Do I test if I am 'post diabetic'?

Tall Paul

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I have lost over 4 stones in 4 months. My HbA1c dropped every time but my BG self test results seem to be the same as they were after I started to eat more healthily. So losing the weight seems to have had little effect on me. It is what I eat that keeps my results low. Funnily all my doctor could see was the weight loss.
Hi TITD - sorry for the slow reply! (I've been away camping for a couple of weeks).

I think your experience would suggest that either:
a) Prof Taylor's weight loss approach isn't working for you*
b) You haven't gone under your "Personal Fat Threshold" yet.

(* By "working", I mean in terms of improving your BG self test results anyway - I would have assumed that having HbA1c results dropping every time would be a measure of success?)

I don't think it's the case that you have failed to improve your BG results because you are not following the specific Newcastle VLC diet.

From the Newcastle University website:
  • The essential point is that substantial weight loss must be achieved. The time course of weight loss is much less important.
  • It is a simple fact that the fat stored in the wrong parts of the body (inside the liver and pancreas) is used up first when the body has to rely upon its own stores of fat to burn. Any pattern of eating which brings about substantial weight loss over a period of time will be effective. Different approaches suit different individuals best.
  • It is also very important to emphasise that sustainability of weight loss is the most important thing to ensure that diabetes stays away after the initial weight loss. Previous research has shown that steady weight loss over a 5 – 6 month period is more likely to be successful in keeping weight down in the long term. For this reason, ordinary steady weight loss may be preferable. However, if you are not able to lose around 2½ stone over, say, six months by this approach, then the very low calorie diet may be for you.


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Just to update.
I have returned from a two week break in the countryside. Usually I eat healthy food when I am there. This time I have been experimenting with my meter. I have drank lots of beer, eaten lots of crusty bread, jam on toast, chips, and just because they were not raising my blood glucose, not even a 1 hour spike, I went for the big one, and had a day of breakfast cereal with toast, oat cakes, peaches, dried fruit, fudge, a giant bag of maltesers, lamb curry with poppodoms, rice and beer, ice cream. The highest reading was 8.2 one hour after the curry etc, but it dropped to 6.1 after 2 hours.
As all scientific experiments need to be replicated, I pushed my luck yesterday by eating a whole packet of choc chip hobnobs and 5 mini mars ice creams (i am disgusted by this). I ate a roast dinner, with lots of potatoes, followed by cake and ice cream. One hour after bg was 7.4, two hours later 6.3.

I have to say what I have been doing is incredibly stupid. I do not recommend this. I feel a complete idiot for feeling that I have needed to check this out but also have felt that some posts on this and other threads have been goading me into it. I should know to ignore such unhelpful comments, but I was weak. I have by the foolish behaviour jeopardised good diabetic control, as I believe it is the weight loss previously achieved, and the exercise regime I followed that gave me the good bg control. If I gain weight again, or fail to lose the considerable amount I still have to lose, then I am at risk of the high, diabetic blood glucose levels I previously had.
I also gained 8 lbs over the two weeks. I hope much of that is water due to the carbs, as I have very swollen feet. Not clever!

AND I did not enjoy the food at all.
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A good lesson learnt then ;)... but at least your blood sugars stayed normal. I hope the weight comes off quickly.


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Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
Interesting experiments Pipp and well done for trying it (and taking one for the science team!). Impressive 1 hour and 2 hour figures after that lot, but as you say it's not good for weight! I don't think it's foolish especially, isn't this what 'eating to the meter' is about?
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Interesting experiments Pipp and well done for trying it (and taking one for the science team!). Impressive 1 hour and 2 hour figures after that lot, but as you say it's not good for weight! I don't think it's foolish especially, isn't this what 'eating to the meter' is about?
Thanks @sanguine and @Bluetit1802 for your encouraging words.
Not sure if 'eating to the meter' was what was in my mind at the time. Just pushing boundaries I think. Almost bordering on self harm behaviour. I knew I was potentially damaging myself but kept going. I hope I am over that now, but am somewhat shocked at how quickly I was drawn into being so focussed on the strange behaviour.
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Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
Congratulations - looks like you are not diabetic at the moment.

