Down from 23.5 to 5.9 in 8 weeks


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi, after been so unwell for a long time and not knowing what it was until my doctor tested my blood. And, found out my blood sugar was 23.5 that I found out I had Type 2 Diabetes. Ater,going on metformin 3 a day(the blood sugar wasn't coming down) then Diabetes Nurse put me on Trulicity a new Injection for T2, my sugar levels have come down. I feel much better and starting to look foward to a much better quality of life, losing weight the healthy way(never thought i would say that). Since being dignosed i have brought my sugar level down and have lost over 2.5stone.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Cauliflower pretending to be rice and any vegetable pretending to be pasta
Hi @Fay44

That is a sensational result and welcome to the forum. Please tell us a little re your diet as your weight loss is very impressive and must have taken some changes and effort to achieve
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi, after been so unwell for a long time and not knowing what it was until my doctor tested my blood. And, found out my blood sugar was 23.5 that I found out I had Type 2 Diabetes. Ater,going on metformin 3 a day(the blood sugar wasn't coming down) then Diabetes Nurse put me on Trulicity a new Injection for T2, my sugar levels have come down. I feel much better and starting to look foward to a much better quality of life, losing weight the healthy way(never thought i would say that). Since being dignosed i have brought my sugar level down and have lost over 2.5stone.
Well done
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi muzza3, i eat a lot of veg & only allowed to have 2 pieces of fruit a day(to keep my blood sugar down)I eat 2 weetabix at 8.30am. Have my lowfat yogurt and fruit at 12.30pm. Have lunch at 3.15pm can be salad,tuna,cucumber on brown bread.. mostly eat lots of fish/red meat/chicken..then eat about 6.30pm to 7pm have something to eat, i have noticed that im full faster,so,i just stop eating..i also,only use sweetners because,i know if i eat anything with sugar. I get really sick...i dont eat out that much and drink lots of water.. the medication that im on is helping a lot.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi muzza3, i eat a lot of veg & only allowed to have 2 pieces of fruit a day(to keep my blood sugar down)I eat 2 weetabix at 8.30am. Have my lowfat yogurt and fruit at 12.30pm. Have lunch at 3.15pm can be salad,tuna,cucumber on brown bread.. mostly eat lots of fish/red meat/chicken..then eat about 6.30pm to 7pm i have noticed that im full faster,so,i just stop eating..i also,only use sweetners because,i know if i eat anything with sugar. I get really sick...i dont eat out that much and drink lots of water.. the medication that im on is helping a lot.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Cauliflower pretending to be rice and any vegetable pretending to be pasta
Hi muzza3, i eat a lot of veg & only allowed to have 2 pieces of fruit a day(to keep my blood sugar down)I eat 2 weetabix at 8.30am. Have my lowfat yogurt and fruit at 12.30pm. Have lunch at 3.15pm can be salad,tuna,cucumber on brown bread.. mostly eat lots of fish/red meat/chicken..then eat about 6.30pm to 7pm have something to eat, i have noticed that im full faster,so,i just stop eating..i also,only use sweetners because,i know if i eat anything with sugar. I get really sick...i dont eat out that much and drink lots of water.. the medication that im on is helping a lot.
Thanks Fay
Listen they are great results and and thanks for the info. I couldn't get away with the bread and Weetabix as they tend to spike my sugar levels but we are all different and it has been working so well for you.Well done again!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Cycling, Exercise Classes
Congratulations on a fantastic weight loss, as others have said I could not get away with the weetabix and bread either so you are very lucky on that front.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Amazing Fay! think you are right the drugs help you as your were so high in the beginning.
im pre diabeteic AC1 6.4 I have been monitoring for a week and i know i can't do carbs definitely not bread or wheatabix. but i am also not on any medication. i have managed to get it down in the last week from 6.4 fasting to 5.4 fasting lets hope i can keep it up till its all under 5 reads all day :)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
I saw this article on hunger and though it would be interestng read for u guys.

Among mamy other things it says being worried about being hungry raises your stress levels which in turn raises your blood sugar levels. I found this reassuring as im bloody starving on my first week of cutting out carbs to get better results. X
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Humans that only take.
Well done. Lucky so n so on the bread. Stuff does me in. Even a slice.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
black jelly beans
Very well done @Fay44.!!!
Now that has been done so well you might ask your DSN whether you need now your medications or not .
That is, what are to pros and cons of continuing metformin and of continuing Trulicity.? ( that is good effects vs side-effects and long term effects.)
Also what is the best diet to follow in order to keep your weight down (and look up the Home page and the diets listed there for comparison)
Best Wishes and please keep posting !!!.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I'm afraid that Fa44 was last on the forum well over two years ago, so you are unlikely to get a response.