing 2 baby guinea pigs last week and 4 more today I think I'll refrain from pregnant guinea-pigs in the future. I could of course put them in a cage for safety but that wouldn't make me happy.
For today, I'll go on waiting till this stupid and much too hot day is over and try my luck with pizza. It was a stupid 'I pretend to not exist-day' anyway, so if diabetes doesn't like the pizza, too bad for diabetes but this day was stupid from the start so I'll erase it anyway.
Tomorrow I plan to think of clever ways to make life bearable and perhaps even wonderful again, despite the heat! :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all

Another warm night but we had the fan running all night.
Meeting an old colleague for lunch today :)

Have a good day.



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Well, it's happened.

Some people, my wife being a culprit, my mother in law being another, insist on having a bath every day. "What's wrong with the shower" or "what about a cat lick?" like in my younger years (didn't live in a house with a proper bathroom till I was 21). I'm pleased we have the opportunity to keep ourselves clean but it's no surprise that we start running out of water very quickly. I chastised a friend at the weekend because he has a green lawn, and I knew why. Some people are less than socially spirited.

Another bright day, lets make the most of it while it lasts, the rain will be here soon.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Yesterday was a sad and depressed day because of the guinea-pigs and the heat. Tonight was nightmares about guinea-pigs. So I decided to go shopping today, as that seems to be what people do when they're sad.
See you later guys, I'm off to the guinea-pig shelter to do some serious shopping, expect to buy about 8 new guinea-pigs in need of a new home! :) :) :)


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks for all the likes, folks! Not sure what went wrong, Kareltje, a rat, birds, the other guinea-pigs or the great escape, but the last newborns were nowhere to be found this morning. Luckily there are still the two-week old babies, who are thriving, but after losing 2 baby guinea pigs last week and 4 more today I think I'll refrain from pregnant guinea-pigs in the future. I could of course put them in a cage for safety but that wouldn't make me happy.
For today, I'll go on waiting till this stupid and much too hot day is over and try my luck with pizza. It was a stupid 'I pretend to not exist-day' anyway, so if diabetes doesn't like the pizza, too bad for diabetes but this day was stupid from the start so I'll erase it anyway.
Tomorrow I plan to think of clever ways to make life bearable and perhaps even wonderful again, despite the heat! :)
Oh no! Could they be kept in an enclosed pen with a wire mesh lid? That is what we always did when we kept guinea pigs. Never lost one, though we did have an escape artist who would climb like a spider, and we never did find out how frogs managed to get in through the tight spaces in the wire mesh.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
Oh no! Could they be kept in an enclosed pen with a wire mesh lid? That is what we always did when we kept guinea pigs. Never lost one, though we did have an escape artist who would climb like a spider, and we never did find out how frogs managed to get in through the tight spaces in the wire mesh.

Frogs I love em such good slug and snail eaters


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Frogs I love em such good slug and snail eaters
Yes, unfortunately many neighbours are paving over their gardens, extending houses, and filling in ponds. We are trying to maintain a homely environment for the frogs and hedgehogs, who also make a meal of the slugs and snails, but we seem to stand alone in our neighbourhood.
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