Unfortunately it sounds as though you still have other problems - which probably led to you developing diabetic symptoms in the first place.
So you know what you need to do - keep up the good work and you will drop off the excess weight and feel even better :)

I guess you now need to eat to the scales, with a sensible regime of fasting BG checks to confirm you are still O.K.

Well done.

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Congratulations - looks like you are not diabetic at the moment.

Unfortunately it sounds as though you still have other problems - which probably led to you developing diabetic symptoms in the first place.
So you know what you need to do - keep up the good work and you will drop off the excess weight and feel even better :)

I guess you now need to eat to the scales, with a sensible regime of fasting BG checks to confirm you are still O.K.

Well done.

Thank you @LittleGreyCat
I was worried that you would resent me.

cold ethyl

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@Pipp sometimes I think we all have to have a blow out , whether it be food, splurging cash on something frivolous etc. You have done the hard part in acknowledging why you did as you did, and are hopefully back on the weight loss/ good control train again. When it is a large figure that needs to be shifted, it can be daunting, so I am thinking in ten week blocks and trying to lose 2lb a week in them. That way I can sense victory sooner and gat the encouragement to continue on a regular basis. I'm sure that the weight gained will come off quickly as a of of it will be water. Onwards and downwards.
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@Pipp sometimes I think we all have to have a blow out , whether it be food, splurging cash on something frivolous etc. You have done the hard part in acknowledging why you did as you did, and are hopefully back on the weight loss/ good control train again. When it is a large figure that needs to be shifted, it can be daunting, so I am thinking in ten week blocks and trying to lose 2lb a week in them. That way I can sense victory sooner and gat the encouragement to continue on a regular basis. I'm sure that the weight gained will come off quickly as a of of it will be water. Onwards and downwards.
You are right @cold ethyl . I have a large figure, and I need to shift it!
2lbs a week sounds good, would be happy with 2lbs a month. I never expect to be slim again, but will work towards a sensible compromise. I am so much more healthy than when I had that other 42 kg and not intending to go back there.
Thank you for your kind words and sensible advice.
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Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
42 kg is an impressive amount to have lost Pipp - imagine now having to permanently carry two full suitcases around, because that's what you have lost, well done.
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cold ethyl

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That is a lot of weight already shifted so you should congratulate yourself. Even if you only owe 2lb a month that is nearly 2st a year and every pound lost is one less burden on your body. I'm currently finding fear a great motivator - I need to lose weight to minimise possibility of complications in future - suffering from health anxiety and having diabetes isn't best combination so I am determined to lose weight ASAP so I can lose a bit of the nagging fear too.
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42 kg is an impressive amount to have lost Pipp - imagine now having to permanently carry two full suitcases around, because that's what you have lost, well done.
I know, thanks @sanguine. I do wonder how I managed to function as heavy as that. Unfortunately that 42kg is now only around 35kg than when I was at my heaviest due to recent weight re-gain. I am still heavier than a lot of people who have reported on forum the weight they were when diagnosed, so a long way to go yet. However, i do have much to be thankful for, so will keep plodding on, and will be grateful for the info and support from other forum members.
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That is a lot of weight already shifted so you should congratulate yourself. Even if you only owe 2lb a month that is nearly 2st a year and every pound lost is one less burden on your body. I'm currently finding fear a great motivator - I need to lose weight to minimise possibility of complications in future - suffering from health anxiety and having diabetes isn't best combination so I am determined to lose weight ASAP so I can lose a bit of the nagging fear too.
Thanks @cold ethyl. That describes my feelings exactly.
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if i am the big pharmaceutical firm, i will be very sad to see people walking out of the diabetic range.
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So, after all that madness with the carb scoffing I found it extremely difficult to stop. Carb food is most definitely addictive to me, and I do not even enjoy it. Guess it could be a perverse eating disorder that is not comfort eating, more like punishment eating.
I have decided that I will return to Newcastle type diet. For those of you who advocate LCHF don't panic, as it really is a weight loss regime now rather than a blood glucose control diet I need. When I am ready, after shedding much of the weight I need to I will certainly look at Low carb diet. Without the high amount of fat I tried a few weeks ago.

