Erratic control and loosing strength all of a sudden - help plz


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Hi all,

Hope you're all well. Ok so I'm been having a few problems over the last month or so thought I'd ask here, in the past 3/4 weeks my strength seems to be going down more and more for example I can usually do 3 sets of 10 ring pull ups no issues today I struggled to get 2-3 out in total, feels like I've kinda lost my get up and go if that makes sense.
My levels have not been stable either recently regularly bouncing (4 to 15 etc), and overnight hypers, this is not normal for me be as usual time in range is about 65-75% currently its about 40%., also noticed that randomly BGL level rises between 4-6pm by itself, can't be due to not enough basel as I take that at 12pm, due to rubbish levels getting appropriate nutrition has been hard.
I've also notice some hair loss recently which may or/may not be related.
Any ideas/pointers, am 47 been T1 for about 43 years and training since i was 15, currently train wights and calestanics 4 times a week, never really felt like this.
  • Erratic BGL?
  • Lack of proper nutrition due to **** levels
  • Getting old all a sudden?
  • Something else?
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Any ideas/pointers, am 47 been T1 for about 43 years and training since i was 15, currently train wights and calestanics 4 times a week, never really felt like this.
  • Erratic BGL?
  • Lack of proper nutrition due to **** levels
  • Getting old all a sudden?
  • Something else?

Honestly I'd see your GP about this. Could be any of the above or something else such as a vitamin deficiency or something much more serious.

Your GP will be able to do the range of blood tests necessary to make a diagnosis (if he can't immediately see the issue).

Of course an underlying issue (eg a urinary tract infection, from personal experience they don't always have symptoms) could be messing with your bgs etc.

Can I assume you know how to adjust basal and bolus when levels change? As I get older my needs have changed and erratic BGL could indeed be a reason for your problems.

can't be due to not enough basel as I take that at 12pm
Not quite sure how that follows? If your basal needs have increased then it doesn't really matter when you take it, you need more.

One final thought, have you had Covid recently? That can mess up your bgs and strength for ages....

Good luck.


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Yes agree it’s wise to see the GP and just check with them.

Personally I run 3-4 times a week and although been running 6-7 years my performance varies a lot, some days I can be strong and quick other days no energy and sluggish and lucky to manage 3 miles, personally I have noticed that when my levels are stable my performance improves but erratic control affects me, I put it down to the cells being replenished and energised when stable and rubbish when I’ve struggled to keep in range and cells have been deprived, that to me is just part of the course tho as long as I keep running regardless I am not losing fitness.
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Thanks folks, I'll get on to the GP to get some bloods taken. I usually excise 4 times a week 2 days back to back then a days break. May with the bad levels and lack of nutrition I'm not healing enough in time.