Does anbody think there is an afterlife

Lamont D

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W ondring if any body else have had really vivid an pre dictive dreams. That is ones that eventually
turned out to so.
Are you talking deja vu or dreams coming about in certain experiences?

For most of my life, I have had certain aspects of both.

The best ones are of dreams, that are not remembered on awakening or after, until the realisation that you really know you have dreamt it. I do believe that if you do remember dreams, wether vivid or not, if you get a situation so similar, your sub conscious tries to explain it to your conscious. But sometimes, you do know!
For me, deja vu is that feeling of familiarity in a face, shape or recognition that you have consciously seem something of someone very similar to whatever you are looking at. But it does weird you out!

Mind you being weird is what I am and do!
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The term "big boned" lol repeatedly told this growing up!
I can further promote your theory, with some reported paranormal experiences, can sometimes be brought about by illness. My experience of my lucid Technicolor dreams were mostly and I say mostly, not all, was when my hypo hell through RH, because of my lack of control before diagnosis.
There has been posters, saying that low blood glucose levels through the night correlate with memorable dreams. Also that many descriptions of weirdness can be put down to mental issues.
It's a good thing that weirdness is not put away in asylums now.
But there are others that cannot be explained.
Well my experiences have been validated in more ways than one and that's without the psychedelic drugs ;)
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It's hard to explain properly but some dreams are premonitions, (not big time, just about ordinary day to
things mostly).


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After my late husband died the TV came on for a minute, then went off.Well I was a bit afraid really and though for a minute did I put it on, but almost certain that I hadent.
After my late sister died I was sitting in the kitchen thinking about her then could hear the sound of the TV
Made sure this time that the sound wasent coming from anywhere else and went to the lounge where the TV
Is just as the sound was getting quieter and quieter and the TV wasent even turned on or plugged in
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The term "big boned" lol repeatedly told this growing up!
First of all Lamond D. I really th ink you should go (your choice) for a past life regress ion. I belived in

I had a friend who was classed as a Schizophrenic but became a clairvoyant and medium. There are also a lot of clairvoyant Catholics - me being one of them - a lapsed catholic that is ;) Makes you wonder about Nostradamus was he just lucky or were his prophesies correct.


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We all have our own belief in the end
A friend of mine said 'I am really afraid of dying'.I am not afraid of dying its too much suffering
that I am afraid of


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We went on this caravan holiday once to France. Had this feeling that someone was walking
around the caravan and wanted to break in.We went outside. Nobody there.Came home and a
neighbour said that exactly the time I was thinking that thought a burglar had attempted
To break into our house.


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We must all try and laugh sometimes Because a f friend of a friend was admitted to this mental
Hospital. They had this garden there. And his job was going round with this wheelbarough
collect ing all these weeds. They arrived there he was going around with this wheeba rough
u pide down with no weeds in. Why are you do ing that they said.'well otherwise they will
put something in he said.

Lamont D

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100% ( case closed ) obviously this beautiful life for rest keeps on going!
I'm sorry, but I haven't had a great life, I would term it up to now, is bloody hard work!
born in poverty, in a slum, had to work so hard in school to pass 11+, went to a grammar school, not one of the clique. Started working at fifteen, c could not get an apprenticeship, started work on motor manufacturers, production line for thirty five years, when wife was disabled had to start work again. Was made redundant wrongly, Cheated out of money by employers. Had to claim UC, till I retired, then and only then despite having court order and disability, could she claim PIP. Lost my savings for retirement, pensions not enough back again in poverty.

I fought and battled all my life, including diagnosis. If you have never been in real poverty, not having food in cupboard, no electricity or gas, cold, can't afford winter clothing or a decent coat. Having to beg for food, money, and looking after a disabled person who needs to be comfortable, but you just haven't the money.

I am one of those whose work pension is just above the government levels to claim benefits. This has been the predicament that has dogged us so much. The government levels are far to low, deliberately.

Most of my government pension goes on rent.
Most of my work pension, goes on energy, other housing costs, debt accrued from the last ten years (coincidentally) and the likes of paying water, BBC, and of course the council tax.

I have had some great moments in my life and am grateful for that. But I have had to put my body on the line, worked shifts, worked long shifts, and low pay in my letter years to pay for the right to live with a modicum of comfort. I am afraid of the future, again and again I have tried. Been turned down by my local council for a shower, a bath is beyond the wife, the council have already spent the budget, so we are on the list hopefully for next year. I have complained to my MP.

It just seems that my life makes up for my good health, which I have battled for, so I am able to look after the wife.

There is a saying that sticks with you when you have to battle for the class you are born into.

Life is s..t, then you die!

For every good life, there are many, many more, that don't get that chance!

Lamont D

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To be honest, for some reason I do not believe in this
hi @daniella8
Why do you say this?

There is in many different cultures, a different form of after life. Or something similar. I know through my experience of coincidences that through dreams and other weirdness. That everything is not as most would say paranormal.
The amount of of literature through the ages, is full of such instances. So there must be something out there.
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I also have had a lot of suffering in my life. Cancer, h omelessnes,e t c etc.
there comes a point when you th ink what is the point of all this suffering.
then I read and read.
to try and understand it all.
reading this book now E ckhart Tolle - Stillnes Speaks.(spiritual advisor)
A lot of it just makes sense.
He came to his enlightenment eventually through his suffering. He had been suicidal.
anyway won't go on about it now. But definitely a good read.

Why do some people get an easy life, and others suffer so much?

You ask me. Don't know really.

But would be nice to know that all the suffering was not all in vain.
about 'is there an afterlife'. I hope so. Because what ever happened I always tried and tried
even sometimes when I felt like giving up.

God bless. Xxxxx


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The next etc was I was nearlly killed by this paedophile when I was a bout 7 yrs old.
thought it was was last breath..All my life I have going back to that experiece . He nearly killed me
last breath. But the t thing is
He dident kill me and I
am still breathing .


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Humour is always good . B illy Connolly and his humour. Always gets me. Born in the Gorbals
In Glasgow. His mother left leaving him and his older sister to fend for their themselves. (5 and 3 yrs
old maybe)His father abused him. How was he able to be a comedian after all that.God knows.
and God Bless him.


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So Lamon D your life with all this suffering. What I always like about people is that they still try
And try and help other people. Well you have done t hat haven't you.You must have helped hundred
by now.and still tried and tried.So thank you also for that. Xxxxx


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Everybody go through phased in their lives. Can I do this, can I do that. Thing is we do it anywa.y
In the end.So the best thing after unconditional love is SELF LOVE.And if we can't love ourselves n the end.How are we really going o love anybody else


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So maybe the next thread should be maybe. Does anybody believe in 'A life before death'.Open to
answers As it is SELF LOVE in the end. (It's not selfish really).