I have decided to use the meter only occasionally. I know now that I appear to be able to eat most foods without ill effect other than weight gain. I have learned a lot over the last couple of months, about eating regimes, about myself and some of you. I am grateful to the majority of you who have been very supportive and encouraging.
Thank you
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I would've had a binge too - food has always been more than just nourishment in my life and the prediabetes forced me to stop medicating and self harming with it almost overnight but I do occasionally slip. Like today. I said to myself 'I'm only PREDIABETIC so why not?!'

Of course I'm regretting it now but that Chinese I had tonight will keep me going for at least a month now!

I think it's great you've lost so much and have sorted out your body's response to carbs. You'll get to where you need to be - it doesn't really matter how long it takes. Just get there.

My weightloss has really slowed down so I keep reminding myself my diet is about lowering BG and weightloss is secondary. This is all well and good til I go to docs and they insist on reminding me how lardy I am despite all my efforts to shed!!

I still can't believe how sedating carbs are for me nowadays. No wonder I was so tired all the time....

You can do it. Just do what works for you.

D xx

Sent from the Diabetes Forum App

Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.
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I still can't believe how sedating carbs are for me nowadays. No wonder I was so tired all the time....

D xx

Sent from the Diabetes Forum App

Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.

'Sedating'...thanks Deb, that's a good way to describe it. This will help me to resist carbs in the future if I look at them in this way.
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Honestly - I'd choose carbs over sleeping pills nowadays (not that I've ever had sleeping pills).

Last night after consuming about a fortnight's worth of carbs in one meal, I fell asleep THREE times before actually going to bed.

Why do we do it?!

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Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.


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I would've had a binge too - food has always been more than just nourishment in my life and the prediabetes forced me to stop medicating and self harming with it almost overnight but I do occasionally slip. Like today. I said to myself 'I'm only PREDIABETIC so why not?!'

Of course I'm regretting it now but that Chinese I had tonight will keep me going for at least a month now!

I think it's great you've lost so much and have sorted out your body's response to carbs. You'll get to where you need to be - it doesn't really matter how long it takes. Just get there.

My weightloss has really slowed down so I keep reminding myself my diet is about lowering BG and weightloss is secondary. This is all well and good til I go to docs and they insist on reminding me how lardy I am despite all my efforts to shed!!

I still can't believe how sedating carbs are for me nowadays. No wonder I was so tired all the time....

You can do it. Just do what works for you.

D xx

Sent from the Diabetes Forum App

Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.
Thank you @Debmcgee . The thing is, the binge was totally unexpected, and it lasted a month. Started off as a small experiment, to see what would spike my blood glucose, then when nothing did I just kept adding more and more high sugar foods to push limits. I regard myself as very fortunate I did not do any damage, because these were massive amounts of sugar.

You are right that food can be used as a form of self harm, that is why We need to be careful how we respond to posts as we never know who is vulnerable to this.

Please consider that with pre-diabetes you can still avoid the full nasty T2. You have been let down by medical practitioners if they have left you to get on with it. There is so much information and misinformation to confuse us. The fact that carbs make you sleep is worrying. That is how I was before diagnosis. I see carbs as poison now. I know they will do me harm.

I too, in the first instance, wanted a diet to sort my diabetes, weight loss was secondary. However, some people are never satisfied. Although very grateful and relieved to have seemingly normal blood glucose readings, I am still heavier than many people have reported they were at diagnosis. My fear is that as I get older (I am racing towards 60) diabetic levels will return along with all of the complications. I have seen that with my father, and don't want to do that to my kids. It was a decline of over 25 years, where he needed a lot of care. It was not living, it was existing.

Thank you @Debmcgee for believing I can do it. Please have that belief in yourself too. I repeat your words, "do what works"! You know that is not carbs for you.

Keep on reading and asking questions and getting the support you need on forum.
Be well