I've been busy trawling through the mass of NHS sites to find some clear info on what pumps are available. I know this question has been asked, and answered before, but I wanted to see some definitive info.
On my travels I came across the Centre for Evidence-based Purchasing (CEP), which is the department of the NHS which publishes recommendations on the use of medical devices. They have produced 'buyers guides' for a number of devices, including insulin pumps.
The guide covers all the aspects of choosing a pump, and also includes ratings based on the opinions of diabetics using the devices. I have provided a direct link to the guide as I feel it would be invaluable to anyone deciding on what they need from a pump.
This is publicly available information, so I hope that there is no issue with posting it here.
http://www.pasa.nhs.uk/pasa/Doc.aspx?Pa ... P08004.pdf