Eating-window Sunrise to Sunset IF regime


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The only 'far south' place without indigenous peoples is Antarctica, and it's distance from any other landmass will be very much why. But the nearest landmass to it - Tierra de Fuego - has (or rather had) indigenous people.
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Hi again @CatsFive. Of course 'the far south' was indeed - the Antartica. I'm sorry I did not make that clear. (Did I really not make that clear?!)

The population of Tierra de Fuego - 135,000. This is what I meant by sparsely populated.

Ditto the Inuit in the far north - sparsely populated region due to the challenging climate.

My friend from Northern Sweden is making jokes again - this time that these areas are sparsely populated due to parking considerations. You have to forgive him, he has personally shovelled enormous amounts of snow, dodged hanging ice, and chopped wood enough for one lifetime - he does not understand why this issue is still being discusssed.


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Well, I wondered if I was being too harsh by quoting my true northern-climes friend, and not taking the light and dark discussion seriously enough. You forget sometimes what it means being surrounded by folks for nigh on four decades who know what living north of the arctic circle is.

Aotearoa/NZ is in fact - a long way from the Antarctic, but many many optimistic Swedes looking at a map believed my southern polynesian homeland to have the same weather and conditions as Sweden. So believe me - I am well used to dealing with this kind of misconception. (Lattitude is everything!)

This just to remind - is why where you live on the globe, what lattitude your region lies on - how many 'daytime' hours in actual light you have to live in, etc, absolutely makes a difference about whether or not you would even consider alligning your eating window with when the sun is out.

So when I came across some lovely and interesting youtubes on the subject that have nicer folk than me discussing it, I have had them sitting on my desktop waiting to post in here. I mean - Jonna Jinton! What a sweetie pie she is. And I just happened to watch the movie 'Arctic Void' recently. And - a nice interview popped up today with a Kiwi working and living in the Antartic.

So here goes -

The lovely Jonna Jinton on a subject close to Swedes' hearts

For some great shots of the surrounds of Svalbard - a horror movie trailer (no native population says Wikipedia)

Nice Kiwis interviewing a nice Kiwi about how to survive extended daytime hours of darkness for long periods

Hope this helps explain.