Disappointed cholesterol results


I am very disappointed with recent cholesterol levels after being on low carbs, protein based diet for 5 months. Three months ago when I've been on this diet for two months I was shocked the figures were: total 6.4, HDL 2.4, LDL 3.1, Trig 1.84. For years my cholesterol was very good between 3.8 to 4.6. One example is: total 4.6, HDL 2.1 LD L2.1 Trig 0.8. At that time, I was on 130-150g carbs with low fat and moderate protein intakes. Now the latest total is even up to 6.9 (haven't got details).

At the moment I am on about 40g carbs without counting carbs in veg and nuts. Relaxed a little with animal fat, having nuts and seeds as snacks, meat/fish/ham/two eggs a day/cheese (about 50g no more than once a day), and lots low carb veg for meals. I thought I didn't over do protein and fat through it is the case? Where is the thing gone wrong? I've read many stories about low carb success here and under the impression that it would help to get better cholesterol profile too. I do have a improved BS level - HbA1c is 6.1%. The other thing that went the other way around is I gained 4kg since. I am fine with my weight now, 51kg, but do not want any increasing.

DN is not happy with the high cholesterol and told me to eat a balanced diet, that is, more carbs. My doctor seems not to worry and said it will take many years to get heart problem with this kind of levels. She asked me to concentrate on stable BS control. But I am very worried. Any advice, please? Many thanks!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hang in there, its true it does take time for heart problems to occur after raised lipids and you've obviously tried hard to help yourself with diet. At least you know the dangers and will be closely monitored by the docs. Are you on meds for lipids? as this is the usual avenue to help diabetics guard against cardiac problems.
I'm newly diagnosed type 2 with prior hyperlipidema and chronic autoimmune disease. Its certainly frustrating to be doing all the right things and still don't get the results we hoped for


Thanks Pookie33 for your reply. Feel better that at least there is someone there who understand my frustration and struggling. I am not on meds for lipids as the problem is new for me happened after I’ve been on low carbs, protein based diet. I am not sure now whether I shall continue on this diet. It’s true low carbs improve the BS control, but is it worth to take risk on cardiac problem? And I don’t know the lipids would get down if I go back to the previous diet too.


Hi your not on your own and funny enough i also got a 6.9 when before i dieted got 6.2 i couldnt believe it had gone up .I have been low carb also had no cheese at all no salt and having these spreads that claim to lower cholesterol . I was not over weight before and have still lost just over a stone ,It is very annoying the doctor told me that maybe it is just genetic ? a friend has told me to try cinimon powder to lower it so maybe will try that as dont fancy the statins .Like you my blood suger result was much better . Let me know if you find the answer . take care :roll:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) does risk pushing up your cholesterol.

However, listen to your doctor, who is telling you that of the two risk factors (higher cholesterol or higher blood glucose) the BG control is far more important in the short term.
Sounds as though you have a very sensible doctor there.
The DN is probably quoting from the manual - which some think is out of date.

A lot of T2s go on statins which can help control cholesterol.
Subject to finding one where you don't have any side effects (I can't handle Simvastatin but am fine on Pravastatin) then statins can be a good long term solution.

So stick with the diet if it is improving your long term BG control.
This is the most important thing at the moment.
